Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1692525-1022
by HosNos
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Death · #1692525
a lyuks battle to survive
A heart beat is heard. The coffin shakes the stone it was in shook the door began to open  he then stepped out and looked around he wore black leather pants with metal studs on the legs his eyes were blue and his hair blonde reaching to his mid back.  His skin was pale his body muscular. He felt some one in his under ground maze and he began to walk towards them.

A vampire named Dakkar entered the maze his troops following his face emotionless. He stood 6’4 slender, he had black long hair reaching to the ground. His skin was pale his fangs silver. He wears a long black trench coat and a red dress shirt with black dress pants and a black dress silk vest.. He slowly walked holding an ak-47 he finds a cross road. With 4 different paths. Split’s the soldiers up by 4 and takes off on the center right as the squads move out.

Not even 10 minutes later yelling is heard as a ground his demolished leaving just bones. The tomb is seen ahead. Dakkar moves to the tomb ripping it open it was empty. As another group yells for help as they die.

Dakkar runs towards the area seeing only bones the other group yells leaving him with 3 soldiers 3 miners. “keep your eyes out we gotta kill him stay close”

Foot steps are heard then a laughing the man steps out blood all over his hands “ready  to die?”

Dakkar laughs “are you?!”

Peraskus grins and appears behind him the miners and soldiers dead her looks to Dakkar “bring it then”

Dakkar leaps at him punching at him the punch being caught he was then thrown into the maze wall before two wing spikes come out of Peraskus’ back and stabs through Dakar’s heart killing him.

Peraskus walks towards the exit “the rest of the world to go”

Chapter 2.

Peraskus flies above the city watching  the city he notices a lycan  he was Seratsu a muscular young lycan he felt the energy by the time he turned around he was impaled. The lycan begins to transform scratching at Peraskus  who dodged oulling his wings out and laughed “come on” seratsu runs at him trowing his claws around as Peraskus  dodges before sliceing across his chest then stomach before ripping his head off.

A few officers saw and began shooting at him. The bullets hit with noi effect he merely turned and walked towards them as they called for back up. Peraskus  grabs and throws the car as more cars surrond he begins killing the cops as he destroyed the cars.

A bazooka fired. Peraskus  dodges and looks to the man it was a human working for a temple they moved after him only to lose his head as Peraskus  chopped oit off with part of his razor like wings the took flight again.

On an island and temple of monks spooke before they sent one to stop him a monk named Samuel.

Greoas waits at the next city he was a chubby man with fat cheeks he had on a leather vest and had a long grey beard and long grey hair he had on blue jeans and a black long sleeve shirt. Watches and waits his weapons were, switch blades shot guns and other weaponry.

Peraskus  lands and laughs “another?”

Greoas grins “time to die” he starts up his motorcycle and road past the other firing into his back with a sawn off 22gauge.

Peraskus  falls then quickly stands up before being shot again as the motor cycle road around him. Peraskus  growls “enough” he takes the sawn off shot gun and throws it as a few switch blades silver were thrown into his chest making blood poor from his wounds he sliced the bikers chest with a switch blade before being whacked hard in the side of the head with a lock on a peace of cloth.

Peraskus  growls and grabs the biker by his throat crushing it before tossing him away

Peraskus  looks around then feels energy beams sluice through his body blood leaks from his both as he falls to his hands and knees “fuck”

Samuel a monk in a green road with pink hair spiked off to the side and glasses on stood there “die” energy lances were fired into Peraskus  body over and over one after another filling him with holes he grabbed Samuel’s robe and left a blood mark before falling dead.

Chapter 3

Keoask a young man of the age of 18 wore black hakama pants and a black kimono he began walking the streets his hair black and in a samurai ponytail he grinned seeing Samuel and his green energy sword.

Keoask draws his sword and runs at Samuel the two exchanging blow for blow until the dead lock was broke and Samuel’s head flew off.

Keoask began walking away towards a lycan camp where he soon found a lycan  Xeriafut the alpha of the pack saw him and readied growling as he ripped out of his clothes into his lycan form he swung his mighty claws cracking the ground as the two fought Keoask blocked with his s2word before slicing off the lycan’s arm before he sliced and diced the lycan and walked away towards a vampire strong hold.

Ouraus wore a ninja like outfit with duo ninja swords he waited as the one named  Keoask  approached his swor4d soon clung again the others two the two fought back and forth blood splattering as Keoask lost his right arm before sliceing the other in half.

Keoask fell to the ground and nodded “as you wish master” he sliced off his own head.

Chapter 4

The vampire lord Baltzar a man with blood red spiked up hair and wore black pants and a green long sleeev shirt with black combat boots waited grinning

The Lycan alpha Lurasuk a black wolf watched

Terasav walks into the middle and laughs he had long black hair reaching to his ass and wore black jeans and a black leather vest. Looks to the vam,pire and prepares “come on”

Batlzar runs at him unleashing a barrage of punches and kicks few landing and Terasav punches through baltzar and threw him aside as the Lycan alpha charged at him. Terasav throws the Lycan through a few trees then runs as him punching his face to a bloody pulp as baptizer nears before trying to slice open Terasav instead he lost his arm.

Terasav kills the l;ycan by snapping his neck before punching into the vampires heart destroying the heart internally.

Terasav looks around “Kain! Abel! Come on!”

A man in a red robe and a man in a white robe appeared they both wielded duo swords and ran at him both trying to kill him. Terasav picks up batlzar’s sword and begins to use it as a block as he dodges before slicing off able and Karn’s left and right arms. The two then fought as one against him as he tried to defend himself

Terasav growls and slices both their heads off then walks away he was the superior being on the planet atg the lost of two friends

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