Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1693481-One-Last-Time
Rated: GC · Short Story · Romance/Love · #1693481
Nayana's obsessive love for Ethan manifests in an unusual way.
Seated in the passenger seat of the swanky BMW, Nayana’s mind obsessed about some impending doom. It had all started when Ethan had called her early that morning. His voice, which never failed to flutter her heart, had on that day swamped her with depression and worry.

“Get ready, Nayana. I’ll pick you up in an hour,” was all that he had said, but his tone just hadn’t sounded right.

True, he had hugged and kissed her as usual, but Nayana could feel the distinct lack of ardor. Now, sitting by his side as he negotiated the twists and turns of the hilly trail, she stole sideward glances at him. His unwavering concentration on the road and his reticence, both alien to his nature, palled the plush interiors of the car with gloom. Is this the beginning of the end?she wondered all the way until they finally reached his leisure cottage nestled deep in the woods.

They entered the cabin holding hands and Nayana watched his taut hips stretch his jeans as he bent and lighted the fireplace.

He rose and glanced at her. “We need to talk, Nayana."

Her eyes stared at the smoldering logs he had lit . Will all the dreams we spun together burn away as well? she thought in silence.


She turned to face him, tightening her folded arms closer against her bosom. In spite of the warmth from the fireplace, she felt cold, and her thin white blouse offered little resistance against the chill. No stranger to that house, its sudden hostility confounded her.

Ethan began to talk, his voice almost inaudible. “My parents don’t want…”

Nayana cut him off. “I don’t want to hear, Ethan. Can you do something for me?”

His blue eyes stared at him in bewilderment. “Tell me, Nayana.”

“Hold me and make love to me one last time. You may return to your parents after that. I promise to never bother you again.”

Coming close to her, Ethan drew her into his embrace. Suddenly, the mystery of the house’s sudden inhospitability cleared. Inside the cottage, they would always be entwined with each other. Cocooned in the heat of his body, she would feel warm and comfortable, just like she felt against his chest now. As he lifted her up in his arms and began to climb up the stairs, she flung her arms around his neck and kissed him deeply all the way.

Balanced in his arms like a bride, Nayana kicked open the bedroom door for him to enter and place her on the floor. Their mouths locked in a passionate embrace while he caressed her body through the flimsy material of her blouse. She could feel his excitement rise as it grinded against her belly through his trousers. Just his touch and his breath upon her neck set her body aflame with desire. No other lover before him had made her feel so alive. In his company, she had discovered the joys and attained the fulfillment of womanhood.

She whispered into his ears. “Give me a few moments. I’ll come from the bathroom.”

Knowing that his eyes would be pasted on her shapely butt, she sashayed across to the bathroom. My last time with him, she thought, staring at the mirror over the sink. Expressive blue eyes gazed back in melancholy. In one single stroke, all her dreams of marrying into the illustrious Bradford family, and bearing children who would be the sole inheritors of that illustrious title and their vast riches were pounded into dust. However, these disappointments paled into insignificance compared to what she felt. It was him, her soul pined and heart lamented for. Memories of his sparkling eyes, unkempt blonde hair, unshaved face, gentle voice, sensuous touch, ardent kisses, playful smiles, mischievous pranks, unreasonable stubbornness, childish petulance, intense possessiveness, had etched themselves in her mind with an indelible ink. She adored every minute thing about him, good or bad.

His worried voice outside the door stirred her reverie. “Nayana, are you alright?”

“Yes, Ethan. Just give me a minute.”

Nayana splashed water on her face, hoping to get temporary respite from her sadness. She wanted the final consummation of their relationship to be ethereal. Touching the auburn hair framing her oval face, she cast one last look at the features that had won Ethan’s heart, stripped her clothes and walked out naked.

She walked over the trail of Ethan’s carelessly strewn clothes and reached the bed. He reclined on his side facing her. Gracefully, she slinked onto the space beside him and laid on her back.. Ethan leaned over her and pressed his lips to hers while her hand reached below and grasped his throbbing arousal.

Feeling the silky caresses of her fingers, indescribable sensations flooded Ethan’s minds. She had been an eager student, and he had trained her well in the delicate art of lovemaking. Her soft touches teased him, and he began to sigh with pleasure. He released her lips, and planted hot kisses on the sensitive skin of her slender neck. The act generated its desired effect. Her hand began to pump him with greater urgency and the fingers of her other free hand entangled in his hair.

Ethan extricated himself from her hand. She pouted her lips with petulance, but a deep sigh escaped from her lips when he grabbed her white breast in his hand and inserted the erect nipple within his mouth. He nibbled and sucked both of her breasts as she writhed and moaned on the bed. Trailing down her belly with his tongue, the musky smell of her arousal hit his nose. Immensely pleased, he finally reached the juncture between her legs and stared in wonder at the glistening red petals of her femininity.

The sight stoked his libido, and all his resistance crumbled. Smelling deeply the heady aromas of her releases, he brought his mouth closer to his object of fascination and rolled his tongue along the length of the wet cleft. Nayana clutched the bed sheets and raised her folded knees in the air. He kissed the smooth lips of her labia, swelled with need. Marveling at the soft texture, he lapped up the secretions of her excited flesh which had deposited over her womanhood in the form of thick creamy globs. His tongue slid below her clitoral hood, and twirled around the swollen nub. Her shapely thighs locked around his head as she rubbed her moist flesh against his face and scaled her first climax of the night.

“I want you inside me, Ethan,” she murmured.

His shaft almost burst with his need, and he could feel his seed simmer within his testicles. In a swift move, he positioned himself between her thighs, held the base of his arousal and traced the contours of her slit with the crown of his thickness. His penis got sucked into the vortex of her need. Aided by her copious lubrication, he plunged into her creamy depths. She dropped her eyelids, perhaps, to enable her body to withstand the ravages of relentless dissipation.

Immersed within her warmth, his rod seemed welded to her vagina, whose tight clutch created exquisite friction. Ethan began to gyrate his pelvis, his manhood filling and stretching her love muscles to the core. The base of his shaft rubbed upon her excited clit, and she clenched her teeth. Her body tensed signaling the onset of orgasm. Clawing his back, she locked her legs around his hips, as pleasure waves blessed her soft body. The convulsions of her vaginal muscles tipped him over the precipice. He pressed his body against her womanly curves and erupted within her creamy folds.

Ethan savored the convulsions of her unyielding softness as it squeezed and extracted every drop of milk from his shaft. He kissed her, and felt her kiss back, before he rolled off her body. Pulling her into his chest, he smiled when she said, “I’ll always love you Ethan.”

“I’ll also love you forever, Nayana. What I wanted to tell you is that I’ve decided to leave my parents and come live with you while I look for a job. It means that we’ll no longer drive a BMW, but your simple Chevy. This’ll be our last time in this cabin. I can give up the Beresford name, but cannot imagine life with you. Is that okay with you, my Princess?” he asked.

She didn’t reply.


Still, no reply. He sat up with a start, and stared in horror at her lifeless eyes. Clutching and shaking her shoulders, he shook her violently. “Nayana, answer me!”

Ethan’s heart sank. He feared the worst. Placing his legs on the floor, he rushed to the bathroom and saw the syringe and phial of succinylcholine placed on a letter above the sink. Only later, he’d know that Dr. Nayana Jones had used her knowledge of chemistry to end her life with a poison that would take over an hour to take effect. Just enough for her to make love to him one last time. He collapsed to his knees and began to howl at his loss, clutching the letter to his heart. It read, “ I cannot imagine life with you Ethan. I want to die in your arms. This letter will prove that you are not responsible for my death, but that I killed myself.”

Word Count: 1568
© Copyright 2010 Prof Moriarty (profmoriarty at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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