Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1695062-My-Love-never-dies-part-1
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Emotional · #1695062
This is a story of a girl loving a perfect boy
I can't believe it , he's right here standing in front of me, hair a magnificent dark brown that swayed in the slight breeze, eyes so blue they twinkled in the sun, and a face , that makes me melt every time I look at it, He's mine, really and I can't get over that. I love him, more than anything and the fact he'd chose someone like me to call his own is unbeievable , I mean I'm not good looking, and I'm so weird that the thought of someone like him would even think about me , well it's just unreal.

"Daisy, your day dreaming again" Sam lightly laughed, I love his laugh , you can't help but laugh along.
"oops, sorry" I muttered blushing a crimson red.
"Don't worry about it, I like the way, you look at me, it makes me feel special"
The thing is , he seemed to think that he was lucky to have me!
"Come on, you don't want to stand here all day, do you?" He lips lightly brushed the top of my hair.
"No, come on, I think everyone is already down here" I said.

I still remeber the day I first saw Sam, he seemed to take a real interest me from the very start. It was in school, when he first moved here from England. He was put in my class and everyone seemed to like him, he had and still has the same effect on people. Me and my best friend Hayley were sitting in the Library because it was pouring down out side, and Hayley's boyfriend Mark came over with Sam and a few other guys.

While Hayley was talking to Mark, I found myself amazed with Sam , I mean he had made friends with a snap of his fingers, and they seemed to really like him to, but apart from that he was really good looking, it made you feel insuperior to him. But one of the other guys Tom, nudged Sam when he caught me staring open mouthed at him. The normal boy would have asked me what I was looking at or something, but not Sam.

He just looked at me , and a smile spread across his face and he said " Hello, I'm Sam, and your?"
and all I could stutter was "Emm, uhh" because his voice was the most soft thing, you would ever hear.
He just laughed and said "So you don't talk?, I'll have to work at that!" And with a wink he walked of.
And all Hayley said was "Smooth, Daisy, Smooth"

But the thing is , it didn't stop there, when I got out of school, I was walking home, I was texting and not really watching were I was going and I bumped straight into someone. It was Sam. What was he doing here?
"Oh, I'm sorry" I mumbled
"It's ok, but I have to admit, that was one way to make you talk" He laughed
" I guess your right" I laughed along side him, it was the easiest thing in the world.
"So where do you live then?" he asked
"About 2 streets away, Kinbelton Mannor?"I replied with a squeak.
" Oh thats near me, I live a bit further away than that, Georgeton mannor!" he smiled
"Wow , that's weird" Was all I could manage.

The conversations continued like that for around 2 months , and it was a regular thing , He'd come to mine in the morning , and we'd walk to school and then we'd walk home together, and we'd also been hanging around and going out places with Hayley, Mark and a few other people but we always ended up talking, and I actually have so much in common with him, we have a lot to talk about. But one night it was a bit different, He called to my house and asked me , did I want to go a walk, and I said sure, I was expecting more people but no one was there.

We walked to a local park , and sat on a bench, it was getting dark and the sun was going down, it was so beautiful, it seemed wrong to talk. We sat there just looking at the scenery, I don't know how long it was but it felt so right, I kept wanting to touch his hair , the way it glistened in the night made it look like a brilliant black. I gave up looking around me, and concentrated on him, he was beautiful sitting there, he was slumped but not in a lazy way, in a more peaceful way, he had his arm bent over the back of the bench and his eyes were concentrated on the sunset , the way his eyes glistened made me look at him in awe.

He turned round to see I was staring at him, and I must of had a goofy look on my face because he just silently laughed. He was just staring at me, smiling. I really just wanted to reach out and hug him. He opened his mouth as if to say something, then shut it closed again because he didn't want to break the scilence.

Another few minutes past and he said " If I were to ask you something, would you say yes?" He asked with a whisper.
" That depends on what it is, but yes" I answered
"Ok, well , do you want to go out with me?" He asked, looking scared as if I was about to hit him.
"Yes" Was all I could manage.
He leant over and kissed me softly on the lips.

That is the night I will always remeber , it was so perfect and natural, and I just wanted it to last forever.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
"Daisy, I think you need to sleep or something!" He laughed
"Oh, sorry daydreaming again?"
"yes!, But we really need to get a move on, Hayley and Mark are already down there, he just text."
"oh, ok" I replied with a sigh, that might ahve sounded really bad, but I hated it now when we went out with them, I really would rather it was just us, I mean you never get any privacy. Don't get me wrong I love Hayley and Mark has kind of become a best friend, the other guys have been really nice aswell, but you just can't get talking.

"So, do you want to come round tonight?" Sam asked
"Really?" I said, surprised, I'd never been in , or seen his house in the 4 and 1/2 months i've been going out with Sam.
"You sound shocked, your my girlfriend, arn't you entitled to see my house?" He laughed.
" Ok, are you sure?"
"Yeah , really, I'll come and walk you round at about 7?" He asked
"Ok, that sounds good" I smiled.

We finally got to the beach, Hayley has been planning this for ages and I really didn't want to let her down, even though I really did not want to go.
"Daisy!" She shouted, she ran up and gave me a hug, she seemed so excited!
"Hey, Hayley!"
"I'm so glad you two are here, your the last ones!" she beamed!
"Yeah, that wasn't my fault!, it was Daisy daydreaming!" Sam laughed
"Yeah, Daisy you are very dippy!" Hayley laughed along
"Hey, im just easily distracted that's all!" I protested

The beach turned out to be good fun, we all sat in a circle, and played a classic game of dares, and then Dylan, Sam's friend produced a guitar and had us all singing really bad cheesy songs, but I'm glad I went , it was a good day.

Sam walked me back to my house and he kissed me goodbye, I stood at my door watching him for a few seconds before running into the kitchen to tell my mum were I'd be. I ran up the stairs to my room and the panick began, what do I wear?
I rumaged through my wardrobe for about an hour or two, and I checked the time, Oh dear , Sam was going to be here in around a half hour.

I ended up wearing a navy blue top, with stars across the top, and a pair of light jeans and a grey hoodie, with some converse.I was going to look like a freak, not the impression you wanted to put on your boyfriends parents, and infact never mind them, your boyfriend.

At exactly 7 on the dot Sam knocked, I opened the door and smiled, It had been raining outside and his hair was dripping, but the raindrops sparkled, on his hair, were as, on me I would have looked like a drowned rat.
"Hey, you ready?" He smiled
"Just about" I smiled back

The walk to his house was really peaceful we just talked about Music, Life and friends. As we got nearer to his house I began to feel nervous.
"Sam" I paused
"Yeah, whats wrong?" He looked worried
"What if they don't like me?" I murmured
"Daisy, I know they will like you, don't worry about it" And with that he hugged me tight.

Sam was right they did seem to like me. At the start I could hardly utter a word to them. I mean if you had of seen them, you would understand now. I mean Mrs George is really beautiful , she has, fantastic red hair , and brilliant brown eyes, and Mr George is just as beautiful, his hair a brilliant black and his eyes a golden brown, they seemed like the perfect family, with a perfect house aswell , it was truly magnificant, it was the biggest house, i'd ever layed eyes on, full of windows , and very fancy aswell.


That's the end of part 1 , part 2 soon
© Copyright 2010 Jemma Ferguson (jemma101 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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