Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1699046-The-Crimson-Sky
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Dark · #1699046
Sarah waits for her old friend on the beach. only to find she is waiting for her demise.
Part 1

The sun drifted lazily down the horizon, gleaming its crimson light across the evening sky. I sighed heavily and rubbed my drowsy eyes. Seagulls called while the ocean gently lapped the beach.

Whats taking him so long?  I stared out into the forest behind me, watching the shadows creep closer into the evening. I turned my attention back to the sunset, sketching the pink clouds that stretched across the bright sky.

"Its been a while." I jumped.
"ROWLAND!" I dropped my sketch book, running into a tackling hug. "I missed you so much!" I whispered softly.
"As did I." he smiled mysteriously and patted my head. He was a slim, neat looking man in his mid twenties who was strangely dark with a trim exterior. His short, messy hair shivered in the wind. I always loved that brownish black hair. I smiled back. "The evening is quite lovely," he mused.
"Yeah, isn't it pretty?" I scooped up my sketch book and showed him my drawing.
"Oh, you're still drawing? It's very good. I am sure you'll become a great artist one day"
I giggled. "How is your book coming along?" I asked eagerly.
"Quite good, I suppose," he went quiet. "There's something I must tell you Sarah..." he uttered darkly.
"What is it?" I was afraid of the urgency in his voice.
"You see...the reason why I haven't seen you in so long is because....I was bitten..." he replied sickeningly.
"Bitten by what?" I didn't understand. Why was he being so serious? Usually he was very kind and carefree, as well as level-headed and quiet.
"I was bitten by a vampire," he grimaced.
"W-what? Is this some kind of joke?" I was afraid of his expression. It was painful, like he stepped on a nail, but also like he was hungry.

Hungry for me.

I stepped back, shaking.
"No....unfortunately this is no joke." His eyes turned crimson, as crimson as the sunset. I was afraid of what was next. His lips parted, revealing two gleaming white fangs. "I am sorry," he whispered.

"NO!" I ran desperately down the beach trying to get my footing in the sand. I sprinted as fast as I could, dodging rocks and broken shells. But he was faster, effortlessly keeping up with my pace with a look of sadness on his face, waiting for me to trip. He didn't have to wait long because I tripped on a rock and did a face plant into the soft sand.

"No-no" I sputtered, spitting out the sand in my mouth. He crouched down beside me and picked me up by my jacket pulling away my scarf.
"I really am sorry," he whispered
"No...." I cried softly, exhausted from the sprinting. I made one last attempt at escaping by kicking with the strength I had left. It was useless.
"Goodbye dearest Sarah."

Pain shot up my neck, making its way all through my body, burning me. This was the end. I was sure. As sure as the blackness creeping across my vision sending me into unconsciousness. Or worse, into the afterlife.
© Copyright 2010 BrookenGale (anime77lover at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1699046-The-Crimson-Sky