Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1699824-Owl-Song
by Amay
Rated: E · Short Story · Animal · #1699824
Peace in the morning
Owl Song

The full moon shone brightly through the naked tree limbs. Each footstep that was taken produced a crisp crunch on the fallen leaves. The dog bounded ahead on its lead. He knew his way home. Reaching the clearing, she paused; the cottage was just ahead. The soft glow from the windows let her know that he was still up.

She looked back toward the creek, where she had gone to ponder, not sure of any wisdom gained by the late night meditation. In the distance, she heard the owl. He had often called when she would go out. Before she went in, she turned, observing the stark contrast of the leafless trees against the brilliantly shining moon. She listened as his mate returned his call. Then, she turned and walked into the cottage.

The night walk had done its magic and lulled her into a peaceful sleep. Dreams of tender times wafted through her subconscious. The rest relaxed her and rejuvenated her spirit. Somewhere in that dream like state, she heard the owl’s song. She heard them calling to each other, being there for each other, supporting and caring for each other. Their tender song upon silent wings touched her soul.

First light, refreshed and recharged for a new day, she awoke. Sniffs, kisses and persistent whines let her know it was time for another walk. Prepared for another brisk morning she opened the door. The sun’s glow was just starting to crest behind the woods. Each limb was backlit against a palette of brightening violet. The pup was not interested in the beauty of the moment, as he started pulling on his lead.

As the sun climbed higher, the walkers headed back to the creek. Their breath created the only clouds in the air. The crunch of the leaves underfoot, the only sound as the woods began to wake. The sun crested the hill as they reached the creek. Sunlight glistened on every limb. The needles of the cedars coated with frost sparkled like a Christmas tree. The waters babbling song calmed the walkers. Birds eagerly joined in the chorus. Time stood still, as the wood was transformed from the drab winter nakedness, into a glistening place of wonder. In the distance, she heard the owl call.
© Copyright 2010 Amay (amay5prm at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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