Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1705402-It-Comes-in-Waves
Rated: 13+ · Poetry · Health · #1705402
A rant about our food.
It comes in waves.
Eat this, eat that.
It's healthy, It's good!
Network after network,
magazine after magazine,
website after website
pushing their manufactured wellness,
their stylized snake oil.

General Mills
and his band of bullies.
Captain Cargill works the alleys.
A dealer on every corner,
pushing on children,
on babies, moms and pops.
Don't like their shit?
Killer Kellog will rip your heart out!

There is a way,
a path through this evil.
It's a simple road,
not lighted with signs.
though not hard to find.
It's well trodden, not busy.
It's right in front of you.
Eat real food!

\* FYI I know very little about poetry. I haven't read or studied it since high school. That was a long time ago.
The first line/title just came to me while watching tv and part of my brain was thinking about writing something. I wrote it down and the lines came quickly. I don't know if I followed any named style or not.

Any thoughts for improvement appreciated
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