Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1707580-The-Shower
Rated: GC · Short Story · Erotica · #1707580
Beth needs a strong man to shower her affections.
WC 869

The Shower

I was on the dolly, underneath the ’46 Studebaker, when I heard the shop door open and close.

“Who is it?” I called out to Jake…

“You won’t believe it,” he answered.

Rolling back, I heard giggles. It was Beth and Clarisse. They were dressed in Jogging attire. They danced around the cars like two celebrating athletes. Then Clarisse pulled off the top to her sweat suit and Beth did the same, perky breasts spilling out. Pirouetting about, they laughed hysterically at the expressions on our faces. I sat up as Beth danced over and straddled, gyrating; then she reclined on top and we kissed.

“What are you doing here?” I asked catching my breath.

“Clarisse and I thought we’d stop by for cocktails. Get it?…Cocktails!”

I looked over my shoulder and saw Jake pushed backwards onto the fender; Clarisse unbuckling his belt.

I carried Beth to my office and laid her on the couch She slipped out of her bottoms as I tore my clothes off.

“Don’t be so eager!” she scolded. “I brought you something.” She held up a box containing a cyber skin phallus.

“Why do we need this?” I asked, “Am I not ample enough for you?”

“That part is just fine,” she replied. “It’s sized right and very fulfilling but right now I need something more. Right now I need a twinge of excess.”

“Is this going to be like the restraints?”

“Sort of,” she said with a half smile…“Sometimes I need a brute…a big strong man, to excite the dark side of my personality.”

A package of lubricant came inside the box. As I pulled the life-like enhancement out, her eyes glowed in a mixture of awe and trepidation.

“Put it on,” she insisted, impatiently.

It slipped on like a prophylactic extending the girth and length of my manhood. Simultaneously, Beth took the wrapping off the lube and applied it generously to herself and the skin like texture of the dildo.

“Where do these compulsions of yours come from?” I asked.

“Who knows? but right now I need to be mastered…I want you to humble me, make me tremble and beg.”

“This is kinky,” I replied but my heart wasn’t in it. Already my breath was coming fast and the skin-like extension was stretching to the full limits of its potential.

“Let’s do it in the shower,” said Beth excitedly. She slid the door open and stepped in, turning on the water. Steam began to rise as she lathered her body.

I followed, pinning her up against the cabinet. She soaped my chest as I guided the tip inside.

She groaned. It was more than anticipated. Hot water rained down as I pushed deeper.

“Slow down,” she pleaded, “Damn you, Frank…give my body a chance.”

I paused as she tried to adjust. “This was your suggestion…“

“So, I'm a little out of control. So I need to be dominated.. Every woman needs that. Think you're man enough?”

“Beware of what you ask,” I warned. My abdomin pressed and she rose up onto her tiptoes. Vapor filled the stall, condensing on the glass.

Her breath caught, “It’s so big!” she cried out. I continued easing deeper, coming at last to the limit. Withdrawing, I pulled back ‘til the mushroom was poised once more.

“Don’t don’t!" she squealed, anticipating what was coming. Her hands gripped my shoulders, mine on her hips as the nozzle spurted in hot jets. Spreading wide and planting her feet, she closed her eyes. “Beast!" she uttered....”

“Grrrr!” I snarled, sending it plunging once more.

“Oh God! The load,” she cried out, “it’s too much to bear.”

I began stroking….our wet soapy bodies slipping together. It was tight and Beth was struggling.

“Do me!, ” she cried out.

“Then give me what I want!” I insisted, slapping her hip.

“Tell me! I’ll give you anything. ”

I increased the tempo. I could barely see now so thick was the haze. “Oh Gawd!” she uttered.

“Show me the darkness,” I taunted, “Open the door to that black soul of yours.”

“I’m trying,” she whimpered, pinned against the dripping wall.

“You’re holding back…and I hate it when a woman does that!“

Her eyes were pleading. Her back arched in answer as the spray rained down.

“I’m coming...!!” Beginning to climax she thrashed about, yearning for relief in a mist of hot desire.

Throwing aside scruple I unleashed the wolf. Her eyes glazed over; her mouth opened wide and her will evaporated in a surge of passion. “Take it, the door's open!" she gasped clutching me tight.

“Good girl…! Better, much better. I love it when you cooperate.”

She began to quiver and shake in gushes of orgasmic relief, as her prickly flower rubbed feverishly with yearning and excitement.

Inside the cyber toy I felt myself come, Taken with a paroxysm of coughing I throbbed, swelling and relaxing with each hacking spasm.

“Breath deep,” she implored, sliding back the door. Clouds of mist filled my office and I began to calm down.

“Don’t die on me.”

“How about you Honey?” I finally managed.

“I’ll be sore for a week.”

“I’m really sorry.”

“Yeah! I just bet you are.”

© Copyright 2010 percy goodfellow (trebor at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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