Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1718577-Once-Upon-an-Orgasm
Rated: XGC · Short Story · Erotica · #1718577
Cinderella ain't got nothing on Jazmina Klein...who gets exactly what she wants!
Jazmina Klein, Mina to her friends, was sitting in the chair behind her desk counting the days remaining until her 25th birthday…94 days exactly. What a mess her life had become since her father died 2 years ago. The phone at her desk rang. “KGA Productions, Mina speaking. How may I direct your call…Yes, just one moment, let me see if she’s in?” Hitting the hold button, she set the phone down and went back to staring at the calendar on her screen. After a few minutes, she picked the phone back up, “I apologize; unfortunately she is currently in a meeting. I will let her know that you called…Yes, thank you, have a great day.” She hung up.

“Mina, did you pick up my dry cleaning?” Her step-sister Ginna had a high-pitched nasally voice that bit into her thoughts.

“Of course Ginna, it’s in your dressing room.”

“Don’t forget to pick up my dog on your way home, and Amber needs you to stop at the store for her prescription as well…Oh, by the way, did Mom talk to you yet?”

Wondering if she was ever going to shut up, Mina said, “No I have not talked to her today.”

“Just you wait.” With those parting words she flounced off, her 6-inch heels teetering with her imbalance. Ginna was not pretty by industry standards, but then, in the porn industry, the standards were pretty high. Ginna had sallow-yellow hair and nearly gray eyes. Her skin was pale and looked washed out against the bright yellow and orange clothes she favored.

Mina heard the door open and saw Amber walk in. She too was wearing 6-inch heels with her floor-length black trench coat tied at the waist. She was actually too skinny for industry standards, looking to be on the wrong side of the anorexic-look line. Her black hair was dull and her skin was nearly orange with the self tanner that she favored. She walked by without a word, headed straight for her dressing room.

If it weren’t for her step-mother taking over her father’s porn studio, those girls would be sleeping their way across Hollywood instead of acting like they owned the place. They flitted from club to club each night flaunting skin no one wanted to see and soliciting attention no one wanted to give. They were frequently labeled in tabloids and popular blogs as the “Piranhas of the Porn Industry”.

Before he had died, her father had built the studio into an empire, Succubus Productions had been a name that inspired awe, and now, reduced to KGA Productions, the studio had nearly been black-listed by anyone of importance. As a professional courtesy, the other directors and studio heads included Karla in industry functions, but it was out of respect for Mina that they continued to do so. She had once been the sweetheart of the porn industry, seen at nearly every function on her father’s arm, she had led a charmed life. Now she was reduced to being the studio’s bitch…for another 94 days. Then the studio reverted to her. Her step-mother had done her best in court to try to contest the will that left nearly everything to her husband’s daughter on her 25th birthday, but she had not had any luck.

Mina was grateful to her lawyer Alex Stone. Alex had been her father’s lawyer and had reverted loyalties to her when he had died. Alex had ensured that nothing, and no one, threatened the inheritance that Mina was poised to inherit. Mina was having lunch with Alex later that afternoon and it was the one thing she was looking forward to. The light on her phone blinked indicating that Karla was paging her. She picked up the phone with a sigh. “Yes, Karla?”

“Don’t take that tone with me Jazmina. You get your ass in here right now.”

Mina trudged down the hall and entered her step-mother’s office. She looked around briefly, noting how hideously decorated it was and had a brief thought about how she would re-decorate the office when it was rightfully hers. She must have smiled.

“What is so funny Jazmina?”

“Nothing Karla, did you need something?”

“Did Brandon Graves call for me this morning?”

“Yes, he did call this morning, but your instructions were that you were unavailable all day today. I advised him you were in a meeting and would call him back.”

Karla’s skin turned nearly purple, and her eyes widened, showing the red veins that surrounded her iris. She was not pretty by any means, and Mina had often wondered what her father had been thinking. “Fucking idiot. When Brandon Graves calls, he gets anything he wants, do you understand me? Are you fucking dense? He’s the fucking Porn King for god’s sake.”

“I’m sorry Karla, I didn’t realize…”

“It’s not like I am surprised Jazmina. You aren’t really any brighter than your father was. Get out, and don’t make this mistake again. I won’t keep paying for your keep if you can’t keep your fucking instructions straight.” She waved her perfectly manicured fingers in a gesture of dismissal.

Mina walked out fuming, and ran straight into Amber. “Fucking klutz. Get out of my way Mina.” Amber pushed past her into her mother’s office and Mina escaped back to her desk, noticing that Ginna had made her way to her mother’s office as well. Something must be going on, she thought. She grabbed her purse and her keys and left the building. It was a short walk to the trendy little bistro where she was meeting Alex, so she decided not to take her car.

She walked into the bistro and the waiter smiled and waved her to her usual table where Alex was already waiting for her. He sat there in his tailored suit looking like he had stepped out of the pages of a fashion magazine.

“Mina! Girl, I have been wondering when you were gonna drag your fabulous ass in here! Where have you been? Wait! Don’ t tell me, the Dragon again right?”

“Oh Alex, you hit it on the head there. I swear to you, I am gonna kill her.”

Alex took a moment to really look at his client, who was also really his closest friend. She looked stunning really, but he could see the fatigue as well. Her gorgeous blond hair was piled in a mass on top of her head, and she was dressed well, but her clothes were more modest than her norm, and her shoes were nearly flat, a fatal flaw in the industry. But then, she had not been “in” the industry for almost 2 years. “Mina, it’s only a few more months, then you are free of her. Oh! I have news. Brandon Graves has put out an “elite” casting call for his final porn. He is retiring, but he says he is going to go out “on top,” pun intended. You should go to the casting call.”

Mina laughed. “Please! You know I can’t, even if I wanted to. Daddy didn’t want me doing movies. He wanted me running things. If he could see where I have ended up he’d be horrified.”

“Listen, I will take care of that little problem with the contract, and you go try out for that movie. You know you’ve always wanted to. Go in masked, and use a fake name, and enjoy yourself. If nothing else, have a little fun. You’d be auditioning alongside the Porn Prince himself, Dominic Graves. Who doesn’t want to suck his cock? Hell, I’d try out if they’d let me.” He wiggled his eyebrows at her lecherously.

“Damn it Alex, I can never stay mad when I am with you. Have I thanked you recently?”

“No, but you are about to buy me lunch, so I’ll take that!”

Mina laughed and motioned the waiter over so they could order. They spent the rest of their time together talking about her inheritance, shopping, the movie they were going to see that weekend, and Alex’s newest boy-toy. Through it all, Mina was mulling over the suggestion that Alex had made regarding her trying out for the audition. Could she really do it? It’s not like she would get it…so what did she have to lose really?

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The next morning Mina was sitting at her desk. She had just gone over the list of things that needed to be done that week and had organized them into priority. She had made several phone calls to arrange the Studio Dinner that Karla was hosting this weekend and also checking in with the vendors who provided services to the studio to make sure that shipments and delivery dates were confirmed for the new movie set to be installed. Karla was beginning filming a new movie starring her daughters, her last.

When the phone rang, Mina answered it. “KGA Productions, Mina speaking. How may I direct your call?” It was Alex. He told her that there was a car waiting for her downstairs and that she was to leave right now and get in it. He had found the necessary loop-hole they had been looking for. “Alex, you are out of your mind.”

She didn’t argue, just hung up the phone and grabbed her bag. The car was a stretch limo and the driver held the door for her. Alex had arranged everything. Laid out on the seat opposite her was everything she needed. The partition between her and the driver was up. His voice came over the speakers, “Ms. Klein, we have 45 minutes until we get there. Please use this time to get ready. I will let you know when we are close.”

Mina peeled her clothes off and kicked out of her shoes. The thrill of anticipation began to boil through her veins. She picked up the black corset and maneuvered herself into it, leaving the top unlaced slightly to showcase her breasts perfectly. The black lace gleamed dark against her satin-pale skin. The tiny skirt was leather and barely covered the scrap of lace that posed as panties. She pulled the pins out of her hair and with a brush, coerced her locks into a sexy version of bed-head.
Make-up was easy, she applied shadow and mascara dramatically and painted her lips a ruby red that made her skin seem even paler, almost translucent. The tiny black mask hid just enough of her face and added a hint of mystery that was thrilling. She zipped on her thigh-high black stilettos and knew she would fit into any industry event you could imagine.

Alex had thought of everything. A folder sat on the seat with her certificate of health, her portfolio shots…where had Alex gotten those from, and her identification. Porn had become such a civilized business. Certificates were necessary to be hired and special identification was required for individuals in “sexual” professions. The name on her paperwork read Jazmin Kay.

“Ms. Klein, we are approaching Graves Studios now.”

Minutes later the limo door opened and Mina stepped out. Several whistles met her exit from the limo and she noticed all eyes on her. She knew she looked good. She had a killer body, the result of plenty of yoga and strength training. She also had her mother’s peaches-and-cream complexion and her father’s height. At 5’9” she didn’t need the heels, but they put her over 6’, and imposing figure.

Getting inside was a whirlwind, her papers were checked and she was led to a screening room where she had to answer questions from a panel before actually moving on to the audition. It seemed that not everyone was going to be allowed to audition with the fabled Dominic Graves.

It was over 2 hours later that Mina found herself in a dressing room, her duffel bag on the counter and a knock on the door announcing she was to be on set in 2 minutes. She stood back, looking in the full length mirror. She looked perfect, sexy and seductive. The phone in her bag went off and she saw her step-mother’s name on the screen. With a wicked laugh, she hit the power button and threw the phone in the bag. On that note, she headed out of the room and onto the set.

It was a nice set, and she noted the differences between the set here and the sets at her step-mother’s studio, filing the details away for when she got her hands on the sets. She was ushered through make-up and wardrobe approved what she was wearing, so she was shown onto the set and was advised to lounge on the bed casually. It was a look she could pull off and did.

When Dominic walked in her breath caught in her throat. He was gorgeous. At 6’4” he stood nearly a head taller than any other man in the room and dwarfed every female in sight. His ebony curls were unruly and framed a face that could make a woman weep. He had high, arched cheekbones and chocolate eyes that burned with a wicked look. His lips were full and kissable. He wore only jeans settled low on his hips leaving his hard chest and abs bare. She had a nearly uncontainable urge to lick her way across his chest. He pinned her with his gaze as he approached the bed. He knelt on the edge of the mattress and leaned in over her, using his arms to support himself. She reminded herself to breathe.

“I’m Dom. What’s your name?” His voice was deep, inciting dark thoughts throughout her brain.

“Mi…My name is Jazmin.” Even to her she sounded breathy.

“Lovely. I’ve never seen you before. Are you new?”

“Kinda,” she muttered.

“You have the softest skin.” His words were followed by his fingers running over her bare shoulder and down her arm. Her flesh erupted in goose bumps and she felts her nipples harden. “And so responsive, I see. Delicious.”

“Dom, let’s get started. You are supposed to fuck her, not play with her.” The barking voice belonged to Brandon Graves, a man she knew well from the days when she had accompanied her father while learning the business that she would one day inherit.

Suddenly the lighting changed and soft music began to play through speakers.

“Don’t worry Jaz, we are gonna make this easy for you, not script, no talking, just action. We want to see how you look on film, check how your body responds, and see how well we connect. Although I suspect we are gonna do just fine in the fireworks department.” His husky laugh poured over her body tightening things low in her body.

“Well, don’t tease me lover,” she replied, reminding herself that she was playing a role, and that likely, this was the only time she would ever be this close to this god of a man. She rose up on her elbows bringing their upper bodies into closer contact and kissed him. It was as if a fire had consumed them both. He rolled over, pulling her with him, his hands touching her everywhere that he could reach, hands cupping her ass under the skirt, pulling her against him. She kissed him, tasting his tongue in her mouth and giving back every bit that she got.

His hands worked the hooks along the back of the corset one by one, until he peeled the black material away from her body, leaving her breasts bare to his gaze. He tore his mouth from hers to press kisses over her collar bone, and then lower into the valley between her breasts, watching her face as her head fell back and she let out a soft moan. He cupped her breasts in his palms pleased with the quick hardening of her nipples. Pinching them gently elicited soft sounds from her, sexy sounds that caused his cock to press painfully against the constriction of the denim he was still wearing.

She arched her back, begging with her body for his touch and he took first one nipple, then the other between his teeth, nibbling them gently then harder as he was encouraged by her moans and her undulating against his hard length. She was all fire and soft curves and he couldn’t resist pushing her back against the bed and leaning up over her. He slid the skirt down her thighs and off, pulling the thin scrap of her panties with it.

He leaned back and drank in the sight of her. She wore thigh high black boots and nothing else. She was pale perfection against the red velvet bedspread; laid out like a feast for a starving man. She made small noises in the back of her throat, enticing noises, and then leaned up to undo his jeans, pulling the buttons apart and uncovering the glory of his cock to her gaze.

And he was glorious she thought. Her fingers grazed over him, brushing the tip, already glistening with the evidence of his arousal. He stepped off the bed, pulling the jeans off completely before sliding back on the bed, lower this time, settling in between her thighs. The look in her eyes was pure sin and he was the one who had put it there. He pushed her legs further apart and ran his finger over the glistening slit of her sex. She nearly screamed in response and arched against his finger. “Delicious,” he murmured before he buried his face in the lush musk of her body, his tongue and teeth devouring her, teasing her clit and pushing her higher. He plunged his fingers into her, using his mouth and fingers in tandem to test her response, and was not disappointed when in a mere minute she was clawing the bedspread and arching against him, the evidence of her satisfaction smeared across his lips.

She growled, yes, growled at him, pulling him up over her, tracing her tongue over his lips, tasting him. “You taste like me,” she purred. He found himself on his back in moments with her kneeling between his legs. Her hand gripped his cock, stroking once…then again…and again. Her movements were calculated, setting his breathing off on a quickened pace. She leaned down, her lips pressed to the tip of his cock, a whisper of a touch before her mouth engulfed his entire length, taking him deeper than he’d ever gone.

Gasps sounded across the set, but she never paused. She relished every taste of that long, pulsating length in her mouth, taking him into her throat and purring around the long length, causing his body to jerk and writhe beneath her. “God, stop! You have to stop.” He pulled away, pushing her back, settling himself between her legs, poised, ready to enter her.

She looked up at him, pleading with her eyes. “Dom…fuck me. Please fuck me.”

With a groan, he thrust himself into her, entering the hot, tight depths of her pussy all at once. In that moment, he knew that he was a drowning man and she was the only life vest in existence. His body caught her rhythm naturally, and she wrapped leather clad legs around him, drawing him even deeper. He was lost within her, their bodies straining together, a movement that was older than time and more natural than breathing to them both. One thrust rode them up a wave of pleasure while the next carried them even higher, until finally…they crested the wave and both fell into an abyss of dark maddening pleasure. She threw her head back, dark sound of ecstasy falling from her lips to join his yell of release as her tight passage milked the last drops from him.

She had forgotten momentarily where she was and nearly jumped when the director shouted, “Cut!” She laughed. She was not shy or anything, but that had been incredible and hands-down the best sex of her life and it had all been captured on film.

“Jazmin, where the hell did you come from.”

She smiled at him and got up, gathering her clothes slowly. She looked him in the eye, and said, “I am just a figment of a very good imagination.” She blew him a kiss, and walked away toward the dressing room she had been assigned. “Thank you,” she whispered.

She dressed quickly and threw her clothes into the duffel bag. In no time at all she had her regular work clothes back on and her sensible shoes and was back in the limo with her things headed back to reality. This time though…she had a wonderful memory to carry with her…a thrilling memory, of a dark and delicious man.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

“What the fuck do you mean, she doesn’t exist?” Dom was furious. He had been left lying there to recover from the most mind-blowing orgasm he had ever experienced, only to find that his erotic angel had vanished without a trace-well, nearly. She had left behind one black stiletto boot that had fallen to the side of the dressing table in her haste. He knew that would not help him though.

His assistant had never seen him this out of control. “Her paperwork is all very good, but it is all forged. Jazmin Kay does not exist.”

His father laughed. “Let it go Dom, we will find another girl. None with the uh….talents of this one, but we will find the girl that will fit the part. Don’t worry.”

“No, father, we won’t. I will not do this piece with another girl. You’ve seen the tape. She’s perfect. I've never seen another to rival the pure sexual appeal of this one girl. We have to find her.” He was going insane, and he knew he was being unreasonable, but it had been 2 days and he could not get her out of his mind. He had spent the last 2 days going through the motions of auditions but after the last two, he had told him father he was through. He had auditioned Amber and Ginna Jones, one after another, and that was enough to convince a man he might be gay…nearly…

“Dom, what do you suggest?” His father understood his son’s stand on this. He had seen the tape. The girl oozed sin and erotic suggestion. She was perfect, but she had disappeared on them.

“I have an idea. Isn’t there a convention next weekend in San Diego?”

“Yes, there is. What are you thinking?”

With a laugh, he put his arm around his dad. “I am thinking we should do something a little outside the box…and a lot of fun. Let’s talk about it over lunch.”

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

“Alex, stop it.” Mina was eating lunch with her friend and they were discussing their coming trip to San Diego. With Mina merely months away from taking the company over from Karla, she needed to start gaining exposure.

“You seriously have to feel bad for the guy. He had to do them both, one after the other. Poor guy.”

“Well, I must agree, I cannot imagine.” Mina’s step-sisters had returned from their auditions sullen and had been hell to be around for the last week. The industry was all abuzz with news that the leading female role in Graves’ final porn had yet to be cast, although rumor had it that the girl had been selected, only that she was considering the offer. “I wonder who they have picked. I think that they will announce it at the convention this weekend. It will be exciting for her. He really was wonderful.” She sighed wistfully.

“Damn girl, you got it bad. He must be a hell of a lay for you to be this moon-faced over him. You are seriously pining.”

“I am not. Knock it off. I am so glad that you are coming with me this weekend. It would have been an awful boring trip without you.”

“I wouldn’t desert you now, not when we are so close to you getting everything that should have been yours all along.”

“Alex, I love you. You know that right?”

“Well, shit, how could you not love me. I’m fucking fabulous!”

Lunch was the fun affair that it always was, and Mina found herself back at the office before she wanted to be and settled behind her desk when Karla showed up at her desk tapping her foot on the floor. “Yes, Karla?”

“Jazmina, you simply cannot go this weekend. I need you here. I have a list of things that need to be completed before Monday and you have no business running off on a vacation when there is work to be done. Your father would be horrified with your lack of commitment.”

“You don’t know anything about my father.” Mina was fuming and looking at a list of things that one person couldn’t accomplish in a month, let alone 4 days.

“I mean it Jazmina! I forbid you to go to San Diego before every item on that list is completed.” With that final ultimatum, Karla flounced off, leaving Mina sitting there, with the first tear rolling down her cheek.

She picked up the phone and dialed Alex’s number. When voicemail picked up, she explained to Alex that she could not go this weekend and asked that she cancel the travel plans. She explained what had happened and apologized, asking that Alex consider a rain check once her indentured servitude was over. As she hung up the phone, she realized she had never been more miserable than she was now.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

It was Friday morning and she knew she would have the office to herself. Her step-mother and her daughters were in San Diego, they had left a day early to make a spa appointment. As she walked in, she heard voices and wondered who was in the office. It was too early for any of the other staff to be there. Her eyes widened as she walked in and saw a veritable army of girls in the office, each handling different items on her step-mother’s list.

“Mina, you didn’t honestly think that you were gonna ditch me that easily did you?”

“Alex, this must be nearly your entire staff. Are you crazy?”

“Probably, but then, you love me anyway, so who cares. Let’s go, the car’s waiting downstairs.”

Mina knew better than to even try to argue with Alex when he had gone to this much trouble to get his way. She obediently followed him downstairs to the waiting limo. The limo ride and the flight were uneventful and she enjoyed spending time with Alex who kept her entertained with stories of who was fucking who, and all kinds of tidbits about industry people she would be courting all weekend. Alex was a veritable font of information, and an invaluable resource.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Mina had laughed when she got to the convention and been handed a flier advertising “Free Lessons on Deep-Throating a Man” and wondered who had come up with that. No doubt it would be the talk of the day. Rumor had it that there was a tent set up just for this and that women were being let in one at a time for their “lesson”.

For several hours Mina and Alex roamed the floor, mingling easily with the other attendees. Mina fell seamlessly back into the swing of things that her father had taught her at a much younger age. She had started business school when her father started teaching her the ropes. She had absolutely adored him and listened to everything he had taught her with rapt attention. She had not forgotten a thing.

She was so engrossed in a conversation with a rising young star that she never noticed her step-mother until she found her arm caught in a steel grip. “Excuse us ladies,” her step-mother said before dragging her away. “It would appear that you need to be taught a lesson. You will learn to listen to me. You think that I am just going to hand back the reigns of this company you little bitch, but you are deluding yourself. This is my company. Mine!”

With that final word, Mina found herself shoved into an opening in one of the event tents that had been set up. It was nearly dark in this one and she stumbled momentarily until she felt a hand catch her arm. “Are you ok?” a voice asked her.

“I am fine, I just need to be going.” She tried to pull away, but found that his hand on her was not giving an inch.

“But you just got here, surely you aren’t going to leave without your lesson?”

“My lesson?”

“Yes, come with me.” He led her farther into the tent, to a section in the back and then he shoved her none to gently to her knees. For a moment she nearly panicked, then she reminded herself that she belonged here, that this was her industry too. No one would think a thing of her taking advantage of the conventions most shocking event. When he pulled her closer, his hand in her hair, she didn’t resist. She allowed herself to feel the smooth hardness of his cock against her lips, allowed herself to enjoy the solid feel of him as she enveloped him in her mouth, twisting her tongue around the solid head of him. For a few moments, she just enjoyed the heat of his skin, then she took him in, all of him, feeling his cock deep in her throat, and she purred her pleasure against his flesh inside of her mouth.

He nearly yelled in triumph, but she didn’t allow him to be distracted, she sucked his cock harder and faster, her hand fondling the smooth skin of his balls. He knew he couldn’t withstand her assault for long and so didn’t fight it. He wrapped his hand in her hair, and let go, let himself be taken, felt himself come apart inside her mouth, his essence swallowed up by this lovely beauty.

When she finished, she stood, about to go, when he grabbed her wrist, “Wait, I have something for you.”

She couldn’t imagine what he meant, but when he handed her a black stiletto boot she gasped. He knew. How could he know? “What…”

“Don’t deny it, it was you. Tell me your name.”

She knew she could not deny it now, she had the taste of his cum on her lips and she didn’t want to deny him a thing. “Jazmina Klein, Mina actually.”

“Oh darlin’, this couldn’t be more delicious. Of the Kleins?”

“Yes, the very ones.” She would have said something else, but he pulled her roughly against him, kissing her hard. His hands were frantic as the pulled her clothes from her body. Neither of them had a moment of patience for the material keeping them from being flesh to flesh. When they both stood nude, he picked her up, wrapping her legs around him and thrust his still-hard cock inside of her dripping wet pussy. “Jaz, I have lain awake nights thinking about this hot cunt, wrapped around my cock, about you begging me to fuck you, about this moment…right now.”

She moaned, his words driving her higher and higher, and she dug her fingernails into his back, clawing at him as he assaulted her body, driving into her over and over and over again. She bit his shoulder to stifle a scream when he shoved into her one last time, her body exploding around his as he erupted inside of her with a groan, bracing himself with on hand against a desk while his other hand gripped her ass holding her close.

“You are fucking incredible,” he whispered.

It was some time before they both were dressed and they spoke in depth about the things that had occurred and eventually Mina had called Alex and invited him to join them since there were some legal details that needed to be worked out for Dom’s plan to work; and he did indeed have a plan for how this evening’s dinner would play out.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Mina sat at her table with Alex and smiled sweetly across the room at Karla as Dom was announced and took his place behind the podium on the stage. Karla glared daggers at her, but Mina turned her attention to Dom.

“I hope that everyone is having a good night…and that they will have an even better rest of the night. As many of you know, we have among us near royalty. I would like to invite Jazmina Klein to join me up here, we have some things to share with you.”

Mina made her way up the stage and watched as Karla stood outraged, only to find Alex grabbing her arm and planting her back in her seat. Mina laughed, knowing that Alex was going to enjoy the conversation he was about to have with her step-mother.

Dom took her hand as she reached the podium and pulled her close. “We have an announcement to make. Ms. Klein has accepted the lead female role in my father’s final movie.” A thunder of applause erupted and Dom waited until it had died down before continuing. “This will be her only movie, since Ms. Klein has also agreed to be my wife.” An even bigger thunder of applause erupted and took even longer to die down. Mina looked up at Dom and he kissed her. The rest of the night was a whirlwind of congratulations and well-wishing. Dom never left Mina’s side the whole night, and security for the event had escorted her step-mother from the premises. It was a night that fairy tales are made of.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Six months later Mina found herself on another stage, this time alone. She looked out over the audience and felt great pride in her industry. She was no longer performing, but instead running the company that she and her husband had merged several months ago. She had been shocked to learn that she had been nominated for a woody - Best Oral Sex Scene—Film, and even more shocked tonight when her name had been called. Dom had simply said, “That’s my girl!”

Mina cleared her throat, “Thank you all so very much. What an honor this is. I must however give credit where it is due. I will make this short. I just want to say a heartfelt thank you to Karla Jones, my step-mother. Without her, I would never be standing here on this stage. Thank you!” With that she lifted the glass award in salute, blew a kiss, and left the stage.

Word Count: 5,946
© Copyright 2010 EroGoddess (erogoddess at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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