Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1720299-Angel-of-Dusk-STORYCONTEST-ENTRY
Rated: E · Short Story · Horror/Scary · #1720299
STORY | This Halloween, do not open that door, because she comes with an army of souls...
Her eyes were wide with guilt from the pain she had caused, the light of the full moon shone down onto her pale body, and as she moved, a thousand eyes kept watch of her. The ground shuddered, and before she knew it she saw the dog she had tried to escape... His spine stood jagged out of his skin, the blood trailed down his pale white fur and his blood-stained teeth were jagged and sharp. The girl ran, ran like never before, ran into the far distance, but the dog was fast, his claws dug marks into the mud, and left a ghoulish trail. He pounced and the girl was on the floor, stricken with remorse, with anguish for those who she had killed, and now it was her turn to face mercy or death and the hands of something evil and foul, but the wretched beast who was now on her did not kill her, oh no, she was just the show, he jumped off the girl and into the foggy mist that crawled the land. It was silent...

The girl slowly made her way back to her house, where all of the lights were out. Her front door was smashed in and the only visible sign of life was the raven upon the broken door. Where her house was a dark plane where her menacing dogs and snakes were free to roam, was no sign of them. Before the girl left in her pale white gown for the mist, the house was buzzing, bright, bright to keep the souls of the damned away, it had worked, until now. The darkness had stole the house, and now it was a dark plane of remorse, death and seeping anger. Fog held the house slave, and the girl sensed something was wrong, her dogs were no ordinary dogs, they were wolves, beacons of darkness that kept the light in, and kept the dark out, but they were gone, no trace, a magical aura bound the dogs to the house, they were slaves to the moon and servants to it, and so they would have been inside the house, killing all who entered, but they were gone,. their blood spilled out of the house and far into the marshes where goblins and ghouls were free to haunt local towns. She went in, she entered the house and the darkness followed. Vines grappled the floors, climbed the stairs and provoked her natural instincts, she ran to the door, but instead slammed into it... The door was bolted shut and the un-dead rose from their graves, with their long iron swords they tore the house apart, ripping the walls, tearing the old wooden floor, with intent to kill all in their path... But the girl Lucifer was unable to sit whilst her world was being torn apart, she stood up, closed her eyes and muttered some words in a lost and dead language... Black wings sprouted from her back, scraping the walls as they appeared, letting the blood pour from the walls. Her divine fury and rage broke out into a strong battle cry, letting the damned know their place, but then something else had happened... Lord Swan from the demon world appeared in front of her, grabbing her, swinging her from one side to another, tearing her beautiful wings like wet paper, he bashed her against the floor... Her blood spilt, and October 31st was known from that day as All Hallows Eve, because on that night, she would rise from the grave, making children tempt the spirits from the grave, and house 31? House 31 was damned... And every night, when the lights go out and the fog crawls the land, she will come, she was seek her furious vengeance on the land that engulfed her, she will kill all in her path, destroy all in her wake, so remember this Halloween, when the lights go off, Lucifer is coming, she seeks her redemption, and every year, she will get it, for her hatred is so strong, if she comes knocking, close the curtains, light all of the rooms, lock yourself upstairs, because she will find a way in, she always will...

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