Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1720683-The-Actors-Act
Rated: E · Monologue · Arts · #1720683
Actors come and go but they seem to captivate people whether they know it or not.
The curtain call is issued, running around frantically we all seem to miss out on the fact that we’re all family by the time the production is ready to be preformed. Either we trust everyone and get along or we have minor fights that get resolved quickly. Then there are the people that you end up growing to love. Half the time though they never know how much they’ve touched your heart. It’s paining really. When one finds someone they fully trust and love, but yet they still don’t know how much you care for them. Mind you that’s the way the actor acts if you will. All of us will move on to other productions have different false relationships with other actors until we go back and work with that one person again. Then you realize that really was the best production you were apart of.  Actors are nice people, a lot of the time they have hidden troubles and yet most of the time they are willing to become part of you. It’s a funny cycle really but that’s the way the actors act.

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