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Rated: E · Other · Other · #1720712
My fourth blog (:
Oh, how I could of done with you early this morning! I needed to write down! I texted Greg because he had texted me and rang me earlier which I hadn't responded to.. and he kept pushing me to tel him something, which was kinda private to me. I said I really didn't want to but he said it shows I didn't trust him and that he tries to me nice to me but I don't give him much back. After the first text I turned off my phone because I really couldn't be bothered with it, but I couldn't stop thinking about it, and I turned my phone on to see the second one that basically said I wasn't a nice person. It got me so annoyed. Grrr. But I forgave him, but there's nothing going to happen between us anytime soon! Haha :)

It's been an eventful day, I did some homework and was quite proud with myself! I've got 5 exams coming up 2 weeks after I go back to school, so I've got to be working hard! Tonight I went to a local church to watch Mamma Mia, as it was a charity event and I don't really celebrate halloween as a christian. It was alright, but I didn't really want to go but I did because a close older couple asked me and my mum to go. I quite like Mamma Mia but it always makes me really sad, not because my mum doesn't know who my father is but because he has never been a big part of my life and I've always felt not wanter or a mistake in his eyes. So I can somehow relate to Sophie in the film as she feels that she is not complete without a dad, although all has ended up happy for her and now she has 3, I think it is unlike that my dad will come to his senses. It was also quite emotional, as my mother remarried when I was I think 7 and they have recently split up and he arrived at the event but saw me and mum and left, which was good because it would of been akward. My mum shook when she saw him. I kept looking at the door and my heart was really beating fast. But he left, and the film started and it was alright. Now I'm home watching Warsaw Ghetto: The Unfinished Film. I think it's gonna be really good, but I think it's going to make me sad. There is something about the holocaust and everything that happened that really touches me, and it makes me want to be a better person. 
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