Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1720803-The-Desk
by Barron
Rated: E · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1720803
Writers cramp
Why did it always smell wet, everytime it seemed. The rank smell of old sacks scraping the inside of his nose. Anyone who said death was calm hadn't smelled this, the Captain thought. Still, he mused, I guess a body is like an old sack especially this one slumped over the desk, almost a cliche', if someone said " here's a guy here's a desk make him look dead" that's how you would make him look he thought.

He cursed himself, snap out of it and get on with the job, stop day dreaming, there is a guy, and he is dead, its halloween and you gotta figure it out!

His partner looked up and rolled his eyes, smiling as if at some inside joke, then quickly tried to look neutral as he realised he was being watched. He did not need to make an enemy any night, but definitely not this night and not with this guy!

Suddenly the room lurched making them both forget their mental ramblings, the windows burst in, spraying glass and brutaly injecting the cold night air.

A low guttural roar filled the room, they both turned quickly, beginning to crouch, just as the floor started to bow and tremble as if sagging under their weight. The sound of splintering timber and raw animal fury threatened to overwhelm their senses, the Captain launched himself towards the edge of the room watching the floor disappear under him, knowing even as he leapt that he wouldnt make it, fingertips outstretched willing himself on

Then blackness, followed by bright harsh light and a gentle touch on his shoulder.......

'Sorry Captain battle stations have been called" the pretty brunette whispered into his ear. His eyes opened fully now he glanced at the ensign, damn they make em younger and younger he thought.

"Situation report now" he yelled, "patch me through to the bridge" then he paused and looked around feeling every one of his 64 years, he took a deep breath and with a wry expression said "close down all simulations halloween crime night is now postponed" The Captain looked around again, glancing at his partner in crime, also now awake. He rubbed his chin thoughtfully and said, "well I guess we better get to the bridge and see where the real monsters are"
© Copyright 2010 Barron (vinnie88 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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