Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1730772-e-love----Chapter-19
Rated: E · Novel · Contest · #1730772
After subscribing to a relationship site their lives changed. This is how it all started!

The Lovers Invisible Bridge was visible and strong now and so... Butchie came!


Communication received!

Dear Christina,


Butchie has answered your recent communication at eheart.com

To read Butchie's responses and to answer his seventh set of questions to you click here.

If you have any questions about communicating through eheart.com, visit our help section.


The eheart.com Team

It's never too late to fall in love again!

And he sent her this love letter:

Dear Christina,

I read the last part.  I think your life is very, very  interesting and you're pretty much full of heart and courage and strength.  I like that passion takes you places and that you have to feel your way to comfort zones - a very different kind of woman that I've ever known.  I think that you're comfortable, and could be so, and happy with what you have made, and I hardly think you have any things that will make you stumble and feel fear.  You are, like the climbing, a fearless woman, and that's a lot like me. I'm sorry you have a headache, and you probably got it from all the writing.  I'm going to phone you soon, at least to talk a bit, and hope it relaxes you, as you say...and I like it.  I have stories, too...and I want you to listen to them...know me, understand me... now.

You are love, and that's a great thing for me and for my life....and you are my love, Christina. Our love gives us meaning, so I love you, Christina, and you will hold me as you are, keep me inside, and we'll love - a beautiful woman, my lady, my Princess, my leopard, my woman, it's in the spirit, the body and the blood of ourselves, we sink into this, and it's a splendor of passion - you are passion, Christina.

I am arriving in Brasilia, Brazil next Friday afternoon! Will you be there, Christina?

I love you,


"Ohhh my God," wailed Christina. She shot off her seat, knocking it backwards. "Ohh meu Deus." Her hands covered her face as she tried desperately to control her breathing. "Three days?" Her voice echoed in the empty apartment, and she agreed that it was certainly worth repeating. He would be in here in just three days. She squealed and spun on the spot, arms flying out in an impromptu dance of joy. She sat down at the computer again, only to leap back up with a gasp. Three days. There was so much to do. He is coming in 3 DAYS!  She was delighted! She was so pleased! She was so in love!

Ohhh my God, I must call Amparo, she thought, she will help me clean the apartment and cook food, fill the freezer up with food. She thought of going to the local supermarket that she loved so much and getting things that he said he liked and that she had kept in a corner of her mind. He liked Italian bread, he liked chicken, he liked cheese and he liked to have lunch. How could someone skip lunch? She loved lunch! Ohhh my God, she thought, Ohhh my God...He was really coming to see her.

Ohhh my God...

Ohhh my God...




Communication received!

Dear Butchie,


Christina has answered your recent communication at eheart.com

To read Christina's responses and to answer her seventh set of questions to you click here.

If you have any questions about communicating through eheart.com, visit our help section.


The eheart.com Team

It's never too late to fall in love again!

Her message to him was:

My love, my Butchie,

My love,

I am waiting for you.  I'll be at the airport, waiting, anxiously, nervously.

I can't wait. I am behaving like a teenager on my first date! I guess we all grow older in body but not really in mind. It maybe takes 20 years to age in your mind. We are and will always be the same teenagers we were once, only with more responsibilities and maybe behaving like grownups in front of our children just because we are the parents. Life and circumstances change us, modify us. We shouldn't let this happen to us.

I think that in the end, it's not the years in your life that count... It's the life in your years! And, the love you feel in your heart.

I love you,


And so...The steps and decisions... were bound to happen...


Open Communication!

Dear Christina,


From this point on Butchie and you have followed all the 7 steps to romance and are now in the Open Communication stage and free to communicate without eHeart.com

If you have any questions about Open Communication visit our help section.

The eheart.com Team

It's never too late to fall in love again!

And the bridges, doors and windows were now open...for the next decisions...


Open Communication!

Dear Butchie,


From this point on Christina and you have followed all the 7 steps to romance and are in the Open Communicationstage and free to communicate without eHeart.com

If you have any questions about Open Communication visit our help section.

The eheart.com Team

It's never too late to fall in love again!

And...The Waiting Time has finally ended...

Why Oh why doesn't our mind stop for one moment and let us be for a bit, just while you are waiting, expecting your deepest  wishes to become true???

Ohhh Butchie...God Speed!

Words: 1063

© Copyright 2010 ChrisDaltro-Chasing Moonbeams (chrisdaltro at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1730772-e-love----Chapter-19