Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1730782-Chapter-One-from-a-Finished-Manuscript
Rated: ASR · Chapter · Women's · #1730782
This is a Christian Fiction work that is complete - looking for feedback.
S** 1**S

“Rebekah Daniels, do something!  Do you want her to die?”  My voice cracked, forcing the words out.  Bekah is an intelligent woman who seldom flounders, even in an emergency.  However, she refuses to help today.  The realization creeping over me, that I was putting her in a tough position didn’t lessen the frustration for either of us.  Bekah was frozen in fear and reminding her of the severity of our situation wasn’t helping her. 

My head fell onto my hands that gently cupped the patient’s hand.  I guess facing one’s inner demons is not something anyone wants to be forced into in an emergency.  “Oh Lord, why can’t she get past all this pain that keeps her from being the best she can be?  Please don’t let this woman die because Bekah is too stubborn.  Please, help us God.”  There goes another silent plea for God’s miraculous intervention for my best friend’s life.

My prayer was interrupted when Bekah cautiously peered around the door frame of the hut, “Sandy, I can’t!  You know what they’ll do if I call.  Why don’t you call and I’ll sit and help Mekika.”  Her determined eyes filled with tears.  “Please”, she pleaded.

Relenting, I motioned for her to come and take my place.  Mekika, a woman in our village, is very ill now and needs her brow wiped constantly.  She has the shakes and sometimes vomits, but she is much too weak to lift her head.  Bekah knows nothing about medical things, but she should be able to watch over her while I run for help.

Bekah took my spot and I bolted out of the hut to the radio.  Why we keep it on the other side of the village is beyond me.  My eyes scanned all the villagers who were anxiously watching every move I made.  They have shown so many acceptances of the both of us; we are treated as family a lot of the time.  However, they tend to be distrustful of the doctors we radio in.  You could not miss the worry that saturated the chief, Bondo’s face.  Our eyes met and I tried my best to wink and smile some reassurance.  His trust in us is invaluable.  I need him so we can save the sick villagers.  This mysterious illness has put everyone on edge and Bondo is capable of setting the tone for so many of them.  A wise and generous leader is precious to our work here.

Just as predicted the dispatcher laughed at me when I requested emergency assistance.  Bekah has burned so many bridges with these people it seems hopeless to repair.  “Please send someone, Travis!  We are going to lose her if you don’t.  Do you want that on your head?  Just because you don’t enjoy coming here does not mean an innocent woman needs to die!”  Raising my voice is not normal for me.  There was a tremble in my voice when I spit out the harsh words.

There was a long pause on the other end of the radio for many seconds.  Finally I heard the sweet sound of surrender; a deep sighing breath.  “Fine, Sandy.  I’ll see who I can round up.”  His voice echoed defeat.  “There is a newbie here, so you might be in luck.  But you know I can’t promise anything.”

I could tell he sympathized with the predicament we were in and I felt reassured that he would try.  I reset the radio handle and ran the whole way back to the clinic hut.

Anxious and out of breath I relayed the information to Bekah.  “Travis said there is a new Doctor at the clinic and he will try to send him as soon as possible.”  Pausing to catch my breath I waited till she looked me in the eyes.  “Please Bekah I beg of you, do not to ruin this one.”  Treading lightly in these issues with her is important, however the thought of losing a villager outweighed that. 

To be honest, Mekika was more than just another villager.  She has been our lifeline here.  She caught our vision early on, of what we are trying to do here for her people.  She is our liaison and our friend.  Without her we would not be as far along with the villagers as we are.  She is a blessing.

Bekah rolls her eyes at me, but says nothing.  Bekah knows what her tendencies are and although I do know she attempts to behave she is seldom ever successful.  God needs to do a miracle in and through her.  It is a good thing I believe in miracles.

I took over with Mekika while Bekah ran to prepare the villagers for a potential visit from the Doctor.  It is imperative that they feel safe before the doctor arrives, so they don’t try to defend their village.  Why they fear the doctors in particular, we do not know, however I would bet my once-a-week warm shower that how they see Bekah treat the doctors could have a lot to do with it. 

The villagers have an odd respect for Bekah. It is a respect that I cannot fully explain.  She has been here since she turned eighteen years old and was released from the care of the orphanage she grew up in.  I came three years later after attending nursing school.  By that time Bekah had nearly mastered their language.  It was amazing to see.  She seems to be custom-made to be here.  No one could, or would question Bekah’s love and devotion for these people. 

Bekah works very hard for them and she gives them a hundred and ten percent of herself.  Sometimes though, I catch a doubt rumbling low in me.  I wonder if her love for them is enough.  When a person does not deal with their inner demons, those demons have a way of pulling the rug out from under them.  Ten years of valuable work done here in the jungle could be lost if she doesn’t change a few things. 

So, when those doubts surface I have to give them to God.  He is the author of Bekah, these people and this ministry we are trying to do here.  He is the only One who can stop it from all unravelling. 

From the clinic I can hear singing and drums pounding in the distance.  That is a clear sign that Bekah is successful in calming the villagers.  They are resuming their night time routines.  The notes they play and sing have an eerie sound when you hear them the first few times.  However, I have grown to love them.  So much so that when I return to the States for visits, it is hard to fall asleep without them. 

Bekah does not take pleasure in being around them when they sing, chant and drum.  She thinks it is dishonouring to God because they are not worshipping Him.  I don’t know if I agree with her fully.  They are singing to the Jungle and the life that it brings them.  I suppose if you don’t know God you become thankful to whoever or whatever provides for you.  I tell Bekah when they know our God they will still sing, chant and drum, but to Him.  So for now, I will listen and enjoy what I can for even with the serenading sounds, there will be little peace tonight.

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