Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1732148-bitter-revenge-and-death
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #1732148
Diana Blakes' husband was killed by a zombie, and she wants revenge.
Diana Blakes was staring through the scope on her rifle, at a foul monster consuming her husband.
Zombies was a name for them, but she had expected zombies to be slow, thoughtless, humanoids.
No, these were much worse than that: They had the speed of cheetas, and were extremely intellegent.
Their most noticable trait, however, were their apearances. With wings upon their back, they attacked
from above, and with long claws could slice through the soft flesh of humans. They consumed all but
the bones, but seemed never to be content. Once Diana had captured the creature in the sights, she
pressed the trigger. The kickback caused her to stumble backwards, but this didn't effect the bullet's
course, and it struck the zombie through the eye. What was left of her husband was lying on the ground.
The moon was bright that particular night, and it cast an eerie gloom over the cemetery, and the
carcass of the zombie, and it's last meal. Diana fell to her knees, air knocked out of her not only from
the kickback of the rifle, but the fact that the last love in her life was just killed. "Damn" was all she
could mutter, and she collapsed in a sobbing fit. While she lay on the ground, she realised the mistake
she'd just made staying there. Humans were becoming a rare sight these days, and two in the same
place, one not even alive was too good a temptation for a zombie to resist; They could have fun chasing
the live one, and if they missed out there was still a dead one to eat to. Just as this thought accured to
her she heard a whoosh come from above. Before she could lift herself off the ground a hideous beast
crashed into the ground next to her, it's head cleaved in two. She gasped, 'They must be fighting over
me!' she thought, and she raised her head upwards. In the sky was the most disturbing sight she'd ever
laid her eyes on. No less than fifty had managed to arrive at the scene, and they all slashed at each
other with their claws, kicked, and bit. She looked over towards her husband and saw him being ripped
still into smaller pieces by a small group of the zombies. She tore her gaze away and gave a tormented cry.
Scrambling onto her feet, she dashed towards the church next to the cemetery and kicked the doors open.
"I'll give those monsters a fight unlike any they've ever encountered" She screamed, so as the whole world
could hear her absolute fury. She spotted a large wooden block, and used it to barricade the door. She then
smashed out a window, broke some wood off a chair with the emergency axe, and stuffed it in the open
gap. Taking a match from a matchbox in her pocket, she set the wood alight, and did the same for the
other five windows. She then dragged two long chairs to the door and used them to strengthen the
barricade. After that, Diana pushed all the chairs to the sides of the hall, and lit them on fire. She wiped
sweat from her forehead, which was quite warm after the work she had done, and the blazing fire
throughout the church. It then struck her that she needed weapons for when they finally broke in, and
knowing that all buildings ever since the zombies were created had closets filled with them, found the
church's weapon storage facility. Her grim face lit up slightly as she saw the masses of guns in the room,
and she picked a backpack from a rack. Arming it with every gun she thought would be useful, and a few
grenades, she knew she was ready to kick some ass. Backing out of the room, waited for the zombies to
break in. Her eyes widened, and her heartbeat quickened when she heard the bell in the bell tower emit
a dull thunk. " haven't blocked off the top!" she gasped, and she cursed at herself for being so ignorant.
She sprinted as fast as her legs would allow her to the door to the tower, and fumbling with a match
tried to set it alight. it had been polished, so all that happened when she put her match to it was a little
smoulder. "you have got to be joking." all she could do now was wait. The handle slowly twisted around,
and then opened. Diana jumped back and aimed towards whatever had opened it, and just as she was
about to pull the trigger, a man stumbled through the door. He wore a beanie on his head, and had old
torn clothing. He looked at Diana, and then a grin pulled at the sides of his mouth. Before Diana could
believe her eyes, a long claw shot threw the man's chest from behind. His eyes once full of emotion now
fell empty, and His grin disapeared. As his face faded white, Diana jumped to the side, and lifted her ak47
to the face of the monster. She pulled the trigger and sent bullets flying through the air at the zombie.
Black blood sprinkled from the monsters shoulder, chest and neck as it fell to the ground. As soon as that
one fell, six more sprinkled in and one took the body of the man and dragged him back to the other room
to devour him. After letting rip a volley of bullets at the six, she heard a big commotion, most likely a fight
over the carcass. Diana jumped into the doorway and killed three more before the gun jammed. She then
threw it at another, but before she could reach bahind to take out a sawn-off shotgun, a well placed kick
sent her sprawling across the floor and a wave of the zombies burst in. Winded, she just lay on the ground,
without the will to fight on. A zombie flew at her, claws sharpened, and swiped at her face. Just like that,
the valiant fight she had put up was over. Surely she had avenged her husband, and now she would join
him in the afterlife.
© Copyright 2010 fierydeath (fierydeath at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1732148-bitter-revenge-and-death