Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1734248-Black-Friday
Rated: 13+ · Poetry · Holiday · #1734248
entry for Writers Cramp
Black Friday. Two ordinary words right?
Nothing special about them,
But to Olivia they did produce a fright.
She wrapped gifts from early morning to late night.
Creased the paper and put ribbons on the trim.

Was the line getting bigger?
This store was out of control.
How was she going to wrap Tigger?
She could hear the little brats snigger.
Her fingers started to feel dull.

A fat lady yelled and held out a coupon.
Just give me a second, Ma'am!
This ball was round, and the paper wouldn't stay on.
At this rate, she'd be here till dawn.
Under her breath, she let slip, Damn!

Oh no! the manager was coming near.
The fat lady looked happy and smug.
What's the problem over here?
Your teller cursed, I fear!
The manager dropped his coffee mug.

Red faced, he burst into a fit.
Olivia couldn't believe her luck.
She didn't have to take this shit,
So she screamed, I Quit!
Everyone stood there, dumbstruck.
© Copyright 2010 T.C. Abernathy (sealkris at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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