Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1739798-Why-Did-You-Leave
by Kayla
Rated: E · Letter/Memo · Friendship · #1739798
This is a story/letter I wrote for my friend that has recently moved away.
We have shared our best and worst memories. We have encouraged each other during times of doubt; embraced each other in times of sorrow. Now, when I need you most, you are gone. I am desperate for you to come back and never leave again. Since your departure, there has been an empty spot in my heart, an unrepairable void. I long for a time when we may, once again, be at each other's side no matter what. It isn't enough just to communicate. I need to see you and hear your beautiful voice. My biggest fear is not death, but forgetting. Under no circumstances do I ever want to forget your lovely face or your alluring voice. You light up my life, but since you vanished from my side, I have been living in a desolate world. No one shall ever come to know or understand me as you have. I yearn for the days when I can say I have a best friend that has always been there. The truth of the matter, though, is that after you had moved away, some depressing events have happened and you weren't here to comfort me. I sent you a message telling you whenever something bad happened. Whenever you asked if I was "ok", I lied. I told you I would get over it, but I can never get over the fact that such events occurred when I had no true comfort. When you came to visit, you were only here for a short time. So short, in fact, it wasn't even worth while by the time I had to go through the pain of saying goodbye again. I never got the chance to hug you one last time before you went off again, and I have felt regretful every moment since our parting. Since your disappearance, I have been less trusting than ever before. I just don't know if I can ever trust anyone now that I have realized that they can just leave me alone in my own world; where I was before. This place I speak of leads to dangerous thoughts. Some of these stories I post are based on my experiences in that depressing world. If you take the time to read this, I want you to know this is the true answer to the question "Are you 'ok'?"
© Copyright 2011 Kayla (kterriaz at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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