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Rated: E · Short Story · Romance/Love · #1742030
Katelyn and Larry Gate go on the Jeremy Kyle show to help their marraige. Will it help??
Katelyn Anderson sat nervously on the set of the “Jeremy Kyle” show. With her friends Annie Mckay and Kirsty Roberts. You see she was here for the truth! Her boyfriend and father of her 2 month old child- Larry Gate sat opposite the girls with his friends Ray McKay and Kevin Roberts.
You see Katelyn and Larry were college lovers, after admitting to Katelyn he loved her they decided to start dating and then the relationship followed with a pregnancy a few months later. The baby who they named Maggie Rose Anderson brought the couple closer together. The couple soon became engaged.
But then the fights started and one night when Larry was supposedly out with Ray and Kevin at the pub, Katelyn got a text and a video filming Larry kissing a girl…….Katelyn showed him the video and he immediately said it was fake. Then it happened again and again…..same footage different girls.
Katelyn called the engagement off because she accused Larry off lying because he wouldn’t tell her who it was……
“Hello welcome to the Jeremy Kyle show.”
One of the backstage people said to them. Katelyn was introduced and called onto the show a few minutes later. Katelyn fakely smiled at everyone, she was nervous as it was……Annie and Kirsty were the ones who called Jeremy Kyle. She sat down as Jeremy Kyle smiled at her and sat down next to her.
“Welcome to the show, so tell me your relationship between Larry.”
“Well, we were college lovers, I had loved him since high school so the relationship was strong, and the pregnancy was a big shock but we decided to keep it and when she was born the baby brought us together.”
Katelyn said as everyone looked at her in awe.
“And so when did the trouble start?”
“Well Larry started to have really late nights out with the guys supposedly at the pub, after few weeks after the baby was born……. as you do but whenever I had tried to phone him he never ever answered. One night I received a text from an anonymous person with a video attached and it showed Larry kissing another girl……… he denied it………but I got more and more of the same texts of him but with different girls.”
“Wow, and one last question before we bring Larry out, what do you hope to get out of today?”
“I just want to know the truth, and hopefully call the engagement back on, as we were originally engaged but I called it off when this mess started.”
Jeremy Kyle nodded and smiled at her.
“Ok let’s bring out the other half, Larry Gate everyone….”
The audience claps as an upset looking Larry walked on he sat down next to Katelyn and kisses her hand.
“Babe, the videos are fake.”
Larry said looking at Katelyn with tears in his eyes.
“Welcome to the show Larry, you obviously love this women……..you have a kid together and were engaged. You wouldn’t dream of hurting her right?”
“Correct, I love her so much…….I would bring down the stars for her just to prove I am not lying.”
Larry said as Katelyn smiles with tears in her eyes.
“Larry, I need to know the truth.”
Katelyn said as the crew members brought out a few more chairs.
“Well, this is easy you both love each other, and I want to find out more about your relationship from other people’s point of view. Ladies and Gentleman welcome, Katelyn’s two best friends-Annie Lake and Kirsty Roberts.”
Annie and Kirsty walk onto the stage, Annie blowing kisses at the audience and Kirsty just waving smiling at everyone. They sit down.
“Welcome to the show girls, you girls rung me up. Why?”
“Well we were worried, because of this misunderstandment, Larry and Katelyn’s trust has gone down, their relationship has cracked and we wanted to fix the cracks by getting to the bottom of this.”
Kirsty said.
“Ok, so Annie, Kirsty do you think Larry will pass his lie detector test?
“Yes definitely, he has never ever lied to her in the past, so yeah he pass with flying colours.”
Annie said as Kirsty nodded in agreement.
Jeremy Kyle smiled.
“Ok, well this make sure we have this fairly sided and welcome out the last two guests today- Kevin Roberts and Ray McKay. The two guys walk on the stage and sit down with Ray sitting next to Larry- so it goes Kevin Ray, Larry, Katelyn, Annie and
“So Ray and Kevin, you were with Larry on the nights of the text message incident, can you say truthfully that Larry was not with another girl?”
“Yeah, we were at the pub, but before that we had gone bowling. He was with us the whole time.”
Kevin said.
“Ok right, final question, Katelyn what will happen after the lie detector?”
“If it comes out he lied even a bit we’re threw, and if he told the full truth then the engagement is back on.”
Katelyn said as Jeremy Kyle nodded.
“Ok let’s do these Lie detector results.”
Jeremy Kyle said as one of the crew members handed him a card.
“Ok, Katelyn asked for Larry to be asked these questions: question one, we asked Larry whilst sober have you passionately kissed anyone. He answered no………………….he was telling the truth.”
The audience claps, Larry smiled and Katelyn smiles too.
“Question 2, we asked Larry whilst drunk have you passionately kissed anyone …….he said no………he was lying……….”
Katelyn looks shocked at Larry; he looks apologetically at everyone obviously upset.
“Ok, question 3, we asked Larry whilst sober have you ever had any sexual contact with another woman……..he said no…..he was telling the truth.”
The audience claps.
“Final question, we asked Larry, whilst drunk have you ever had sexual contact with another person……he said no……………he was lying…!”
Katelyn gets up and runs off the stage, Annie and Kirsty both slap Larry and run after her. Larry goes to run after her but……
“Just leave her for just now, Larry…..”
Jeremy Kyle said patting him on the back comforting him.
Behind the scenes with Katelyn is crying with Annie and Kirsty on either side of her.
“Katelyn, he passed two out of the 4 c’mon and he was drunk so technically he wasn’t actually lying maybe he couldn’t remember…….”
Kirsty said.
“I don’t care, he lied to me!!!!!! What else has he lied about????!!!!!”
Katelyn said as one of the crew members tell the girls to come back on the stage. They agree after finally convincing Katelyn. They sat down; Katelyn moves her seat slightly away and refuses to have eye contact with Larry.
“So guys, as always since there is a 2 month old daughter in the middle of this is important you guys go to Graham and aftercare team and get some help to build up your relationship…….Larry are you gonna work 110% to build this women’s trust up again?”
“Yeah I am 120% I am I am gonna prove to her that I won’t ever lie to her again…….”
“Katelyn, are you up for it?”
Jeremy Kyle asked looking at an angry Katelyn……..
Katelyn looks at everyone and then the host who is just trying to help and then to her friends and finally her lover.
“No, he lied to me I don’t think I could ever trust him again. To make matters worse I’M PREGNANT!!!!!!!!”
Katelyn stormed off the stage.
“Whoa, ok let’s finish up, Larry we will help you guys I promise you. You follow Katelyn, girls and guys follow him. Good luck!”
The host said as Larry ran off the stage followed closely by the 5 friends. Katelyn has run off the show. She is walking to her car- A Porsche that Larry got her as a baby present.
“KATELYN WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
Larry yelled as she turned around.
“No Larry I don’t want to wait, YOU LIED TO ME!!!!!!!! AS IN CHEATED ON ME!!!!!!! I TRUSTED YOU!!!!!!! “
Katelyn said opening the door to her car as a single tear runs down her cheek.
“Katelyn I’m reallllllllly sorry…….Kate, I love you I WANT to be with you for the rest of my life!!!!!!!”
Larry said taking her hand and kissing it. Katelyn snatches it away.
“Get away from me, I hate you! You think you’re so perfect with that big house and you have me right where you want me! But you are getting kicked out my house! Come back tomorrow to get your stuff! AFTER THAT NEVER COME BACK!”
Katelyn said getting in the car, slamming the door and driving off.
“Oh my god! You can’t be serious! I’M HOMELESS!!!!!”
Larry said as Ray, Kirstin, Kevin,and Annie walked up to him. Ray pasts him on the back.
“Don’t worry mate, you can crash at mine for a few days"
“Thanks dude, Kirsty, Annie please could you try your best to change her mind. I don’t want to be blocked out of my kid’s lifes.”
“We’ll try.”
They both said as Larry got in Ray’s car as Larry and Katelyn went in their car together.
Katelyn drives home, walks into her house just as Maggie crawls up to her. She smiles and picks her up kissing her head. Maggie squeels and claps her hand.
“Baba.” (Daddy)
Katelyn yells. Her mum comes through exhausted.
“Hey honey what is it? I am exhausted your daughter is full of energy. God!”
“Mags said her first word- Baba as in to say daddy. God she is gonna be a daddy’s girl!”
Katelyn’s mum hugged her daughter. Lily squealed and clapped her hands again.
That night.
Katelyn’s mum has gone home and Lily is currently crying her eyes out, Katelyn had tried everything to get her to sleep. Katelyn gets up out of her bed and picks up her daughter; her daughter looks at Katelyn with her blue eyes still crying. Katelyn kisses Maggie’s head and rocks her.
“Shhhhh baby girl, mummy’s here. Please sleep. Mummy has work tomorrow…!”
Maggie still cries. Katelyn puts Maggie back in her cot and climbs back into her bed, her daughter still crying, she puts both pillows over her head so she can get some sleep.
A few hours later.
Katelyn wakes up, to Maggie’s very loud crying. Katelyn groans and gets out of bed. She picks up Maggie and gets her bottle and feeds her. Her daughter slowly starts to close her eyes. Katelyn sighs with relief. She puts the bottle on the side of the bed when Maggie is asleep. Katelyn puts Maggie back in the cot, and she slowly creeps back into bed.
At last the house is quiet.
That morning
Katelyn gets up and gets dressed. She smiles as her daughter is still sleeping softly. She looks at the clock it says quarter to 7.
“Where is my mum????”
Katelyn thought, just as there is the knock at the door. Maggie slowly opens her eyes.
“Oh no, baby girl please don’t cry……please don’t cr….”
Maggie starts to cry again. Katelyn groans and yells
“C’mon in mum!”
The door opens and there are footsteps. Katelyn’s mum walks into the room. Katelyn gets up and hugs her mum.
“Maggie has been out of control….!!!! She woke me up at three crying…..she has never done that before…..!!!!”
Katelyn said as she handed her daughter to her mum.
“Well hon, maybe she is trying to tell you something……maybe she is teething….!!! Or have you moved her or done something abnormal?”
Katelyn’s mum asked looking at her daughter.
“No, I always feed her the same times and Larry usually…..oh god you don’t think it’s Larry do you?”
Katelyn asked worried at her mum.
“Maybe, what does Larry usually do?”
Laura asked curiously.
“He usually gives her the last feed before we go to bed and always sings to her at bedtime. Oh god!”
Katelyn said as he mum hugged her with Maggie falling asleep.
“Maybe you should make up with Larry? For your daughter’s sake…?”
Laura asked as Katelyn looked at her mum…
“I should……but something inside me is saying don’t give him another chance. Anyway I need to go to work, we are getting placed with doctors today god please don’t let me be placed with Larry!”
Katelyn said putting on her coat as she ran downstairs.
“It might be good for you guys!”
Laura said rocking Maggie in her arm. Katelyn hugged her mum as she put on her shoes and coat, she kissed her daughter’s head and then walked out the house.
Chapter 2-NO!

At the hospital.
Katelyn gets out of her car just as she sees Kirsty and Annie waiting at the entrance.
“Hey girls, sorry I’m late, Maggie wouldn’t sleep last night.”
Katelyn said as Annie and Kirsty hugged her.
“Don’t worry about it, Kate, on the plus side we are getting assigned to our doctors! We might be put with Larry! Because it’s three nurses to one doctor!”
Kirsty said as they walked in.
“I hope we get put with that other guy, you know the one who said he was from Ireland……he is kinda hot!”
Katelyn said as Annie wacked her with her bag.
“Katelyn Anderson! You have a kid and one on the way! You can’t say that! You love Larry!”
Annie said as Kirsty nodded in agreement.
They sign in and walk to their room to wait on their assigned doctor. The three girls sit down and take a cup of tea which is on the bed side table for them. The head doctor walks in with a familiar face.
“Good morning girls, here is your doctor- Mr Gate. He is one of best doctors we have this year. You’ll be very lucky to have him. I leave you 4 alone. Good luck.”
He said as he left with a shocked and not pleased Katelyn and a cheerful Kirsty, Annie and Larry.
“Um Annie and I are gonna go get something to eat. We’ll be back in a moment.”
Kirsty said as she and Annie walked out the room.
“Kate…..I’m REALLY sorry……please can you forgive me?”
Larry said taking her hand and kissing it.
“Larry…..the truth is……I haven’t had very good night’s sleep, there is two reasons…..1 Lily wouldn’t sleep and kept crying probably for you and two I missed you by my side, I didn’t feel secure….!!!”
Katelyn said as Larry looked confused at her.
“And by that you mean……”
Larry asked as Katelyn put her arms around his neck.
“I want you; here beside me for the rest of my life, here when my fifth kid is born, I want to be in your arms when I decide to breathe my last breath. Larry I love you!”
She says finally kissing him. He lifts her and swings her around a bit. After a few minutes……..they pull back.
“Marry me?”
Larry asked as Katelyn nodded and kissed him again.

The end

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