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Rated: E · Other · Emotional · #1744900
Citizens 7 Billion strong.
Fix The Wall

By: Doug Gealy

We the citizens
Depend on our government
For better and for worse
Alternative energy
Wilderness and species preservation
Positive change to name a few

But we know there is no clean coal
We know oil companies are too powerful to dethrone
We know the promise of transparency only goes so far
As far as the closed door that’s guarded and locked
We know the money in expansion and harvest speaks loudly
Louder than a dwindling species could ever whimper
We know change comes out of necessity
We know the bailouts are a quick fix
A bandage over a gash that will likely lead to a crippling economic collapse
An inevitable amputation to restless infection
But not to worry only the youth will suffer
Only the future is in question
We the Citizens Know

We throw blame at individuals
The Government as a whole
The man behind the wheel
For failures and shortcomings we do little to prevent or turn around
They write the rules
While we lye idle in obedience
Complaining in a pile of our own drool

To fool a fool
To speak without breath
We shout within

In a world filled to the brink with citizens
Leaders lead
Where are those to follow?
Are our hands to withered to handle?
Our feet to heavy to lift to higher heights
Our schedules to busy to make room
Minds too cluttered to recognize the inevitable truth
Are we incapable?
Unable to help
Have we surrendered?
Given in, given up?

People are power
Citizens carry the heart
The heart behind the walls of every Government

In the United States of America we beat
Blood pumping life into the toes of our wondering feet

Governments should fear their people
Not the other way around
Restrained and afraid
Detached from our lands decisions
We are so quite they have to tap our phones
In order to listen

In times of great change
Complacency has no home
Change should be collaborated
Ideas today
Solutions tomorrow
Together we can do anything
The walls of great Nations only crack for lack of support

Soar and scratched voices
Repeat them selves
Including myself
I have done nothing
I am merely a drooling voice
Barely able to shout

Settled in our technological
And medical stimulants
The dull reflections
Misinformed perceptions
The ups and downs of prescription pills

While friction grinds
We dull and bare it

Fiction thrills the lives we endlessly wait to live
Seeing the world
Hearing the world
Through the face of static television
Contained and manipulated by Power dressed up as Money
Scripting every station
While the truth is out there

Like the common phrase
If you want something done right
Do it yourself

I say together
In a World seven billion strong

America sinks under trillions in debt
Our leader, President Obama cracks and folds under the relentless pressure
Of the uncountable burdens he inherited

This Country, was founded by rebels
Has our fight evaded us?
We are 310,000,000 lead by one
Let us learn to lead as all

The great President Obama
The great government of America cannot save us all

We the citizen, are the bulk
The Heart behind the wall
Fight, act, speak your truth, find your purpose, and take stride
Take pride in the passion that fills your core
Share the burden
Fix the wall

Bad economy and all
Help is wanted everywhere
Share the burden
Fix the wall

If parrots speak
If parrots fly
Why can’t Patriots speak as we fly to greater heights?
The new horizon of citizen’s rights
Ripe and waiting for new formations
Waiting for citizens, waiting for freedom
Let us find this new age together
Seven billion strong, together

Fix the wall
Or tear each and every one of them down
Seven billion can always choose
Seven billion will always win
If only we pursue

The question isn’t why don’t we?
The question is why don’t you?
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