Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/175527-Burning-Passion
by a_g_
Rated: E · Non-fiction · Personal · #175527
A brief thing about writing...
I wrote this on a message forum somewhere on this site. I think the question was something like "Why do you write?". I really like how it turned out so I figured I'd post it.

Oh geez, I can't remember why I began writing. I know that even when I was very little I was making up stories, even if I wasn't writing them down. (i.e. I would go around my house and assign myself and my parents characters from TV shows or books and then create stories around what they said to me)

Now, though, I write for so many different reasons... I'm bound to forget at least a few. Oh well, here goes...

Writing is my personal movie studio. Maybe the pictures are only in my mind -- for the time being. Once I have them written down, it's not my private screening anymore. I can create the most elaborate worlds or plots in my mind but the only way I can remember them is if I write them down. I'll either keep building it or forget about it, and later on when I go back through my notebooks I'll find an outline or a few lines and the movie will come rushing back to my mind.

Writing is the only way I can express myself without worrying about what people think. It's a way I can express what I want to express without having to come up with the perfect words spur-of-the-moment.

Writing is tangible emotions for me. It's a window into the innermost crevice of my mind, a place where I can't even look sometimes -- or maybe just don't want to.

I guess my writing... is me.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/175527-Burning-Passion