Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1757431-Boundaries
by zabdos
Rated: · Article · Cultural · #1757431
God created the world. Earth is where we belong, it's our home, generations lived and died on earth, people we know and people we don't know, some are heroes some are not, we learned about the past generations from books which we call our history. We read about people who created countries, towns, villages, we saw there discoveries that we use them right now in our daily life, we saw there conflicts. But i always had a question on my mind, i always wanted to see the world and choose where to live. Who made boundaries? why does its hard for people to choose where they want to live in any place in the world , visit any place they want, you all agree with me that's earth is our home right? I think that its a right for every person to travel and live in any place they want. Well money plays a huge role, but who created the differences in currencies? Well some people will not like what i say because they are afraid of other nationalities, religion and appearances. But the truth is that these issues doesn't exist it's the political world who created these thoughts into people's mind they created terroristes, crimes, currency differences and wars just to satisfy there needs locking people in there countries afraid from them to go out and discover the truth , made them busy with work and financial problems. Some people succeeded and went after the truth but they were silenced by the political power. Stereotyping is the game we live in now. Who created boundaries? Why we aren't free to run freely in earth? Does money make freedom? Money isn't real, We are real, Humans are real. Unity between all people will wash away these selfish conflicts created by some controlling irresponsible humans. Freedom is happiness.
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