Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1759967-Pissed-Off
Rated: · Other · Other · #1759967
My whole day of March 15 2011
It was a bright sunny day and as usual the sound of the horns of the lorry drivers woke me up*Angry*! When I saw the clock, it was 9.30. I am late!. But who cares about being late in an office when everyone turns out to work only at 11*RollEyes*? Not to mention, till the time I get my Visa, I wont have any challenging work.

Now back to story. It so happened that everyone woke up early (9.30*Delight*) and was a fight for the bathroom on who has to take bath!

That delayed me further and not to mention about the hectic traffic out here in Bangalore.When I reached office time was just 12. I dint eat breakfast in the morning.I went and asked about my Visa status to my delivery manager, they gave me the same response and asked me not to disturb him daily. He added that he will let me know when it comes. I got frustrated and said, "Its high time that I should have left this place by now and you ask me not to disturb you heh? Well, I don't have any other option than to ask u instead of staying still in my seat!"

I was damn hungry when I reached office. The guy who used to come out for lunch with me said he had some work and we went to lunch only by 1 or 1.30. Dint eat properly as nothing was nice. Had some fresh air ( you know what i mean) and to my bad luck, the project manager gave me 3 tickets to be resolved on the day.

I had said to my room mates that I would come early and we will go out to some bar to celebrate the birthday party!. When I was about to start from office, the time was around 6, I had finished only one ticket of the assigned two and my manager asked me the status!

I said in a cool fashion that I have completed one and the rest two I would complete tomorrow as I have some personal work and have to leave early. She showed her ugly face to me and started giving a lecture on how job dedication is important as if she is going to be paid for what she talks. I was in no mood to buy any of the stuffs of what she was blabbering and left early.

Meanwhile, there was a conference call(between my roomettes and me) on where exactly we are supposed to go. They all suggested Bhagini bar but it is difficult to commute for 5 members. Seriously, you cant take four separate rounds on a bike to a bar which is around 10 km (max to max). I said a straight no to that option when it came to commuting. It was then decided that we will order from a restaurant to our room and will have drinks there!

When I was back in the hectic traffic, a lorry driver (who rode like a cowboy) started to take his lorry when the red light was on! It was supposed to be my last day yesterday. Not once, again when i was back in the highway, a biker came in the wrong way and i almost skidded and somehow managed! (back to life part II)

When I was back in room, I cursed the hectic city and the drivers they had. Me and KK watched a crappiest movie which was said as the comedy movie of 2010. When the movie was about to start, it said 2 hours movie and was wondering if we could finish the movie as there was a party at 7.30. I thought myself, let us watch the first half and decide after that.

Till the movie ended at 8.30, there was not a single call from any of the other guys nor anyone turned up on room! When I called them as soon as the movie ended, they asked me to come over to tech park entrance in bike along with KK. When i reached there, they asked me and KK to go to bhagini and book a table and they will reach there ASAP. I almost crossed half way to bhagini and suddenly they called me back and said we will not go there and we will drink in the bar near our home itself!

I was like an atom bomb which blasted suddenly taking all the events that happened from morning till that time!. The first thing that came to my mind was "Do I look like a jerk or I am such a crap that people take me for granted?". I immediately said I am not coming to this party to my pillion and said I will drop you in the bar where they want you to come. You people carry on. I dropped him and came back to room.

My roomettes indeed called me several times asking me to come to the bar but the moment was gone and the worst part was another biggest nightmare happened (which i don't want to say here)

I wanted to talk to Ram (roomette) about this when he come home and was keeping myself awake till 12.30. When they came, they were all frustrated on my absence to the party and it was evident in all the places. Though I asked them what they had and they replied back saying beer, there was no life in the reply.

I got this out clearly as I know him alot better and sent a message to all of them saying I got angry and showed it off. The first reply from Appu was F*** off. Wow, if it had been any other guy, I would have surely beaten the hell out of him cos none ever talks to me that way.

Second reply from Ram! I never thought you will show your anger or pissed off'ness on us. Thanks for not turning out to my b'day party and thanks for considering all of us as normal friends! All the best.

Man, I have only one question! Whom can you show your anger? To your best friend or your worst enemy??? I prefer the former! I think they understand you a-lot better than your mother! I didn't sleep and got up at 8 and left home by 9 'o clock itself where I used to get up only at 9.30! Did not have my breakfast! But decided not to smoke or drink ever in my life! All these things came up only cos of them!!!

Its the worst thing when you have your friends with you and still you are alone but according to me, if a person cant enjoy being alone, he can never enjoy in a group!!! Its not a new thing for me to being alone as well! And indeed, now that I feel great in being an OUTCAST of the SNS PG :)

Signing off!

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