Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1762368-Gateway-1st-Place
Rated: E · Short Story · Other · #1762368
Passo was gifted. But Dr. Horowitz could not believe what Sheron told him.
Dr. Horowitz looked up as Sheron entered the room. She slid a drawing across his desk and his eyes rested upon the intricate penciling.

“The boy drew that.”

“What boy?”


“No.” The doctor’s brow furrowed at the mere thought. He picked up the paper and examined the tall tower with a winged creature flying high above. The realism of the sketch pulled at his emotions.

“Yes. It’s true. Passo. But there’s more, Dr. Gomez is missing.”

“What? Where to?”

“That’s what I asked Passo. He said,” Sheron stopped and looked away.

“Spit it out! Where?

“He said he drew the picture for him and that’s where he went.”

“But where is this?”

“More appropriately when is it. Medieval times. Look at the tower. I believe this is La Mota Castle in Spain. I’ve been comparing it and the details are extraordinary. It looks just like it. Further I called the castle a half hour ago and spoke to the curator. Once I explained the scenario he was stunned. One of the great barons was named Gomez.”

“This is nonsense. Let’s go talk to Passo. Dr. Gomez will show up.”

They both pressed down the hall and slipped into Passo’s room. The boy held a sketch pad on his lap as he sat up in his bed.

“Passo,” the doctor whispered, “it’s Dr. H.”

“I thought you’d come.” Passo replied. “I can draw a picture for you too. Anywhere you want.”

“But how, Passo?”

“You must believe.” Sheron nodded.

The doctor passed his hand in front of Passo’s face. “This is crazy. He’s blind. He can’t draw anything like that castle.”

“I can. I have. Look at the pad.”

His hands trembling the doctor peered at the old farmhouse on the prairie. His head began to spin…


298 Words
Flash Story Must contain: Tower, Wing, Drawing
© Copyright 2011 BScholl (the0hawk at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1762368-Gateway-1st-Place