Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1765524-Lonely-People-Dine-Together
Rated: 13+ · Other · Drama · #1765524
monologue of a killer.
Court room, a very heavily dressed but malodorous man sits in the witness chair, the defendent in a trial of the first degree murder. The prosecuting attorney asks him how could he murder a man. He responds:
" Hmmmm( a stiffled, nervous laugh). That's a normal question i guess. Normal to ask someone on trial for murder... how could I kill a man?... the best answer i could tell you is that, well, it wasn't about him at all. NO. It wasnt about him. Hell, it wasn't about killing. Now, your probably asking this question, so you can, what? see if I'm insane? You want to see if my evaluations are correct. If I'm a sociopath. I'm not. By your standards, maybe. But I'm not. I know exactly what I did. At least, I did after it was done. I'll get to the point, Ms. Nuban. I work at a advertising company. My job is extraordinarily boring. I like my coffee black, and my eggs scrambled, if that helps you at all. I have a environmentally friendly car, I like icecream and burgers, my favorite color is blue, and I'm pro-life. I'm your average american, you could say. I dont watch underage pornography or snuff films. I wasn't abused. And, in case it might come up, my blood pressure is perfect. Been smoking for 15 years, but it's damn near perfect. I go to church, not every sunday, but i go. But when I'm invited out... like for a work get together... I go... I dont drink... I just go and sit there, and laugh nonchalantly at whatever wisecrack or dirty pun they make. They don't know me by my first name. They've called me 'Freedmon' since the first night I went out with them. I even gave one of them a ride home. Yeah, I am the designated driver.His name was Tory Jordan. See how easy that was? Tory Jordan. Whole name. We didn't talk, and when he got out he shook my hand and thanked me for the ride. I left. I don't like sports, but I decided that I would have a little cook out. I invited some of them over. They all seemed up for it when I asked them at work. But every night that week I got a call. They canceled. The next week we were all out again. I didn't talk, and no one talked to me. I followed Tory to his car. He laughed me off a little. I showed him my knife. He thought I was kidding. Because I wouldn't do something like that. But how in the hell would he know? HOW WOULD HE KNOW?! I wasn't gonna hurt him, just play with him, scare him. He'd probably remember my freaking name, right? 'Cut it out Freedmon'. I just lost it. I stabbed him again and again and again. It was horrible. He cried. I got blood all over me. Alot of blood. I- I didn't run away. I -I called the police. I told them... I told them exactly... I'm not a mean man. God, i'm not evil. I wish people would stop telling me I am. I'm lonely. Lonely. I made a mistake. A big, big, big mistake. But I didn't take his life for some sick whimsy. No. I'm a man. I'm a man who killed another man. But I'm not a monster. I'm sorry for what I did. I am. I am. Iam.It tears me to damn pieces. It... it's hell. I'm not a monster.I'm not. I'm not. So don't you go on thinking it. Don't you go calling me a psycho or demented, or whatever you say. Don't. Im a man. Hear me.......... He didn't deserve it. But it's not about deserving it, is it?"
© Copyright 2011 Arman White (loveandlove2 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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