Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1768371-Abena-and-Her-Prince
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Erotica · #1768371
Final Exam Entry for Excite When You Write
“Abena,” Kofi whispered. “It’s time to wake up.”

“Oh,” Abena murmured. “Is it morning already? What a night, huh?”

“Yes,” Kofi agreed. “What a night indeed.”

It all started the morning before. Abena had just awakened in her bed as she stretched her arms above her head and rolled over. Later today, she was meeting Kofi after speaking to the village women about current events in the city. This was just one of her many duties as princess of a wealthy farming village in Ghana and one that she most enjoyed. Educating women was very important to her. She wanted other women to experience the same sense of empowerment that she did.

Abena smiled to herself as she thought about her fiancĂ© Kofi. She was glad he asked her to marry him. What he didn’t know, was that she actually chose him first. She remembered when she first saw him at the night club in the city dancing with his friends. How she had admired him from a distance. She finally convinced a mutual friend to introduce them without indicating her interest in him. After some general conversation, he worked up enough courage to ask her out. The rest is history. Just then, Abena’s servant Yaya came into the room, interrupting her reverie.

“Your bath is ready Oheema (Princess).”

“Thank you, Yaya.”

Abena sauntered into the bathroom where she undressed and stepped up into her large, porcelain bathtub to begin her daily bathing ritual. She laid her head back and relaxed into the warm, bubbly water. Stretching out her arms, she began to wash her smooth, brown skin. The water felt good as it trickled down her round breasts. She lifted a long, plump leg and washed up and down the length of it. She rubbed gently the soft area between her thighs and shuddered when it reminded her of Kofi’s touch. Lost in the moment, she touched herself again and sighed.

Abena stepped down out of the tub and returned to her room to dress. She took her time putting on the brightly colored kaba that she chose especially with Kofi in mind. The vibrant red, yellow and blue enhanced her beautiful brown eyes. Yaya had breakfast of pumpuka ready and Abena sat down to enjoy the traditional but slightly bitter porridge made of millet. She opened her laptop and surfed through the news as she ate.

There are some interesting topics I might bring up at the conference today. She thought to herself.

After Abena finished eating she was ready for the day. She thanked Yaya for breakfast and walked down the long hallway into the courtyard where her car was waiting.

After the conference, Abena held a brief meeting with the press to discuss the day’s activities. She hadn’t noticed the paparazzi forming around her when they suddenly began to ask her questions.

“Oheema, tell us about your fiancĂ©.”

“Isn’t he the son of a diplomat?”

“When will you be getting married?”

Abena began to panic just as Kofi appeared.

“Kofi,” they shouted. “Are you in love with Oheema?”

“Where will you live once you’re married?”

Kofi just smiled and took Abena by the hand.

“Let’s get out of here,” he whispered to a very relieved Abena.

He led her outside to his car with the paparazzi following close behind. Cameras flashed from all directions. They jumped into the car and the driver sped away.

“Drive through Kotoka airport until we lose them,” Kofi instructed his driver.

“Thank you for getting me out of there. It makes me so nervous every time they corner me like that.”

It makes me nervous too. I just refuse to let them know that,” he reassured her.

“Ok, now drive to the village,” Kofi told his driver.

“Are we going to your village,” Abena asked?

“Yes, my brother has plans for us there. You’ll enjoy yourself tonight. I guarantee it.”

As they pulled up to the village compound, Kofi’s brother Kwabana met them at their car.



“It’s good to see you and you too Abena. Please come inside.”

The village was alive with activity. It was near dinner time and preparations were being made.

“Come and eat with us,” Kwabana instructed. “We have prepared a special meal for you.”

Abena and Kofi sat down with the others to a meal of fufu with palm nut soup. Abena scooped the spicy soup with the fufu and brought it to her lips.

“Mmmm, that’s good.”

Abena took her time eating. She was enjoying the relaxed atmosphere with friends and wanted to savor every moment. When they were done eating, they all sat quietly around one of the village elders who began to tell a story. Abena and Kofi smiled at each other as they listened intently. Occasionally, Kofi would touch her arm or hand making her tingle inside. After the storytelling ended, Kwabana told them he had a special place for them to rest for the night. He took them to one of the mud houses in the middle of the village but slightly apart from the others.

“You’ll have your privacy here,” Kwabana told them. “I’ll leave you here to rest.”

“Thank you,” Kofi said gratefully.

“Thank you,” said Abena.

Abena and Kofi entered the small house. It had three rooms and dirt floors with a small mat on the floor for sleeping. It was definitely quaint, but perfect for getting away from the usual hustle and bustle of the city, and especially the paparazzi.

“This reminds me of my childhood,” Kofi said wistfully.

“Mine too,” Abena agreed. “I miss the simplicity of it all.”

“Well, what shall we do,” Abena asked?

“Let’s sit and talk awhile.”

The two sat on the mat facing one another and began to talk. They talked a long time about their childhoods and the changes in their country. They talked about difficult times and times of struggle and how grateful they were that life was much better. Abena liked that Kofi stimulated her mind as much as he stimulated her body. It was always nice having conversation with him. Abena was enjoying her time with Kofi and didn’t notice him move closer to her until they were face to face.

“I’m so glad you have agreed to marry me,” Kofi whispered as he softly kissed Abena’s ear.
Abena shuddered. She was happy to give herself to him completely and relaxed into his embrace as he wrapped his arms around her waist. He kissed her forehead, her cheeks and finally her lips. Abena exhaled and parted them so Kofi could begin his quest. He searched her by first running his tongue along the roof of her mouth and then tasting the sweetness of her tongue. He ran his fingers through her long, thick braids tilting her head back and tugging gently. Abena could feel her desire increasing.

Kofi lifted her kaba over her head, caressing her arms in the process. He kissed her shoulders and down the length of her arm pressing his lips into the palm of her hand. Abena was full of desire now. She wanted to be with Kofi forever. She loved him fully, completely and unconditionally.

Kofi continued his work. He unhooked her bra and caressed her back with his fingertips. He gently squeezed her breasts then laid her down. He moved her lace panties down past her full, round hips, bending down to kiss her stomach. Abena arched her back and moaned softly. Standing up briefly, Kofi began to undress himself. He unbuttoned his shirt revealing his broad chest and strong arms. He slid his pants down his thick, muscular legs and stood still for a moment. Abena gasped at the beauty of her man and secretly counted herself blessed among women.

Kofi lay down on top of Abena. The weight of him pressing against her soft body stimulated and excited her. Kofi stretched out her arms and entered her body. He began to move slowly in and out of her increasing Abena’s moans of pleasure. She wrapped her legs around his waist and pressed her fingers into his back. She gripped him tightly and raised her hips to receive as much of him as she could. They worked in unison, pushing and lifting until waves of pleasure flowed through them both. Exhausted from their experience, they both drifted off to sleep until morning.

© Copyright 2011 ErinLynn (erinlynn1969 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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