Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1768404-Parting-Ways
Rated: 13+ · Other · Comedy · #1768404
survivor writing Challenge#2 1234 word count
It wasn't the first time her, and I have not seen eye to eye. I mean, after all, I was her favorite. We just couldn't seem to agree lately. The more she persisted, the stronger my will to resist. In the end, I usually gave in and let her win, but only after I made her work for it.

I have tried to tell her several times to stay away from all of those sugary drinks. Between that, and the skipping of meals, she had to know this was coming. I mean, after all, I tried to give her subtle hints. She is stubborn though, and would not listen.

We use to be great friends. Together we could conquer the world, but that was then. Now, we hardly see each other. More often than not, she has been leaving me behind and choosing another in my place. It hurts, this pain inside. Why would she do that to me? It's not as if I have outgrown her company. I know I am still her favorite.

Just the other day, I saw her giving me the once over. She thought I wasn't paying any attention, but I knew what she was up to. She wanted me to be the one who went with her to give her that extra boost of confidence that only I can do. Seriously, we have been best buddies since high school. Nobody else has stuck around and put up with her antics as long as I have. They didn't have the endurance to put up with her pushing and shoving as I did. Her constant stretching assault of indignation as she tried to bully her way with us all has slowly narrowed her selection of choices down to just two of us now.

I know she has an important outing coming up. I heard her talking it over on that ridiculous blue-tooth of hers. If you didn't see it, you would think she was talking to herself, or whomever was in the nearest proximity to her. She was in her room though, just her and I, and talking with that gadget on. I detest those things. I will never get one for myself. I have no use for one. I don't think she does either, but maybe she feels it adds to her great looks when she has one attached to her head. She had just told Cindy that she and I would be going with Trevor this weekend, on some special outing. It was going to be a double date. She was dragging me out of the closet to help with her self image. Whenever she and I were together, there wasn't anything she couldn't do or be. At least that is what she told Cindy.

I didn't mean to ruin her date. Well, maybe I did. She brought me along after all, so what did she expect. We had been at odds for quite some time now. Before we left the house, she insisted on beating me into submission with her usual tricks and taunts. She pushed, shoved, twisted and squeezed. Stretching me to my limits, she finally got her way, and we left the house together. Only this time was different.
I had reached my limits. I was tired and exhausted from our struggle. This ongoing battle for control and dominance was more than I could handle. I had suffered at her hand for one time more than I was willing to allow. So now, it was my time to retaliate.

I sat in the car, steaming and sweating with frustration. I was tired, and old. Trevor had brought along a new friend, someone much younger than I. There was no chemistry between the two of us. We were definitely no match for one another. That only added to my foul mood. I tuned out my date, and listened to Cindy coo and fawn over Trevor. The more I heard her voice, the more annoying it was. It began to resemble the drone of a sewing machine. She seemed to talk fast and nonstop. Well, except for the occasional breath she had to take now and then, or tried to take, I should say. I was making things very difficult for her in that area.

As I sat there listening to her drone on, I began slowly to unravel at the seam. Enough was enough, I was going to take no more. Our friendship had taken its toll on me. I had been with Cindy for over ten years now, and she had always taken our friendship for granted. I was under appreciated, and neglected. Our friendship to her was a farce, evidently. Why else would she treat me the way that she does?

When Trevor parked the car at the restaurant, and opened Cindy's door, she started to stand up and then gasped, throwing her hands behind her to grab at her rear end. She sat back down and demanded that Trevor take her home. He wasn't sure how to react. He stood there stammering until she yelled at him to take her home immediately. The ride home was fast and silent.
When he screeched to a halt in front of her house, she slid over, scooted out the door with her face to him, never taking her eyes off of him. She apologized, but his angry red face spoke volumes. I don't think she will be hearing from him any time soon.

With tears running down her face, Cindy turned and ran into the house. Well, the best she could, I again was not cooperating and labored her efforts. When she got upstairs, she through herself on her bed and burst out into a hysterical sobbing scene. She can be a bit dramatic at times. I just lay there with her letting her have her tantrum. She did bring this upon herself, so I had no pity for her.
Our friendship had come to an end. That was evident to both of us, yet I am sure that was not the focus of her thoughts at this point. She kept mumbling something about "never talk to her again", and "her being so embarrassed". She wasn't really making much sense. Her sentences weren't complete and seemed jumbled.

I don't feel I did anything wrong. Our true friendship had ended years ago. She just failed to see it. I had been left with no recourse other than the one I took. Maybe one of these days she will look back on this incident and smile or laugh. Though knowing her, she probably won't give me another thought. I hope that isn't the case. We shared many great times together, and I will treasure the good times like the priceless memories they are. The bad times, well, I will try to get over those. Time heals wounds, and these will take a lot of time. I hope she has learned her lesson. She should treat her friends better. Those that take care of her, she should treat them with care and respect.

There is a limit to the patience I have, and this pair of jeans refuses to be over-stretched again. Favorite or not, we are parting ways, just as I parted the seam and left her derriere to hang in the wind. She should have listened years ago, and taken care of her health so that we were still the perfect match. That, or parted ways, and bought a larger size of jeans, preferably a pair that fit properly.

1254 Word Count
Writing Prompt :Be sure to read the challenges in there - I will use the word count that is illustrated within the first challenge - 1254 words. The second one gives a hint to the prompt for this week - be sure to follow this prompt as you write your story:

Write a story or poem using exactly 1254 words in the perspective of a piece of clothing - i.e. The main character of the story is that piece of clothing, and the story is told from the clothing's eyes, despite the fact that they have none. (It can be any kind of clothing - shirt, jewelry, pants, shoes, socks, hair scrunchy, a halloween costume... - if you can wear it, you can use it!) I will be using Microsoft Word to count the number of words in the story - if you do not have access to Microsoft Word, let me know, and I can check it for you - but you MUST tell me before the deadline so I can check it early to let you know if you need to adjust anything.
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