Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1772385-Maddening-Slipperyness
Rated: E · Other · Educational · #1772385
~Randomised thinking~
Our minds are impossible to visualise, because the thing that is doing the thinking is the thing being thought about. There is a maddening slipperyness about the mind. We can think about the body quite objectively and dont identify with it as strongly. If we lose an arm or a leg we may be disabled, but you can still think of yourself as you. But you still feel that your mind is you and that makes it tough to grasp.....Lost yet?

I once said that no-one can save you from yourself, when i was corrected by a friend who said 'You can save you from yourself' ....I still feel slightly inclined to disagree... well.... kind of.... you can in some respects save you from yourself but then again...... when in your darkest hour, it is damn near impossible to see any form of escape..... what kind of escape is there for you when you are at your lowest point?? Self Mutilation? Alcohol? Drugs? Suicide? perhapse maybe all of these things..... I know it seems really grim, but when you are down there in the depths of dispare, in the pits of depression, you dont look for the slightest glimmer of light, only a way to take away the pain , to get rid of the arguing voices, to lose the guilt. you struggle to find the good in things. Some call it pitty others attention seeking, But the sad truth is its just depression, you just dont have a choice with it. The scars reminde you of the bad times reminding you that your still human.

Truth be told there is always light at the end of the tunnle regardless of wether you see it or not. Good friends stand by you in the dark times and see it for what it it actually is ~depression~ They dont judge you for it, they just accept that it is part of you and who you are. They stand by you when you need them most.

~Accept the past in full measure, dont use it in the present, nor seek it in the ideals of the future. History makes you who you are. Embrace it, Love it, Be yourself~
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