Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1775280-Perished-to-the-Plague
Rated: 18+ · Essay · Other · #1775280
Mankind's dissapointing development.
I hate this world, not in a depressed way where I‘m pushed to the point of wanting to kill myself, but I absolutely despise its population. It was meant to be something beautiful, something where each one of us could carve our own unique trace in the search of fulfilling our own admirations, but people are so wrapped up in their own asses, thinking the world owes them a life, that devastating the meant-to-be radiance in the process is a given. People choose to either overlook the magnificence in existence or are simply too blind, but in the same breath, the same thing happens with the dire occurrences. They trail off their inimitability, their individuality, because of gratuitous stereotypes. The persistent necessity to be like someone else, someone famous or an architectonic plastic design continues on and on, so much to the point where people actually read up on how to be exactly like that. It’s pathetic. It’s vacillating. It’s fucking pitiable. Who the fuck cares which celebrity couple breaks up? Who cares which celebrity was caught doing drugs or adopted a baby in some poverty-stricken, maculated country not a soul had ever noticed before? Who cares which “group” should have this hairstyle, listen to this music and wear these clothes? Who cares about a prince getting married? What world are we living in? They’re just people, some of them with values much worse than you and I, yet you want to be like them? We made them into what they are. I mean royal blood? Really? It‘s manmade. It is the 21st century, right? Still we have kings or queens, coincidentally born into a fucked-up deeply rooted ritual, sitting with his or her old ass in a castle, and we, the ignorant little trivial idiots, look up to them as if they’re our gods. Why is there a standard draft telling us what a man or woman should look or act like? Why, in this dying age, are people still beat up or picked on because they have long hair, a big nose, wear glasses or a different looking face? After all these years you’d think somewhere along the line people will drop the ignorance and move forward, but regrettably, plans and thoughts, wishes and desires, rarely turn into action or authenticity. This is the world I have to live in. A world where nations slay marvelous creatures into extinction just to use their grandeur in order to produce rhino-horn-pills that’ll erect their dicks or turn it into a ridiculous, egocentric shark-fin-soup. A world where nations massacre each other because of different political or racial views, even because of different religious beliefs, something (and I don’t care who the fuck you are) not one person on this planet entirely understands. It’s not as if it’ll solve anything anyway, even if it was possible to identify the “correct” group. In today’s world people act out depression for the attention they crave or convince themselves they’re happy with the life they currently lead. People lost their ability to think, not only for themselves, but also for the people to come, their future descendents for fuck sakes. We, generation to generation, perished to become our own plague. Wake up. Wake the fuck up and live your life. Live your life the way it’s meant to be, because you only have the one. Make it count.
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