Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1784699-She-Hunts
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Horror/Scary · #1784699
A vampire with succubus-like powers, chooses her unfortunate victim.
She Hunts
Written by J. Marie Ravenshaw

Meridiana's emerald eyes scanned the bar looking for the perfect victim. A nagging hunger was building in the back of her throat, burning like a million tiny fire ants all biting at the same time. She tried to swallow past it, but was unable. Her eyes settled on a gorgeous man sitting at the bar a few seats down from her. He was nursing his beer for all its worth.

He looked up from his drink as Meridiana was sizing him up, his icy blue gaze meeting hers. His raven hair gleamed in the dim lights of the smoky bar. His lips slowly raised into a seductive smile showing perfectly straight white teeth, and an endearing dimple in his right cheek.

A sweet, spicy scent wafted to her nostrils. Oh she knew that smell...lust. She inhaled deeply, opening her mind and shuddering at the thoughts this man was projecting toward her. She drank his lust like a well-aged wine. 'Mmm, he'll do,' she thought as she returned his smile. She turned her attention to the glass of gin that sat in front of her.

Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed the raven haired man stand and start to walk toward her. She felt his presence behind her. The sweet, spicy scent became even stronger the closer he came to her. She closed her eyes, trying to reign her hunger in. 'Mustn’t let it get out of control.'

He placed his large, warm, hand on her shoulder. She opened her eyes slowly, hoping they hadn't changed color. She slowly swiveled on the barstool and looked up toward the man. A slow smile spread across her face, she held out her hand, "I'm Di, and you are?"

In a roughened voice he said, "Eric. I couldn't help but notice you...you are one beautiful lady. But, I bet you hear that all the time."

She did, but she shook her head in the negative, a faint flush coloring her cheeks, "No...Actually I don't hear that all the time. It’s kind of nice. Thank you." She brushed her curly, auburn hair off her neck and tilted her head to the side, slowly licking her plump, pouty, lips.

His covetous eyes watched her every move, he swallowed and asked, "Umm...uh...Can I buy you a drink?"

She shook her head and looked directly into his desire-filled eyes, "Actually Eric, I am so hungry and know just what I want. Will you take me?"

He nodded, held his arm out so she could wrap her arm around it, "Where to?"

She smiled inwardly, "Oh not far, not far at all..."

They walked out of the bar arm in arm. The sweet, spicy scent of lust emanating from him became stronger and stronger, soon overwhelming her. Not to mention the metallic scent of sweet, rich, blood that permeated from his pores. She could see his carotid artery throbbing just underneath the tender skin of his neck.

Her vision went red, a familiar shift in her jaw, and a tingle at her fingertips as her nails hardened and grew. Her eyes desperately searched for a secluded spot to sate her thirst. An alley loomed up on the right. "I can't wait lover," she purred as she pushed him roughly into the dark alley.

"I...uh...okay," he studdered as she pushed him up against the brick wall. She pinned him with her body, her lush curves pressing tightly against him. She could feel his excitement pressed against her abdomen. She drank his lust, throwing her head back, and inhaling loudly.

"I will have you tonight Eric." She leaned in and captured his lips, moaning at the taste of him...divine; a very innocent soul just ripe for the picking. Her hand rubbed against his manhood that was straining against his jeans, just begging for release. She sighed as she thought, 'Too bad I can't have all of him.'

This would have to be a quick, thorough feeding...blood. She broke the kiss and rubbed her cheek against the faintly stubbled surface of his jaw, encouraging him to tilt his head to the side. She inhaled loudly, her breath snuffling over the thin skin of his neck. She opened her mouth slowly, leaned in and sunk her fangs into his carotid.

Meridiana sighed in relief as the burning sensation in her throat was quickly quenched by the life force of this innocent mortal. She clamped down even harder as the sweet metallic fluid rushed into her. She projected pleasant thoughts to him to keep him from losing focus and realizing what was truly happening. This man would die with a smile on his face.

Her hand continued to torment him through the fabric of his jeans. He moaned in pleasure as she drank him into oblivion. She focused her superior hearing on his heartbeat, listening as it slowed. Finally, his heart faltered and stopped.

Her fangs retracted, jaw shifting to accommodate her incisors. She pulled back to look at her latest victim, she licked her lips clean of the last drops of blood. She patted his cheek, noting his very satisfied expression and the obvious stain on the front of his jeans. She looked into his lifeless icy blue eyes, "Thanks Eric was it good for you?" She laughed, let him sink to the ground, straightened her clothing, and started to walk out of the alley toward the busy road.

The End

WC- 900

Written for: "Invalid Item Week one- First place
Prompt: Open prompt
© Copyright 2011 J. Marie Ravenshaw (bean2031 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1784699-She-Hunts