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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Adult · #1785196
a bit cliché, but how else can you escape the boredom of detention?
         “Right I think he's gone” said Lance. “We can get out of here Gamaliel.”
         Gir leant over Lance's shoulder so that he could whisper in his ear - “Look lance, I know we don't really know each other, but seriously, call me Gir; I don't call you Lancelot.”
         Lance turned to smirk at the other but faltered when their lips almost touched, he tried to step back and flattened himself against the door he'd just been listening at. After a moment the smirk came back, but less confidently “My names not Lancelot, my parents named me Lance.”
         “And lots more people call me Gir than Gamaliel, so call me Gir.” as he said it he tilted his head to the right and brushed his fringe to the side, so as to get it out of his eyes and look at the taller of the two. Lance was cute, but Gir had never heard of him dating. It was funny to think that here was Gir- the guy who was friends with everyone, one of the most popular in school, in the closet with the guy he'd had a crush on for so long, Lance, someone nobody paid attention to, hiding from the teacher who'd given them both detentions and yet Lance was he one who had no idea who  'Gamaliel' was. The thought actually made him chuckle.
         Lance cocked an eyebrow “What's so funny?”
         “Never mind, let's just get out of here.” As soon as Lance turned around Gir took the opportunity to stare at his butt. He had to bite his lip to stop himself from commenting on it; jeans that tight couldn't be comfortable and were an out of character choice for Lance, but he wasn't complaining, they gave him a great view. Lance grabbed the handle and twisted. “Well, open it”
         “It's stuck” Lance immediately leant back as if to shoulder barge the door and Gir clasped onto his wrist.
         “Don't bother, they're all fire doors, you'll just hurt yourself. What's the room next to this.”
         “I don't see how that's important in this situation, Gir” The last word was full of venom, Lance seemed to spit it out. Gir's entire body deflated; this isn't who he had thought Lance was and it looked like this new Lance was the one he was going to be stuck with for a while. Despite Gir's warning Lance started bashing his shoulder against the door and shouting for help.
         “SHUT UP!” Gir commanded “We are on the opposite side of the school to everyone in detention and that is why wee chose this place now would you just sit down and wait to hear someone approaching before you yell your head off like an idiot!” Lance was taken aback, he hadn't realised before he'd hurt Gir's feelings, but now he was looking at him, his gaze made Gir uncomfortable, every inch of his expression was being analysed.
         “Shit Gir, I didn't mean to upset you it's just- ” Whatever Lance was about to say got caught in his throat. Gir cocked his head to the side so his fringe was out of the way when he gave Lance a quizzical look. “Don't look at me like that Gir... fine I'll tell you.” the sigh Lance let out was one of sheer defeat despite the fact that Gir hadn't even pushed. “I don't deal well with confined spaces.”
         “You drama queen” Gir laughed
         “Oi, it's a real problem for me” Lance looked hurt.
         “Yeah, but you didn't need to sigh like that when you told me. It's not like I think any less of you”
         “Fine then, if it's so easy, you tell me a secret” When Gir started to blush Lance was smug for a moment, then suddenly he felt very confused... Gir could for the life of him only think of one secret for the moment, no matter how hard he tried. That said, Gir had a reputation for being an open book to uphold, even in here. And he was not going to sigh about it.
         “I have a crush on someone who probably isn't interested...” Gir waited until the moment before Lance asked to add “you.”
         Lance looked away and his gaze sort of drifted. There was nothing interesting enough in the broom closet to focus on. After bouncing off of a few kinds of bleach and a mop he found himself looking straight at Gir who was blushing at him. Lance struggled with how cute he was, he couldn't think like that, was it all right for a straight guy to think that about another boy?
         Gir felt uncomfortable again. Lance was giving him that analytical gaze. He turned away and bent down to flip over a bucket to use as a seat. Then opened his satchel and pulled out a 200g bag of Doritos, Gir always had lots of food with him; they weren't going to starve. He looked up at lance who was biting his lip.
         “What? Don't worry I'm going to share”
         “It's not that. When you bent down I stared at your butt”
         Gir's gaze instantly crashed to the floor as his cheeks filled up, he whispered barely audibly “Why are you telling me?”
         “I'm not gay, at least I don't think I am but, when you blush, there's something...”
         “There's your problem, lets take a step back shall we?” Gir realised something. Tonight wasn't going to be hell for either of them; Lance wasn't going to be afraid of this small space, Gir wasn't going to have to pretend to be someone he wasn't all night. “Do you think I'm cute”
         “Yes, but-”
         “Stop right there criminal scum! Did I ask for a but? Do you want to kiss me.”
         “Sort of -” Lance was about to say 'but' until Gir's gaze silenced him.
         “So, ignoring sexuality for a minute, what's stopping you?” Gir stood and began to approach the blond.
         “You can't just ignore sexuality Gir,”  Lance was backed up against the door hoping that someone would come to rescue him from this awkwardness. “You aren't a girl and so I won't kiss you – I'm not-” He was hushed as Gir's chest made contact with his, albeit through his gray pinstriped shirt. Gir began to inspect the shirt.
         “Wow, if you're not an emo, like you say-”
         “I'm not.”
         “Let me finish, when I interrupt it's cute, when you do it...” Gir stared into the taller boys deep brown eyes as Lance stared into the most beautiful sea of Emerald he'd ever seen. No, CRAP. He can't think that. “It's just rude. If you aren't you'd better take off that shirt.”
         “W-What?” Lance spluttered, “Why?”
         Gir reached up to Lance's shoulder. Lance twisted his head away, trying to get away from a touch he felt could damn him. Gir placed a finger on one of the pinstripes and slowly ran a finger down it. “The shirt disagrees with you.” The pinstripe was made of three thin words repeated

         “Because this is most definitely an emo band, you do have to be this close to read it though,” He stood on his tiptoes and with a whisper added “Relax, I'm not going to hurt you... too much.” He took a step back and Lance visibly slumped a little “so kiss me.”
         “I told you I'm not gay”
         “So then you've got nothing to worry about. You want to kiss me, you're not gay. Kiss me and you still won't be gay and we won't do anything else. I won't even flirt with you for the rest of the night if you don't want me to.” Gir stood still and was glad that he hadn't started on the Doritos yet. Since Lance had backed away whenever he approached Gamaliel would have to do the one thing he hated doing more than anything else. Wait.
         Lance on the other hand had no problem waiting, Gir would drop this in a minute. He had too. He could resist this urge. It wasn't whim, what he was like. It was at this point that Lance made his big mistake. He looked into Gir's eyes again. They we're the deep, and yet pure. They were so green they seemed to glow. They were beautiful. He body stated to move against his mind, his will mutinied. He stepped towards his fellow closet mate. He brushed  Gir's hair to the side, it felt like silk, and as he touched Gir he could feel him shivering with anticipation. As he leant in he realised what he was doing. “Look Gir, I just can't I-”
         Gir closed the last couple of inches and pulled Lance into an intense kiss; Gir focussed all of his longing into his tongue, willing Lance to be able to feel it, after a moments awkwardness as Lance didn't react he began kissing back and slid his arms into the inside of Gir's green hoodie, wrapping one arm around the shorter boys middle whilst the other went to his lower back. Eventually, Gir was the one to pull away.
         “Why...” Launce was obviously baffled “Why do you taste of pear?” Gir let out a single sharp laugh.
         “do you want to keep going Lancelot?”
         “That's not my name Gir, but, yes”
         “Do you trust me?”
         “I hardly know you.”
         “Why do you keep answering questions I haven't asked?”
         “I – y-yes. I trust you. Do anything.” Lance rested his forehead on Gir's as confidence and mischief entered his voice. “Gir, do everything.”
         Gamaliel gave Lance a quick peck on the lips then pushed him back onto some metal shelves and pulled up Lance's shirt. Before it was even off, whilst Lance's arms were up and the inverted shirt was covering the taller boys face Gir leant forward, his tongue circled his soon to be lovers  areola twice before he playfully rubbed his canine against his nipple. He then finished removing the others shirt, at which point he tongue made a trail, starting at the nipple, rising up along the toned chest, across the neck, over the chin, feeling the first hints of stubble that comes from not shaving in the morning. The action made Lance let out an open mouthed whimper of longing, giving Gir' tongue an opportunity to once again enter Lance's mouth. Their tongues gently crushed together, and once again it was Gir who pulled away first leaving Lance desperate for more.
         “You don't get satisfaction,” Gir said as he lowered himself, hi breath tickling Lance's chest, then his stomach. “Not yet anyway.” Gir looked down, Lance's uncharacteristically tight jeans meant that his manhood was pointed straight down against his leg. And it was very impressive. Gir's eyes then raised to Lance's “soon though.” At this he grabbed Lance's hips and spun him around so fast he had to grab onto the bars running vertically on the shelves to stop himself falling. Gir then started playfully chewing on Lance's rump through his clothes as his hands looped round to undo the button on the front. Once it was finally unclasped Gir slid his thumbs under Lance's CalvinKleins and as he lowered then allowed his fingers to curl and scrape along the side of his legs, gently enough to be playful, but hard enough to leave a mark. Once they were lowered he paused for a moment, then realised that locked in a school closet, there wasn't really a need to hold back on the kink. He spread Lance's Cheeks and dived in tongue first. As he got his first musky pungent taste on man he heard Lance's gasp. Gir smiled to himself ~ It seems our dear Sir Lancelot isn't quite as prepared as he thought ~ thought Gir as his hand came up between the good knight's legs and began fondling his balls whilst the tongue started slowly moving in and out, fucking and preparing Lance for what was to come next. Gir pulled something out of his pocket as he pulled out and slowly stood up. He held up the condom packet in front of Lance's face as he whipped out his cock and rubbed it against Lance's slicked hole.
         “Open it.” Lance's hand began to move away from the bar it was holding, but Gir quickly slammed it back against it before tutting “Ah ah, with your teeth.” Gir began sliding his cock along the outside of Lance's entrance and ever so slowly bringing the condom packet closer. Hearing Lance whimper with desperation made him almost cum right there, but he controlled himself, watched him strain himself trying to reach just that bit further whilst still holding on t the bars like Gir wanted. With every inch closer the condom got Gir grinded in harder. Eventually Gir was sliding from his heels to his tiptoes, pushing in with all his weight when Lance's teeth finally clasped down onto the packets edge and his head sharply twisted away.
         Gir slowed the pace and lowered his arms, slowly put on the condom and leant over Lance's arched back to whisper to him. From this position he was still a few inches away from his ear, but Lance could feel the whole cock placed along his lower back, and felt it twitch with Gir's pulse.
         “So tell me emo kid, still think you aren't gay?”
         “I don't care anymore Gir, please, no more teasing.”
         “Fine, for now, but only because you asked so nicely.” He positioned himself  so he was pointed straight towards the opening. Lance kept himself quiet by biting his lip. Gir's arms slid along Lance's sides and he gripped onto his shoulders from the front. “This will hurt; I'm not going to be gentle.” Lance's lips lipped out from under his teeth as he let out a faint moan of longing. “It will get better. You can take it. Hold on tight.” Without another word Gir began to slide in. He was gentle despite his words, he'd wanted Lance for months. He had every intention of enjoying him for quite a while now he had him.
         Lance's warmth encircled Gir as he held on tight. Hearing the moans of the man he'd been dreaming about made the sex so much more intense, he began to slide out, then delved in again going deeper than before. With every forward motion Lance had a moan that ended in a whimper whenever Gir went further than he had previously. As he continued Gir had to be sure.
         “ Does this... f-feeeel good for you?” He'd never met a guy who could take him so deep without complaint, and here Lance was on the first try.
         “Gir I -” Lance turned his head a little, Gir froze when he saw a tear on his cheek. This made Lance moan with longing “Gir, I love it, don't stop. Please.” Gir's jaw almost dropped for a second before he regained his smirk and pulled with his arms as well as pushing with his hips until he was completely sheaved, loving the pained moan of Lance, who he now knew longed for every inch.
         “Brace yourself sweetie, I'm gonna do a Spinal Tap...” Gir was barely able to speak, he could feel his heart in his chest
         “W-what's that?”
         “I turn it up to 11.” With that Gir commenced thrusting his hips as hard and fast as he could. His heart pounded harder and he kept thrusting. His body started to tense up and hurt and he just kept pounding into him, his lust insatiable. His lungs burned and still he trusted, moaning Lance's name. His veins seemed to pump acid, Everywhere ached, but it ached for his new lover.
         Lance Screamed out Gir's name and moments later his legacy sprayed out onto the floor. As he let out a moan of pure ecstasy Gir's face fell onto Lance's back in a silent moan of his own and started fulling the rubber inside Lance. They simultaneously lost all strength in their legs and dropped to their knees. Gir slowly pulled out, pulled off the condom, tied a knot in it and threw it into one of the rooms many buckets. Then he took off his hoodie, put it on the floor and motioned for Lance to lie on it before lying beside him. Lance turned to face him.
         “So what happens now?” he inquired
         Gir grinned “Well tomorrows Friday, so Burt let's us out at about 6 when he gets in, I go home and get a shower, you should probably do the same, then we come into school and act like this never happened.”
         “Oh, right.”
         “Then tomorrow after school I come to your house, we lock ourselves in your room and this time we choose when we come out. That said  we'll probably be late for school on Monday.” Lance beamed at him, then punched him in the side
         “Heh, that's me,” Gir laughed “and as for what happens now... well until six tomorrow I have a gallon of bottled water in my bag, and a lot of junk food, so we'll survive, plus, we'll need to keep our fluids up.. plus” he reached into his bag and pulled out a small cardboard box “They only sell these in boxes of twelve in Costco” he said, inspecting the pack of Durex. “Think we can get through them all?”
         “We're both gonna be sore in school” Lance grinned.
         “It's the sign of a job well done” retorted Gir.
         “One thing... why Gir”
         “Thats a story for another time sweetie; for now... I think it's your turn to top”

To Be Continued
© Copyright 2011 Giacomo Lanchette (g.lanchette at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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