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Rated: 18+ · Poetry · Philosophy · #1788623
this is a sample poetry collection that will soon be published, reviews welcome

I met men

All in groups of ten

And each group similarly dressed then

Talking jovially

About the weather and their dresses

And even their wives          

And as if this life was nothing but joy

They went into the buildings

At the entrance they were checked for weapons

And were always found to be with none

This check for weapon seem to thrill them to no end

Later to their wives they would relate

About the check point, the crucial check point.

“Dear, do I look that threatin'?”

“You no angel of god”

And other enter still other buildings

Riding the escalator or climbing the smooth stairs

And they would stare at mirrors

Chat about the sucking politicians

“God see them” was constantly heard

Aloft atop

They all seem to enter at the same point and leave at the same point

And I once asked them why they were going in circles


“Circles!” I reiterated

And they gave me blank looks

Tittered deliriously and bellowed:

“We are moving forward!”

And, who could argue with that.

A knock on the door

“Shut up! Keep ya mouth shut you filthy thing!” The old man yelled bluntly.

The boy whimpered like a struck dog and enclosed himself piteously, his head bowed in shame.

“Tell it all!” ordered the old man in a voice that shook everything

The boy did, in a few minutes; precisely.

The man scratched his balding head as he moved about the white, empty room; empty, except for shoes and the blood; very many single leg shoes. He paced for several minutes

“Do you realize that the lady, the girl you have told me about… that…. That she is… oh! Oh! What have we done… that she is my daughter?”

The boy stared at the shoes, some very new, some very old, although they all had one similarity; they all had a tale

“She is also my sister” said the boy in a voice that God did not hear

But the old man did although his hearing like his sight was shaming him “what?!” he yelled incredulously staring at the boy as if the boy was a butterfly bearing the famous yellow fluid that will presage the things to come

“Yes, so it means that… that...that I too am your son”

“wh…” the crone did not finish the word but rather collapsed on the smooth-blood-stained-white floor. This was not earth or even the solar system nor the fucking universe but another dimension; a great and longtime rival of your universe where things existed in the negative—the key word is existed

There was a knock on the door.

The end


One girl with her putty lips

One girl with hypnotizing lips

One girl with eyes that gold drips

One girl with a figure a slender

A girl shining and glittering

And emotions like evil littering

One girl with a heart of soul

One girl with a heart meltable by a feather touch

One girl with blinking eyelids like golden bridges

One girl with sweetly shaped buttocks

One girl specially made by god

By his hand exquisitely fashioned

One girl with her pair of breast

One girl with those poisonous nipples

One girl with the witchy virginal

One such girl is all needed

To start a war and slaughter millions

So girl before you snub me

Turn down my heartfelt smile


All these bitches

All these filthy bitches

Wanna get riches

From me cuz they are just leaches

And I eat them like rotten peaches

Cuz it is the only worthy game in the street chase

But the worm will catch up with you so put more haste

So you can learn to distinguish the taste

And then its all witty, cut and paste

Beauty is staring at me

Beauty is staring at me

And I wonder

I wonder

What he sees

For he seemed transfixed

He seem to cry

He seem to be shy

Beauty is staring at me

Come let’s eat this meal

Come let’s eat this meal

It might be the last

That together we eat

For look at the clouds above

The awfully dark clouds above

The letters have come

The mayor has spoken

The old cans and metals are being collected

And come let eat this meal together

We can already hear the soft noise

Of the thunder and although we whisper

Words of hope with joy

We know we ought to eat this meal together

It might be the last.

Earth is dead

Earth is dead

Let your soul be sucked in

By the light bearer in a multifaceted drama

Let you heart melt on its heat

Profused forth by the racing heart

As we repaint these streets

To colours and shapes more discreet

Let your body wither and collapse

For the market is full and souls for sale

And yours the first to be bought

Let everything you know disappear

As you get baptized to new truths

Engloved in painful sacrifices

Where toddler’s blood freely flow

To the cunt of the holy whore

Let us walk together

Like the frills of the feather

Let us embrace the light bearer

As it make the darkness clearer

Looking towards the new heaven

For earth is dead, earth is dead!

I am anything I want to be

I am anything I want to be

Like the mad resting at the sea

Being- unwillingly- churned by the fish

And possibly tied by a wish

To be a rock some day

I am too good for you

I am too good for you

I know everything, you know nothing

If you do know something

It is the depth of your virginal

Will know her when I see her

That someone special for me

Will glitter in the dark

Will stand out in the park

Will into my eyes spark

It will be snowy in Africa

And the haze will have landed

And every color faded

But I will see that for me she was created

There will be noise and war

And kids about and around screaming

And into the market crowd thronging

And sinners in hell screaming

But I will spot my love when I see her

And I will know it is her I was meant for

Like the wish and the cold and the snow

And she too the same will know

Like two foolish pigeons

Toward each other we will rash

Hold each other in a deathly hash

And with kisses, each others tears wash

I will know her when I see her

She will know me when she sees me

And we will walk toward the love sea

For then all and we and the universe will be.

It was in heaven.

It was in heaven

Aha, at last heaven

And we could not see God

Not yet

But we saw what we saw

And they saw what we saw

And we saw what they saw.

When we reached the entrance point,

A flowered place

With petals raining blood,

A voice from us spoke

“See now

Do you deserve being here?”

The answer to that question

Was, apparently, the key; the ticket.

A nursery rhyme

Kimani kimanongo

Ngwaci ndungu

Kobo kobo cia airitu


And I saw a creature,

Clinging copiously onto a corpse.

That creature was, on close scrutiny, a man.

The corpse was illuminated to be a giant log

With tendrils and tiny branches.

Onto the tendrils and tiny branches

The creature that was man held on

As if to precious life

For if it let go;

Down below waited him

A strenuous, stark, dark void

Shaped with illusions opaqued in the void

And utter demise that gods couldn’t help avoid

And the man held onto the log

Secure in the knowledge that the log was holding

Unaware that with him,

The log was plunging down                   

For down was the only way to go

As flags and salutes flew by.

A nursery rhyme

Nu ucio wathuria

Ni gitarariki

Gikiuma mutito

Kuenja marima

Maguthika nyina

Haaii huui huui

Thumbira nugu

Little faulu little fowl

Little faulu little fowl

Once managed to squeeze herself

Out of the warm, stench-filled coop

She ran and ran and ran

Down the hill towards the green foliage

Where larks, vultures and peacocks called home

Little faulu ran, ran and ran after her

Stumbling on thistles and thickets;

Thorns tearing his skin but could not catch her

Amongst the larks, vultures and peacocks

She found those who her language spake.

And swiftly learnt of the hawks

“Ko kori ko ko!” sung the fowl

Ko ko kori ko!” this last was a wail

Meant: “I can’t return home again”

One of these things does not look like the other

One of these things does not look like the other

One of these things does not belong

There is a tail in one and a stripe in the other

Red blue stripe running down the middle

One of them stares west while all the other stands

Like the statue of Mary cuddling the holy baby

And his daddy Joseph straddling the table

Two of these things do not look like the other

Two of these things do not belong

Rise of the fallen

Follow me down

Way down below the second deck

If you are good enough, below the first deck

Follow me down

You do not want to follow me up

Up there is buoyancy

And the need to float

You do not want to follow me up

Follow me down

Where there is a ground to hold the feet

And no further down to fall to

Follow us down

Say a whisper

Say a whisper

To my shadow

I close my eyes

And imagine:

My shadow vibrate

To your soul

Where chords break

From all rots

And so swim

To my soul

I close my eyes

And breathe you

For time is

Warping wickedness

Binding you to my sins

In the side

By the river

I see your skull

Grinning sweetly

To my innocence

That’s you and me

We drown in the sea

To rescue your skull

Which binds your soul

On the seabed

Nude creatures laugh

As they swim in sins

Laughing at us as we drown

To rescue your soul

Which holds our soul


I know why I feel as I feel towards you

As a beetle knows why it is as a meteorite black

I understand why your sight burns my heart

As a beautiful slimy slug

Understand where god came from

I’ll seek to know you more

As the stars know the presence of others

The colours that shape my desire

Are milked from the emotion that you transpire

There is a tree behind my brown hut

Where blue shadows’ shapes catalyst my ache

The summer will soon be over

And with it my boundless love

For the Dead can not love

For the Dead know no love.

The few men left

The few men left could be forgiven

For talking in heavy voices devoid of any silk

For gazing at the ground with an inexpressible thirst and hunger

For talking to the few women left as if they were the few men left

For visiting the church ground as often as the mass burial ground

For eating uncooked meat without fear of the former diseases

Which caused this few men left to be the few men left

For being advocator and presiders of destruction of innocence

For shaping the world to their liking

And forcing the few men left to follow their line of thinking

By simply suggesting it and asking therein, “what does this say about humans?”

For making love to the few women left as if it always was a violent non consensual action

For killing kids dreams when still young to preserve this kid

From the tormenting demon that crouches beneath the dark caves where the forest were

For hiding the grotesque faces beneath lovely mask resembling those of the ladies that were

Could be forgiven for not to seeking to know

For knowing that knowing was not good

The few men left are often seen in dreams

And it always seems as if along they are swimming

Towards a land unknown hitherto and still dangerous to know

These few men left have long jaws

Their formally silk soft hair is as rough as the hedgerows

Their formally sensitive eyes are now smoke screens

They were just learning to feign emotional aspects

Now they are learning otherwise

The few men left could be forgiven

For being the few men left.

The path that was on the way

The path that was on the way

Was a path that was no way

But he said: ‘let’s go, let’s go!”

While we all yelled: “no, no!”

But in the end as always

He prevailed by appealing to our hearts

And our hearts said

Beyond this path

Where no path is

Lay caves full of treasure

The elixir spring flow perpetually hence

And the gardens that’s hold prison

The fruits of wisdom

The soiled pebbles

No more you wanna run

For you know where you wanna run

And it is where you are

Ruin, rotten and ugly

Used to be beautiful

Like red flowers in a clean glass

Used to be innocent

Like the first down

But to it you run

And no more you wanna run

For where you run to you ruin

The things I have learnt are the things that are gonna kill me

The things I have learnt are the things that are gonna kill me

The things I have not learnt are gonna corroborate with the things that I have learnt and kill me.

To be saved, I had not to have learnt the things I learnt

And I had to have learnt the things that I did not learn

What are the things that I learnt that are gonna kill me?

What are the things that I did not learn that are gonna help kill me?

The things hidden in the shadows

The things crouching beneath the hideous ghosts

The things making the tiny teething toddlers grin

The things causing the young priest to sin

The things that are gonna kill me ….

The things that were gonna save me….

These are black thoughts

These are black thoughts

Black thoughts by a black man

Black man who does not know what he can

What he can mean the difference

The difference being the state of the world

The world where issues are non- existence

Non-existence being the state of the thought

State of thoughts rotting in dirty imps’ school

Imps’ school being the place where they learn to sew underwear

Underwear with holes where poles can fit.

Poles can fit in the holes in their brain

In their brains are beautiful pictures of the world to come

The world to come is but a silly illusion

A silly illusion created by their silly religion

Their silly religion created by their silly political legion

Silly political legion comprised of the filthy rot of the society

The society half population being foetuses and stillborns 

Foetuses and stillborn being the results of pastors and priests’ rapes

              What we love we kill they say

                What we kill we love they sing


Open your eyes to everything

Open everything to your eyes

Taste with your soul

As your finger feel

And look at a sight so beautifully foul

For passion is beauty

As beauty is passion

And the act is beastly

So the two in conspicuity converge.

The girl is… how old did you say?

The man in the body of a boy trembles.

Two, there is a harsh wind

And the flowers must be blown down

Before the flurry, stingy insects fertilize them

The fruit harvest will be low

And temporarily, the ground a beauty show.

Three, we see from this point

The glassy anguish, souls in basement loitering

Minds devoid of purpose diving

And imps denied of minds and beauty

Taking chance and fast.

Four her face glitter in a sweet sparkle

Her lips are full and soft

Her eyes are all aglow

Her thighs uncovered like her mother’s

Like the television’s star’s

Like the albino apes’

Like the virile female serpent’s

He licks the lower lip

As the penis’ head give a tip

And the pulse increase

And oh! She teases and teases and teases

And minds void of purpose

Beauty exposed to blind imps

He rises.

Five it sure will rain

Look at the granny and her pain

She remembers it, if nothing else

It is like knives in her fermenting mind

Red white hot scarring tearing

And the healing, the healing

She remembers the stench, an alien oduor

She remembers the sweat, the huge droplets

Piercing his forehead like huge thorns 

She remembers the breath, the scared face

The young boy’s uncomprehending countenance

She remembers the vacuous pleasure 

She sees the boy’s eyes wide open

His helplessness as she pinned her down

Her thighs across his frail body

Like elephant’s tracks. How old was she?

She remember when she left him

An hour she stared at the grey roof

Even when the penis went limp

And she had wiped the innocent fluid

And as she remembers

She grins at the photo of the child that was conceived.

Now long dead

Six at last it is six

And papa will be here

And with him. What?

SEVEN it was reported 

That the drizzle had swept off

The bodies for it was a sloppy land

But seventeen bodies were counted

Private parts defiled.

Eight they said with smiles

That all would be well

The cold would not reach the room

And the dogs outside crooning

And the beds were warm

But the parents said:

“Well, they are all kids, really”

But later….well

Abortions had to be procured

And everybody was made to know

And two suicides later-

Bodies discovered in the boreholes

And others hanging by thin nylon threads in pit latrines

And mathare hospital and priesthood….

Nine and it was over

The so sweat, well- prepared supper was over

And grandfather had made it, smiling all along

Saying that cooking was his life

Joking like an intelligent dog

Starring the soup and smiling at her

And calling her “mother”

And she though it was a nightmare

He was pushing, holding her mouth with his hand

Almost biting off her young breasts

Pushing! Pushing! Pushing!

The blood gushing out in a torrent

And the breathing so loud, so loud

And there was of cause a death

Yet memory can not die

For that which does not live is not mortal

Is it then immortal?

And the lamp all along swinging and….

Ten and then they said:

“These boys need only sausages”

“We won’t ever have to smile at filthy men”

The boys- minds and beauty there

Were tied

But the penises always stood

Like a dog salivating on seeing poisoned meat

And they cooed and shrilled

And went to business later

For they were successful businesspersons

But the penises always shot up

Like dogs salivating on seeing poisoned meat


The maize plants were tall

They had given birth to three a piece

And beans plants used them for support

And they shared nitrogen

Twelve. The sun never rose

It went down in history

For one mind is as many

And many minds is as one

There was grease

There were scissors

There was a mighty sword

There were bottles

There was a sheet of paper with writings

There was a dark liquid

There was a rape

And the benevolent spirit said:

“I made you whole and wholesome

And on the thirteen day I devour you”


Nusery rhime

Tukuuruga mariko meri

Tondu baba ni muthigari

Nake mami ni mwarimu

Mangiriti karie itina


We are not reflections of others

We are not mirror images

When we hate

It is not our ‘real’ hating

It is us

We are not moving as they move

We are not creating as they create

We are real

We can touch our skin

And we feel it

Not because ‘they’ touch it and feel it

They are not real if anything.

We are!

Yes, they have some effects

But we are the real ones

We are!


We are unlike

We are unlike

You are scared stiff by the

By the heartbeat of a dead body

And the whistling sound the soul make as it sail by

While as I, a tall creature

Embraces such.

The tale

What we did that day

Is a story for another day?

What we said next to the yellow trenches

Is a tale to be told as we sit on the white benches

Who the whitely dressed lady was

Is a tale I must tell you of course          

The fight that started across the street

As the beast tore at the other beast

Is a tale to be told as we feast

Upon the ewe that we are fattening

As we await the arrival of the dead king

You remember we went as more

But here we return and only four

The ladies no longer being with us

A tale to be told after the mass.

And so why all this fuss?

Because as soon as we tell a tale

It sprig tingly and windily go stale

So we save it for tomorrow

When it might be needed to mollify a sorrow

When evil smile

It is such a sweet smile

You see no malice there

You see the white of the teeth

The fruity red of the gum

And the calm creases at the corner of the mouth

And the twinkling eyes complementing the smile

You see the joy of joining in the smile

You wonder why you thought it was evil

When the evil smile

It is an amnesiac drug

You hug the evil

You become one with the evil

You see the beauty of the heart

You see the profundity of the smile

You become so forgiving

So my child

When the evil smile

You must look away

When evil smile

You want to look away.


When my eyes are by yours entranced

My heart shivers as it races.

My heart is a rock thumping at my heart,

When our eyes on each other reflect.

When my hand feels your sensuous skin,

My heart ruptures in dolorous joy.

My heart is melted by its warmth,

When your larky voice whisper into my ear.

When we achieve equilibrium by sharing time and god,

My soul shamelessly sings in\of secret joys.

And it is a profound, golden moment

When your witchy touch electrify my body.


All these filthy motherfucking  bitches

Wanna get riches

From me cuz they are just leaches

And I eat them like rotten peaches

Cuz it is the only worthy game in the street chase

But the worm will catch up with you so put more haste

So you can learn to distinguish the taste

And then its  quick, sweet, witty, cut and paste


It was in the future

And as projected

The future a creature

And adverts read:

Guards against women offensive

For, yes, it was no longer

Possible to rape, a woman

They had evolved

And thus contrived

To fight against what had become

Mans’ favourite sport: ‘rape’

From their virginal

They now produced two forms of fluids

One for consensual sex

And another against, a fluid

Reacting violently to testerones

Within the moment of contact

And it was not within the woman power

To decide which fluid to shed

As would have been such potent power

It just came like the green in the glass

Or the brown in the earth

Or the nectar in the mutated honeysuckle

A human female would never be raped

Unless with metal penises.


How do you describe it?

What make it so irresistible?

What is there in the sight of

A woman, her bulbous breast

Calling forth with a cry to be devoured?

How does sex feel?

How does one feel as he sweats gallons?

How does she feel as her

Body softens and submits and let go?

And feel free to receive

And what joy is it in giving pleasure?

As the race intensify and the final gate is seen

And her eyes pop open wide

And she stares like a holy imp

Daring you to stop and she will kill you

Pulling you down and making that moan

And seeming so powerful then, so profound

Her lips palpating, her breast bursting off

Her virginal lips turning soupy

And what is the joy in the toil

As he crushes her and want with all his force

To pull her in, like sly quick sand swallow her

And yet surrender himself to her

In an act of utter betrayal

Of the selfish genes crying out for salvation

In this state of utter confusion?

What make her seem the ultimate,

The best then, the Alfa god then?

That she would ask to bite the ear off

And he would deliriously wale “ay ay!”

That she would cry: “I own you, I own you!”

And in demented ecstasy, he hand over the dagger

As the life-full penis slide in, why is the insane

Need to pull out and the atrocious

Urge to push in so simultaneous thus

An act of surrender to the unknown

T o a void full of unknown treasure

Yet a void?

Why is it tasteless

Who can say, priest and nuns, exempted

What is the joy of sex?


Whole worlds!

Whole, real worlds!

Whole, real world staring!

And, ah! Look at them!

They are whole worlds!

They are whole real worlds!

Only one thing is missing

You look long you see it

You see it

You long for it

You must have it

You seek it

And it become sought

Oh! Real, whole worlds!

Ah look at them

Whole, real world staring.


The boundaries are yellow

And above them if you look long

For sure you see the gold

Glittering in a yellow moon

And as the vision falters

The mind configure a fragrance

The yellow start to peel off

You start to see the monstrous figure

And also it is an angel

Come to take you

Fly with you

And you don’t want to fly

For the angel is a female

You want a male angel

One you can copulate with

One you can kiss and feel kinda shy

But this angel, no!

Then you see the boundaries

You had forgotten the boundaries

And now oh! You wish

You had not been a chooser

Had taken any angel that came your way

But that’s not your way

The boundaries shine.


But we just don’t feel right

Letting those spiritual phrases flow

Out of our mouth, out of our hearts.

We too are blessed with hearts whose demons are dreaded

But we keep them quiet, we keep them quiet

There are mirrors in our rooms too

Where we can glance in like you

And say we are just humans, just humans.

The forgiveness of our sins

Are effected from the beginnings

And we scream hallelujah, scream hallelujah

The conception of our soul

Does not allow us at all

To let the spiritual phrase flow

For each time we use them

Out they flow with a little bit of our soul

With a little bit of our soul.


Glow with me

And we will see

Walk with me

And you will see

Come into my room

Come kiss my lips

And I will see

I don’t want you to love me

I have been loved enough

Don’t leave me

Hold on a moment

Hope is like a thread of grass

And see, see

Hope can breathe too

Draw its breath from us

From us

Share with me you heart

And then you will see

Why the dead are not loving

Why the dead are not being loved

Aha! Now you smile

When I talk of the dead

When I talk of the dead

When I talk of the dead

When I talk of the dead you smile

What if I mention their rotting lips?

You grimace as if you have no lips

What if I talk of their unbeating heart,

Their silent pulse,

Of their unfaltering soul?

Then I say come with me

Walk the long road with me

Giving me no comfort

Giving me no spiritual warmth

Just walk with me

And we will see.


First you smile

Then you walk a mile

Then you feast on red thighs

Then you go to church-

A temple for you will do

Then you give birth

Or donate sperms

To a whore or a virgin

Both will act as vessels

For humans are torch bearers

And where are they taking the torch?

The question is:

Where did they get the torch?

But, be blind to those questions

Don’t smother the demon

Don’t even think about it

Let them sooth you to sleep

The yellow sun is the source of light

The green moon is the source of dreams

They are the fathers and mothers

Of all your demons

Who is the father, who is the mother?

Mothers have always been popular with sons

The breast has a greenish, uneatable quality

And the son must love the mother

Don’t slay a demon

Don’t slay yourself

Make it simple

Make it simple

And it will twinkle

Add squinters and tweets

And any eye it will catch quick

The heather is cold

The young heart is bold

The old mind is kind

Make it simple

And it’ll more twinkle


I enshroud my body that stinks

With cleanly sparkling clothes

And the cleanly sparkling clothes

Are made to stink

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