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Rated: E · Chapter · Romance/Love · #1797496
A snowy day and stuck on the way to work. A brunette and a warm car and a warmer heart.
"Oh darn these kids.” she said after slipping on the grease puddle from a spill her kids left the night before, “I think I’ve sprained my ankle, I never thought I could ever be in this much pain. Man, I am going to have to clean all this up and then go get dressed again. Do you mind if I make you wait outside until I can take care of this mess?”
I turned to go out to the back yard opening the porch door by unlocking two dead bolts and a sliding chain, I stepped outside. Even with the weather changing it was still more comfortable than sitting under an umbrella at a bus stop waiting for the bus to Grambling Station that never came.
That is what put me in this situation to begin with. A light snow, no problem, I suppose its no problem, unless your only way to get around is the public transportation system.
I had come to rely on it so much that I forgot to consider the weather and today I guess the bus’s stopped running as soon as the snow started falling.
Then she showed up.
“Hey stranger do you need a lift? It sure looks nasty, I have to make a quick stop at my house first, but if you want a ride, I‘ll get you where you need to go, The bus’s stropped running an hour ago and I just couldn’t let you sit there and be disappointed.”
“Sure”, look at her I thought, how could anyone be disappointed? Somebody that cares!
Not about me directly, she didn’t know me, but some body that actually cares about another person.
I thought that went out with chivalry and the Knights of the Round Table.
Wow, it’s got to be 28 degrees. some back yard, four dead hanging plants a bar b q grill filled with snow a small picnic table and a six foot privacy fence hemming in the yard so all I could see was the snow capped roofs of the neighbor’s houses.
This girl, let’s see she talks like an princess, picks up a stranger on the street, and then is respectable enough to ask me to step out side while she change’s, this girl is different.
She poked her head out the door,
“OK I’m ready where did you say you were going, Oh that’s right you didn’t, so what’s your name? I’m Betty by the way, actually my name is Beatrice but I picked up on Betty in seventh grade and it kind of stayed with me, damn look at that, we’re blocked in. Don’t worry I’ll get Mr. Pascrell to move his car it’ll be just another minute”.
So here I was again standing in the cold waiting for a ride that seemed destine not get me where I need to go.
That was two and a half hours a go and I‘m still only forty minutes late for work, the snow will work as a good excuse.
After a twenty minute stop at a warm cafe we’re on our way again.
Betty, it seems. Picks up a dozen doughnuts each morning that she then takes and gives to the homeless people on the corner. She says it helps her mental commerce and makes her feel good all at the same time Ah! The benefits of capitalism, How, substantial it all is. This girl, this girl is really something else.
“OK there’s Grambling, I have to go on to thirty eight street so, if I see you tomorrow and its still snowing, I’ll honk and see if you need a ride okay, bye!”
A little peculiar she was, but there was some thing really special and unassuming to her nature. Stepping out of the car it hit me, I should have asked for her number. It never occurred to me to even ask.
That was the one and only time I saw her.
I have kind of looked over my shoulder on occasion, hoping our paths would cross again, but to no luck.
Maybe she was just an angel, if that’s the kind of thing that angel’s do.

© Copyright 2011 Beaureguard Schmeltzer (bschmeltzer at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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