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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Mystery · #1799615
Kindy recieves a letter saying her best friend, Liira, is still alive. What's going on?
Title: I'm Not Dead
Status: Complete

Author: Haru Saito (RainbowKitsune)
Warning: Another daily prompt challenge. Beware?

Summary: Short Story. Kindy had gone to her best friend, Liira's, funeral. One week later, a letter arrived saying Liira wasn't really dead and that she wanted to meet with Kindy at the local Pizzeria tonight. What's the real story behind that mysterious letter?

[Writers Digest] Daily Prompt: One week after attending the funeral of a close friend, you receive a postcard in the mail with the words, "I'm not dead. Meet me tonight at Guido's Pizzeria. Tell no one."
You can post your response (750 words or fewer) here.


She couldn't imagine the night wind getting any colder but here it was, not two seconds after she finished muttering to herself then flicks of ice and rain started to mix within the air. Living near the ocean was nice, but any season other then summer and the weather seemed absolutely dreadful. It didn't help that the constant noise from incoming ships and large semi-trucks were a daily occurrence; even at night, the area was hard at work. This district was the only one in the country that made full-time use of the overnight shift, making the would-be back allies come to life.

"I'm not dead." Kindra repeated the words over and over again, the end result providing little comfort against either the semi-snow, semi-rain drenched weather or the mixed feelings towards the note left for her on an unmarked postcard. As for the weather, even her best winter coat didn't seem to stand a chance, which proceeded to make the top of her 'things to go shopping for' list for the coming weekend. The postcard, however, was an entirely different story.

Her best friend, Liira, was the type of person who had this annoying knack for getting into trouble. With a torrid on-and-off relationship (both friend and personally), needless to say, neither had been on speaking terms for the past six months. So it had been a shock to Kindra to find an invitation in the mail for Liira's funeral.

-Exactly one year ago-

"You're so intolerable sometimes, Liira! It's like you don't care about anything that goes on around you, as long as you get what you want!" Tears mixed with anger as Kindra shouted at Liira from across the room. Liira seemed to shrug off the accusations with ease, unemotional and still.

"What did you want, Kindy?" Liira sneered back. "What were you expecting? I don't really care who you are – we aren't together, we aren't partners and I could question our friendship."

Liira moved the bed sheets aside in one swift motion; her dressy nightgown barely reaching past her upper thighs. "I do what I do because I must, baby." This time, Kindra noticed the subtle change in attitude. Liira was trying to tell her something, just her, which meant either one of two things: 'Liira was in trouble (which was, in it-self a vague statement)', or 'Liira was in life-threatening danger, making this the second time in five years trouble'.

I bright, wide smile crossed Liira's lips as she stood not five feet away. Gentle, delicate fingers made their way around Kindra's face and an involuntary sigh parted her lips.

"Always remember the Bronx. We part, we cry and shout in anger but we are like beings of habit. Like a circle, we shall find our way back to the beginning."Liira's words seemed to help Kindra to relax, and the previous feelings of anger felt towards this woman had vanished. "Now go, before the clocks can no longer turn back time."

-End flashback-

No sooner had her mind finally been able to separate itself from the extreme temperatures wrapped around her when Kindra was forcefully pulled back into the present. Hail stung face, almost blinding her but it didn't matter anymore. The sign for Guido's Pizzeria, brightly lit in green and red neon letters created a beacon for her in the storm. A little over three months ago, the new Pizzeria had its grand opening; a new, quaint twenty four hour diner. Even in the dead of night the place was very popular yet, before this new diner, the restaurant had been just-as-successful dance club. The Bronx.

"Wait for me always, Kindy." The words Liira had whispered to her before they parted ways paced across her mind. An erratic heart beat, nerves that felt like twitching at the drop of a pin increased with each step. She counted the stairs as she ascended; swinging doors pushed open effortlessly to reveal a classic 80's style diner and pizzeria.

Kindra's heart rose towards her throat as she locked eyes with that familiar stranger across the room. She couldn't see clearly; the shadowy corner covered the strangers face. Walking steadily past the hostess, ignoring the stares and comments surrounding her, only one thing mattered now. That postcard, who was it really from and who was this person that caught her attention so deeply? The shadows lifted slowly, and a familiar voice reached her ears.

"It's time, Kindy. To stop waiting."
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