Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1808009-The-Weapon-That-Can-Save-You
Rated: E · Non-fiction · Inspirational · #1808009
This is a true-to-life story of a family who survived the atrocities of World War II.
        The Japanese colonized the island of Philippines during World War II on December 7,1941 to August 15,1945. The Filipinos way of life was greatly affected by the coming of the Japanese.
        The Filipinos feared the Japanese because they were very cruel to those who disobeyed the law.Their arrivals caused tremendous ,hardships,and suffering among the Filipinos.
          Filipinos had to bow down their heads whenever they encountered
Japanese soldiers as a sign of respect. If someone refused to pay homage,
Japanese soldiers strike their head by using their guns or cut their heads.The
Japanese then were very strict, if they suspected a Filipino who was a spy or
weapons, they killed them.
        True to life stories were narrated by the survivors and veterans of World War II . This one story was astounding and inspiring that everyone will
remember.It's just like everything was scripted but,no, it's real and I believe it was fashioned by our all powerful God. The story goes like this.

        Amor  family of Lingayen,Pangasinan was headed by a dedicated minister. This minister was shepherding flocks from the time of his singleness
until he was married and  had ten offspring.Mr.Roman Amor,ministered for
more than 40 years of his life at Methodist Church in Lingayen,Pangasinan and then became a provincial warden at the age of sixty.Mr.Roman Amor,though with little compensation, was able to send all his offspring to study.His humble was greatly admired by his neighbors and helped him with his needs.
        At the outbreak of World  War II, the Amor family was bothered on the
news spreading in the province that Mr.Amor had weapons which were then
prohibited by the Japanese.The Japanese had reached this news and readied
to search Amor's house.At the time the Japanese soldiers were there,Mr.Amor buried the weapons in the ground.Several trucks of Japanese soldiers surrounded Amor's house and forcefully opened Amor's main door.
Mr.Amor and his family were inside one of the rooms. They all knelt on the floor with heads bowed down.They trembled with fear.The chief of the Japanese soldiers went inside the room while Japanese soldiers were searching Amor's house.They kept on shouting with their native language and cabinets fell on the floor.It was a terrifying situation.
          The chief of the soldiers asked for Mr.Roman Amor and looked at him closely.Suddenly, the chief saw the picture of Mr.Amor officiating in a wedding ceremony.He looked at Mr.Amor again and asked him,"Who are  you?"Mr.Roman said, "I'm a ministe at Mehodist Church in this community.The chief replied,"I studied in United States of America and I knew that.(pointing at the Bible placed on Mr.Amor's table) He  looked at it a nd asked, "Can I have this?" Mr.Amor said,"Yes,you may have it."The chief ordered the Japanese soldiers to leave the house.The chief left the house with a Bible in his hand.
        "The Bible can save you!",said Mrs.Trinidad Amor Sucion,one of the daughters of Mr.Amor as she narrated her father's story during World War II.At the look of her face ,you can see how terrified she was as she demonstrated how her teeth were grinding because of nervousness.Then at the end of her story,an array of joy lined her face as she finished her story with her last statement.
      Mrs.Trinidad Amor Sucion is 78 years old now, a faithful deaconess of Methodist Church and has her own family with her loving husband,son,daughter,and granddaughters.They are the living and true witnesses of God's love and the power of God's words"The Bible".Truly.this is a weapon that can save us!You better have one in your house!It might save you too.

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