Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1811478-Mark-n-Diane
Rated: XGC · Short Story · Erotica · #1811478
Written for Round 56 of Weekly Quickie Contest
Lonely Too Long

Diane lit a spice-scented candle and set it on the dresser by the CD player. She smoothed the sheets on the bed, making sure every piece of the fringe was straight and hanging at a perfect angle. She knew Mark wouldn’t mind, but it mattered to her. Everything had to be just right.

After seven years of flirting and frustration, fighting for marriages that were doomed to failure, they were having their first night together. Diane glanced at her watch and pressed the play button. The mellow alto of Patty Loveless filled the atmosphere.

She heard his distinct knock, and Diane found it suddenly difficult to breathe as she walked through the living room.

She opened the door and there he was, still in his work uniform. His hair was ink black and cut short except on top where curls erupted in an untidy pile. His eyes were an indescribable color, but if Diane had to choose it would be “Ohio River Green.”

Mark smiled and looked her up and down.

“Are you coming in, or are you going to ogle me all night?” she teased.

Before she had finished speaking he was inside the living room and the door was shut with an impatient thud.

He grabbed her petite face in his hands and bent low to kiss her. Diane could smell the combination of aftershave and winter night air on his neck, and her heart skipped a beat.

“Shall we?” he whispered.

In one fluid movement he scooped her up, carrying her to the bedroom.

“We ain’t done nothin’ wrong, we’ve just been lonely too long,” Patty sang through the speakers.

“Nice song,” he said

“Thought you’d like it!”

He lay her down on the bed and pushed the lace bodice of her gown off her shoulders. The gown had been a gift from her now ex-husband, but she knew Mark liked it more than Brad ever did.

“Your skin is so beautiful,” he sighed as he caressed her bare shoulders and neck. His hands were calloused and stained from working as an electrician, but she didn’t mind.

Mark pushed the stretchy lace lower and her breasts emerged, perfect handfuls with rosy pink nipples.

“I’ve wanted to do this for so long,” he groaned as he brought his mouth to her, suckling the tiny tips between his teeth.

Diane arched her back and pressed her globe closer to his face, as he swirled his tongue around her areola and nibbled the sensitive, taut flesh.

Mark stood up, unzipped his dark brown work uniform and tossed it aside. Diane stood on the edge of the bed and helped him out of his plaid shirt and stained blue jeans. His heavy belt buckle clinked as it fell to the floor with his pants.

At six-foot-four, and nearly three hundred pounds, Mark was not a small man by any means; but the sight of her lover without clothes was a beautiful thing to her, and she reveled in his sheer massiveness.

Unable to control herself she sat on the edge and peeled down his tight white briefs. His cock sprang out, rock-hard and already dripping pre-cum.

Diane touched the tip with her tongue, letting the clear fluid trail outward.

She was amazed how sweet he tasted, and she closed her eyes and moaned.

Mark responded by grabbing her hair, pushing her closer to his rigidness.

She didn’t need much encouraging, and she took his cock in her mouth, delighting in the flavor and feel.

Mark groaned and pressed forward, plunging deep into her throat. Diane was astounded she was able to take him in so far and hungrily sucked, wrapping tongue around his girth, massaging and probing. Mark thrust in perfect rhythm to her sucking, his hand on the back of her head, grunting in exertion.

“Oh God, I’m hitting the back of your throat!”

She grabbed his ass cheeks and shoved him deeper, not able to get close enough, longing to meld with him, to have part of him inside her; to become one with the man she loved.

"Shit, I’m gonna come!”

Diane looked up at him and smiled, never losing pace.

“Too… Soon…” he grunted as he shot thick, hot ropes of cum into her mouth. The taste of him was exquisite, and she whimpered in disappointment when he stopped giving her his nectar. She prodded at the tiny opening, savoring every drop.

Mark’s knees buckled and he collapsed on top of her, the silky gown bunched at her waist.

“I’m sorry that was so quick, it’s been too long and there are just so many things…”

“Shush, you, we have the rest of our lives to explore.” She kissed him, the taste of his semen still on her tongue.

Mark fell asleep in her arms, as Doug Stone began a tenor serenade. Diane snaked her hand under the wrinkled silk and discovered she‘d soaked her pink lace panties. Finding her small pebbled clit she brought herself to a silent, intense climax and was finally able to calm her racing heart.

The candle flickered in the jar, steaming up the window behind it.

857 words

© Copyright 2011 Ravenwand, Rising Star! (ravenwand at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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