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Rated: E · Bulletin · Writing.Com · #1813797
Questions with Answers for SAJ Leaders
*Question* F. A. Q. for SAJ Leaders *Question*

*Confettiy*What should I do if I see a review affiliated with "Invalid Item that is less than 500 words?
*Checkr* I would give 250 GPs, but no score. If it's for the Garden, I suggest notifying Missy that this review should not be counted on the Garden list.She can also send a nice note to him or her about the minimum requirement on GPs. We want all of our showerees to recieve good, quality reviews. If you see a review that you think is of bad quality, please let either warriormom, ~A.J. Lyle~ or Lornda aware of the situation.

*Confettiv*What should I do if I see a review affiliated with "Invalid Item that is less than 250 words?
*Checkg*If the review is for someone in the garden, let Missy know. Otherwise, there is nothing you can do about it. Reviews this short cannot receive GPs. If they are not for the garden, just ignore them.

*Confettio*What do I put in the comment section of the scoreboard when I am crediting reviews?
*Checkb*Good question. This is very important. Missy ~ EnjoyingBeingAMommy reviews the scoreboard regularly. She is in charge of selecting the Golden, Rainbow and Monthly Reviewers. She uses the scoreboard to determine these winners. The winners are determined by how good the reviews are, not by overall points. Therefore, when you credit someone, the comment section should reflect the point break down for the day. For instance, if the reviewer only did 2 reviews that day, and they were worth 4 points each, then the comment section should read something like: (2) 4pt . If they did 4 reviews that day: (1) 3pt, (1) 5pt, (2) 4pt.

*Confettip*Can I review the showerees in my rotation?
*Checkv*Absolutely!!! We never, ever, EVER say no to reviews. If you review during the week you are crediting, be sure to get someone to credit your reviews for you. You can either contact the "partner" Lornda has assigned you, or call on moi! I'll be happy to credit the wonderful leaders of "Showering Acts of Joy Group " !!!

*Confettibr*Who should I contact if I need to change my rotation schedule?
*Checkg*Lornda is the official contact person for scheduling. However, it is always a good idea to CC to Joy and me, in case Lornda is away or something. It would be wise to send an e-mail to all three of us pertaining to any SAJ matter, unless it's something you only want to share with a specific person. But there's no policy that says you have to e-mail all three of us. It's just a good idea if you are in a hurry to get information taken care of. Among the three of us, it is very likely that you'll get through to one of us at any given part of the day and some part of the night.

*Confettig*When I am handling the showers, do I need to update the Garden?
*Checkv*No, you do not need to maintain the garden. We have another leader, with backup, who is doing that. When you receive a shower you need to log the name of the showeree on the garden page. The rest of the garden duties will be taken care of.

*Confettigr*When it's my week for showers, how do I list the showeree in the garden?
*Checkb*Enter the username {username:xxxxxx} and a couple of dashes and the amount of reviews to be received. You can look at the other entries for examples. Before you enter anything, you should consider if the member is a newbie or if this is an anniversary month for the showeree.

If he/she is a newbie (less than 6 months), you need to use the following ML above their name:

*ButtonR* N E W B I E *ButtonV*
{e:buttonR} {font:verdana}{size:3.5}{b}{c:grape}N{/c}{s}{c:hotpink}E{/c}{s}{c:indigo}W{/c}{s}{c:green}B{/c}{s}{c:blue}I{/c}{s}{c:red}E {e:buttonV}{/c}{/b}{/size}{/font}

If he/she is in their WDC anniversary month, you need to use the following ML above their name:

*ConfettiV* *ConfettiR* *ConfettiP* *ConfettiG* ANNIVERSARY MONTH *ConfettiV* *ConfettiR* *ConfettiP* *ConfettiG* 
{e:confettiV}{s}{e:confettiR}{s}{e:confettiP}{s}{e:confettiG}{s}{c:red}{b}ANNIVERSARY MONTH{/b}{/c}{s}{e:confettiV}{s}{e:confettiR}{s}{e:confettiP}{s}{e:confettiG}{s}

*Confettir*How long should it take me to complete a shower?
*Checkv*When you are assigned a shower, the first thing you should do is write the recipients name on the leaders board and the garden. Then you have one to two weeks, sometimes longer to complete the fulfillment of the shower. It is important to watch the board to gauge how much time you might have. If the recipient only has 5 reviews, it is likely their shower will end sooner, so you may need to fulfill that shower quicker than a shower with 10 reviews. However, this is not always the case. That is why it is important to watch the garden.

*Confettio*Why would we need to reimburse ourselves? Can't we pay for c-notes, merit badges, etc using the SAJ account?
*Checkr*For c-Notes, merit badges, awardicons you can use SAJ funds directly. However, when you purchase Raffle tickets or Gift Certificates there's no way to pay directly from the SAJ Bank, so you can reimburse yourself. (Or pay yourself first, if you need the points.)You also need to reimburse yourself when crediting reviews.

*Confettib*Who decides on the type of merit badge/color of awardicon, the showeree or SAJ leaders? Also, do we let the showeree choose where to place the awardicon or do we decide. If we decide, must it be on the works that were reviewed?
*Checkb*We do allow them to choose if they want to. Most people would prefer to leave it to us. Sometimes the person who gifted the package will request that an awardicon be given to an item. Otherwise, we try to pick one out that we think is deserving.

*Confettio*When sending Merit Badges and Awardicons, we need to assure the showeree needs to know it is coming from the SAJ group. With Merit Badges, it is easy to include a statement that recognizes SAJ; however when sending Awardicons it is not so easy because we can only title the Awardicon. How do leaders recognize the SAJ group in a title of an Awardicon?
*Checkb*This is a very good question. There are two places you can do this. In the Award Title you can say whatever you want the title to be and then say from "Invalid Item. Also, where it says, "Link to," be sure to put our ID number: 1499415 (the group page, which is "Showering Acts of Joy Group ").

*Confettigr*How should we address the raffle and gift shop in order to make sure the showeree is aware they are receiving the item for the shower?
*Checkg*We definitely want them to know it's part of their shower! When you post the message in the forum for the raffle tickets I usually post a message similar to this: I'd like to purchase two 1k raffle tickets to each of the following people, along with this message, "These raffle tickets are part of your shower at "Invalid Item. We'll be rooting for you to win!" Be sure to include the payment--I forget so easily.

The same with the Gift Certificate: "I'd like to purchase a 2k (or 5k, whatever) Gift Certificate for the following people with this messsage: "This Gift Certificate is part of your package at "Invalid Item We hope you have a great time shopping."

*Key2*NOTE: Make sure that it is the SAJ Group that is linked, not the Garden or any other of our links. When posting your message you can use the Group's alias {item:saj}. It appears as "Invalid Item This is much easier than memorizing or looking up the Group ID number. There may be times when you do want to send a link to the SAJ Garden, in that case, you can use the alias {item:garden}. It shows up as "The Grammar Garden's Gardeners

*Confettir*I noticed that some packages have 3 c-notes. I know we give a starter c-note and an ending c-note, but what is the third c-note for?
*Checkv*Depending on the size of the package, sometimes we send them a c-Note with some GPs. This is especially good if they do not have an Upgraded account and can't use a gift certificate for a signature. We don't always use the third. Sometimes, though, if their shower is taking a long time because the Review Board is so full, I'll send them a c-Note just to let them know we haven't forgotten them. I'll include some kind of nice message for them.

*Confettibr*If I send a 3rd c-note (AKA everyday c-note) with 1K GP, would I subtract the 1K from either the gift certificate or raffle tickets?
*Checkr*It most cases, yes. To stay within the budget you would need to do this. It is best to stay within budget as much as possible, but if a leader feels that someone needs a little extra boost, for whatever reason, it is acceptable to exceed the budget a little. We are all about spreading joy. We do have some cushion; that's why we have auctions and things.

*Confettigr*If we don't send the third c-note, do we send them something else for it instead like raffle tickets or gift certificates?
*Checkg*In the drop note that says Shower Budgets you will find a list of package items along with there costs. You should focus on staying within the budget for each package. You can swap things out as long as you stay within the budget and do what you think the showeree would like.

*Confettip*To find the reviews to credit, should we look in "Showering Acts of Joy Garden" or in the group affiliation tab?
*Checkb*Great question! We now have the tasks divided. Missy and WhoMe take care of updating the Garden, so creditors don't have to worry about that anymore. ((They used to have to do both!)) So, the correct answer to that question is to use the Affiliated Reviews Pages. You will need to credit all reviews affiliated with SAJ. HOWEVER, there is one slight catch. Pay attention to the reviewers opening statements. Our reviewers are encouraged to affiliate any and all reviews with SAJ, whether they are from the Board or not. So, some reviews will not be from the Garden. They still get credit, but only from 250 to 1000 gift points, and only 1000 if it's really good. AND, they do not get points for the scoreboard unless it's a review from the Garden.

*Confettiy*To receive credit, must each review wear a SAJ sig? Must they affiliate their review?
*Checkg*We go kind of easy on the signature part as long as they make it perfectly clear in at the beginning of their review that the review is from "Invalid Item "Showering Acts of Joy Group " . ((I wish they would all practice using that easy link so that every review would have a quick link to SAJ.)) They must absolutely be affiliated with Showing Acts of Joy. You won't even know about them if they aren't since you will be pulling up the Affiliated Review Pages to credit from. Actually, about the signature, we don't mind if they have a personalized signature, though we'd certainly prefer that it have Showering Acts of Joy on it. However, it occurs to me, as I think like Itchy, that we would not want them using the signature from another group--except for Anniversary Reviews.

*Confettio*What do I do if an affiliated review is not for a member listed in the Garden?
*Checkb*Score points pertain only to the reviews done for the Review Board, so you don't have to keep track of score points for non-shower reviews. Therefore, if the review is not for the "The Grammar Garden's Gardeners it does not get scoreboard credits. The review still can receive review gift points, but only from 250 to 1000, and only 1000 if it is really good.

*Confettip*Looking in the Leaders Forum, I noticed besides every leader's name was a starting date. What is the purpose of that date?
*Checkv*This date is when the leader's rotation started. You will probably notice that when the leader's shift is over he/she still has some showers underneath the their name. This is because those showers have not yet ended. The showers will continue to be managed by the leader who opened the shower until the shower is closed out regardless if they are in rotation or not. When the leader starts another rotation, he/she will change the starting date to reflect the new rotation.

*Confettiy*In the SAJ Leaders Forum I noticed that leaders are putting dates by the closing c-note. How long does a closed shower stay posted before it is erased? And who deletes the shower?
*Checkr*Any leader has the authority to delete them and clean the board off. It's a good idea to leave them up about a week, though, in case anyone has questions about it. So, usually Joy, Lornda, or I end up cleaning up the board. I do it probably the most simply because I'm a neat freak.

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