Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1814027-Forgotten-lullaby
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #1814027
The story of anemone the last remaining ice fairy as she and her friends go on adventures
The cold wind brushed against my face as my wings flapped softly. My breath came out as puffs of frost causing the rock I was sitting on to freeze up. I cursed softly to my self standing up brushing my ice colored dress jingling the ice shards on the bottom. I looked around to my frozen home closing my eyes. I was lonely and that was scary to me. A tear drop excaped from my eye instantly turning to ice. Wiping it away I started to get to work. Many people refuse to see people like me.people who control the weather: Fyries. We control all the elements from summer to winter. I am a very rare fyrie, a ice fyrie. Finishing my work I streached my arms fighting a yawn. "all done" I smile admiring my work looking at the frost covered forest. I looked at my watched smiling. "I have time to visit" i thought flying to meet my friends at our favorite place: Mcunnys Super Happy Place. The food wasn't amazing and the decorations made you want to laugh but we liked to make fun of the trolls they had as waitors. Walking a looking around seeing my friends waving. " hey you guys!" I smiled sitting down next to Lena. " hey emmi how was work?" fira asked her amber colored hair pulling up in a bun. " pretty good but hard" I whined. "i can tell I meaning being the last ice fyrie and all" Lena smiled her rainbow colored eyes glittering tilting her pointed witch hat. Fira nodded suddenly shoving a peice if paper in my face. "look they need new heart crystal hunters!" she sang happily. Heart crystals are used to protect us good beings from turning evil. There born from human sadness. The job of crystal hunting is very dangous because evil monsters want them to. "so you in? Me and lena are and Masax saidshe would to!". I thought about it for a bit then smiled. "well i guess we're all crystal hunters."
© Copyright 2011 Neko-chan (blackraven101x at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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