Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1820254-War-Zone
Rated: E · Other · Other · #1820254
Will Adam make it out alive?
The sounds from the guns and grenades echoed through Adam's ears as he ran for refuge. Beads of sweat were collecting on his forehead as he pushed onward. His loud breathing was masked by the sound of his feet pounding against the cold ground. Every now and then, he would hear the rustling noise of twigs snapping but he dared not to look back. He needed to search for shelter. Adam felt eyes all over him, even though nobody was to be seen, but he knew they were present.

Adam’s legs seemed as if they could not stop running and with every breath he took, a burning sensation went down his throat. He knew he had to stop soon. He then noticed an enormous boulder hidden by the surrounding bushes and trees. Adam fled towards the boulder as three other teammates appeared shortly after him. They were just as terrified and clueless as he was. Just when all seemed fine, the worst imaginable happened. The sound of a gun firing went off and, just as fast as it happened, one of his men collapsed to the ground. No, not again! he thought as the victim took his last breath. Adam then took the man’s weapons and armor for himself.

Adam had to get out of here or else the metal machines would exterminate him. With a sudden rush of adrenaline, he took off, dashed out from behind the boulder, and disappeared in a patch of bushes nearby. There was an eerie silence. He could still hear the weapons firing in the distance but none seemed to be nearby. He felt uncomfortable, as if he was not alone. Without a warning, a strong immense pain was felt on Adam’s back. He knew it was over from then. As he grasped for the last breath of air, he realized he had been ambushed from behind.

“Adam! Dinner’s ready! Come on!” his mother shouted from downstairs. Phew! Just in time. I always die in this level! He thought. “Hold on! I’ll be there in a minute!” Adam shouted back. “Fine. Just hurry up!” his mother said. He paused his videogame and set the controller down on the sofa. He descended down the stairs as his mother awaited him for dinner. As they ate, all he could think about was how to conquer the enemies and defeat the level.
© Copyright 2011 allisonman (allisonm14 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1820254-War-Zone