Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1825244-Penn-State-Predicament
by Myles
Rated: 18+ · Other · News · #1825244
Why would anyone report abuse to authorities when the end result is your own malady...
In light of the recent news about Penn State's Head football coach, Joe Paterno, being fired as a result of his 'inaction' in the 'allegations' of sexual misconduct of one of his assistant coaches, Sandusky, I am outraged. I have followed the news reports but have not investigated or researched any further than what the media has decided to tell us. As a parent I am sickened and wrought with worry about the innocents' psyche's. Sandusky's fate is far better left to God, than to myself.. I am not as merciful as He and have no moral issue providing Sandusky with a one-way express pass straight to hell... Deliverance.

The general public, I am of course NOT referring to the pedophiles amongst us, have a powerful desire to protect our children as a whole. We want the monsters to be punished not only for their actions but also to establish 'fear of consequence' to those who may be contemplating becoming monsters. Maybe if the consequences are fear-worthy the behaviors may remain safely tucked in the folds of gray matter of those who otherwise would cross the line. I am a firm believer that the punishment should fit the crime... Maybe even  'mirror' the crime itself... For example, the woman who strapped her two babies in their car seats and rolled her car into the lake and stood on the lakeside and watched while they sunk to the bottom and drowned, and then publicly blamed a non-existant man of carjacking her and taking the babies... Her fate should be the same... The world would be a safer place. We can strap her in and play videos of her boys playing and giggling while she suffers the same anguish and demise she sentenced them to... Publicly viewed like in the old days of hangings...  Sandusky is a sick man, if there were eight boys, I firmly believe there were probably more... His fate is not mine to judge, I am quite sure you understand how I would rule in that case. He will not get his just desserts, I have come to realize our justice system does not  rely on the truth. It relies on mistakes and loopholes.

As a citizen of our great country... I am truly fearful of the underlying message being sent to the public in this Penn State Predicament... The truth of the matter is that someone hurt these boys... (because I AM an American Citizen, I should use the term 'ALLEGEDLY'... but I use it VERY loosely in this context, as judgments and sentences are already being signed, sealed and delivered... via telephone...) fingers point at Sandusky... yet Paterno takes the fall. This is the message that most grievously disturbs me... When we are a 'figure of authority' or a 'person of responsibility' for those innocents who can not fend for themselves, such as our children, our elderly and those without the mental capacities to protect and defend themselves, and we come into the knowledge and understanding that mental, physical or sexual abuse has harmed them, we are REQUIRED by LAW to report such 'ALLEGATIONS' to authorities... If we do NOT, and it later comes to show that we knew of the abuse we are subject to discipline... Understood, and agreed... BUT... What happens when you make the phone call to the authorities? What are the consequences of the 'responsible' party? Unfortunately for Paterno the consequences are dubious and grossly overweight... He has been tried, found guilty and convicted of another man's serial pedophilic rapes. Paterno's name has been flooding the news, NOT the monster, Sandusky... The main focus has been on the logistics of Paterno's 'Person of Responsiblity' report, NOT on the 'Monster of Authority' sodomy of eight (8) ten year old boys...

Give me one good reason why we, the American People, should EVER report ANYTHING to our authorities... Sandusky is the monster, but because we dont know exactly what Paterno was thinking or why it was reported the way it was, which is so far, quite unclear and contradicting in its media reportings  the news channels haven't teamed up and decided how it all happened yet, so we must wait for their consensus, THEN we shall know the truth, as they would like us to know it. Amen.) I, myself advise those of you who are 'Persons of Responsibilty' to be sure you listen to NO child, close your eyes to physical evidence of harm, and plug your ears to the cries of the innocents, as we surrender our world to the Monsters... Protect yourself because the media and our judicial system are too busy protecting the Sanduskys and their rights, to care about the child or your reputation or your life for that matter. You will get no trial, no jury, no rebuttal... you will simply remove the weight of the blame from the monster and your life as you know it, will be destroyed because you did the right thing, but you  forgot to cross your T's and dot your I's... To tell or not to tell, THAT is the question...
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