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Rated: · Novel · Arts · #1827203
What if by chance you met someone you thought you could never reach? What then?
Was it fate that worked for our two worlds to meet? Or was it just plain coincidence? For even if the world is relatively big, it also ends up so small.


         The world is polluted but at times some parts of the earth are aesthetically beautiful, though its only on the surface.

         My mind suddenly snaps me back to reality. The busy streets of the Big Apple with its carbon dioxide belching engines, noise pollution  pouring from every being and the electric bound cement trapping and complicating the earth. My lengthy legs bring me to one of the old roads near the liberty, with its identical buildings that paves the streets. I find myself facing one of the bookstores here. The difference this specific edifice contains is that its name, "Antique Pages", is written in some faded form of Cataneo BT font, the color scheme of the inside a tone of old dirty driftwood, the framework that consists of three spacious floors constricts by large bookshelves with a variety of books and the door was nothing more but a rusty Elizabethan-patterned metal that sounds like an eerie high-pitched shriek when it is a little bit moved. My pair of light brown pools, as eyes, see the familiar figure by the cashier busily sorting new arrivals to add to his collection and as I pass-by he gives me an acknowledging nod. My never ending search for an art related book drives me to start my way up the big wide staircase that faces the Directory, both as old and faded. The shelves are like a labyrinth unending and forever winding but as I drew close to a familiar shelf  which is near the drawn up old curtains the shade of pale peach covered with dust and grime, blocks the little rays of sunlight not helping illuminate the second level which is much lighted by the iridescent bulbs. As a daily routine, I would move the curtains to let even the New York light in with my caramel-toned hands with some pieces of paint embed in my nails and fingers. But unfortunately I tumble to the floor, the echo of my fall makes a few specks of dust cover me and the curtains also follow me to the wood floor.

"Ouch! Owie! Damn!" I curse as my palm forms droplets of crimson liquid and right after I look at the hurdle that caused my fall.

"I'm sorry." a figure speaks with his hand outstretched to me.

         My artist intuition kicks in as I stare at his deep set amber eyes that is covered by his red Ray-Ban nerd glasses, hair the shade of dark raven styled in a side bangs unruly cut, medium body type clad in a white cotton long sleeve shirt, a knitted navy blue scarf, a pair of jeans and a high-cut converse in red. I inadvertently accept his offer and spot him holding on to a book, veridian green hard bound cover with a slightly faded title at the spine.

"Oh. Its fine. I'm very clumsy." I reply with a sincere smile and dig my bag for a band-aid.

"I'm really sorry. How about i treat you to coffee?" He compromises with pleading eyes.

         I think over his proposal but get distracted by the book he is holding. A creative idea pops in my head.

"How 'bout we talk about that book over coffee. I know a really great place." I perk up as he just stares at me a bewildered look.

"Ah! sure." He quirks holding the book close to his chest and gives an awkward front then quickly follows his words with, "Let me just pay this book at the counter."

         We stalk down the stairs as we talk about the new exhibit at midtown. Larry, the owner and only employee of the shop, never leaves the counter from my experience of visiting this shop. Today he is wearing his usual overall with a checkered t-shirt peeking out. After we got my new acquaintance's book we walk to the direction of the store I mentioned to him earlier. The store, Tasty Letters, which was located nearby is a modern restaurant featuring their uniqueness by having a restaurant and a few shelves of books which can be borrowed and read. The store is themed by the modern get up from today's architects, the color scheme was a brown clay pot tone that would make any person feel comfortable, there is also music being played with live singers or bands from time to time, and they also serve one of the best fondant cakes in New York. I push the glass door and find ourselves some seats near the store's garden. A waitress, Charlie, immediately comes to our table and gets our orders. She gives my acquaintance a newly revised menu.

"Wow! There's a new layout design for your menus." I tell the Charlie.

"Yup. The manager said old one wasn't attractive enough." Charlie says with much sarcasm but get a bountiful round of laughs from me and my new acquaintance. Charlie quickly follows with, "The usual?"

"Are there any new recipes added to the menu?" I ask while getting a whiff of the coffee being made at the kitchen.

"Yup. There is this new cake called Twirly Apple-spice Cake, I recommend you to try that. There is this new fruit drink, Sun-dance Lemon cream. So what would you have?"Charlie tells me with her bubbly way of speaking.

"Okay I'll try that cake and have my usual drink." I answer then look at my tablemate, who is having trouble choosing something to eat. I quickly follow it with, "If your on a diet then get their Rose Tea and have a Fruit'n Berry Cup.They make sure to keep those fresh and not add sugar."

"OH! Uhm-- I'll get that." He tells Charlie while giving his menu back to her.

         Charlie in her Italian-styled waitress uniform gives one last smile and types in our orders. I look at the couple at the table situated at the back of ours while they have their daughter's first birthday. When I glance back at him, he is already busy reading his book.

"I never would have thought that you would watch what you eat." I try to open a conversation.

"Yeah-- Its for my j---joking sister. She makes fun of me." He replies with a fumbled expression.

"I see. So, can I borrow your book?" I quickly change the topic since he looks uncomfortable with the latter topic.

         My fingers flip through the book as my eyes gaze at the illustrations and descriptions written. The book is about Paul Cezanne and his works during the time of his impressionist period. There are some copies of his painting in full color like, Jas de Bouffan, his self portraits, a self portrait of Victor Chocquet, and a few other pieces. But as I focus on the illustrations more the stifling laughter of the person in front of me is very evident.

"What are you laughing at?" I question as his gaze bore into mine.

"You must be into the arts so much that your serious face is just----" He does answer my question but ends up laughing in the end making him unable to complete his reply.

"I know right. V is in love with art and when she is really engrossed in it she loses control over her expressions." Charlie smiles as she brings our order.

"Charlie!" I pout as the both of them jest about my face.

         The both of them apologize in unison and another customer gets Charlie's attention. I excuse myself and get a book from the stores variety. We share different experiences and what our books are about. After awhile my phone rings.

"Hello, V speaking." I greet my unknown caller and motion the other party I am taking this call outside.

         Each breath I let go of forms a small white cloud as I reply to my caller. I suddenly notice that the streets are more covered in snow than a while ago. But that did not stop the people walking across the street to go their destinations.

"V are you listening come back right now or Prof is gonna freak." My caller, Jillian, frantically repeats over and over.

         I end my call and let my thumb press the red phone button to end it literally. My legs lead me back to the table where I sat a few moments ago.

"Hey. I have to go. My classes are going to start any moment now. It was nice meeting you." I say getting my things and place my part of the bill on the table.

"Uhm-- Can we see each other again?" My new friend asks with a sheepish voice but with eyes intent on holding my gaze.

"Sure." I reply as I ask for his phone and type my contact information in. In Exchange, I also hand him my phone and he does the same.

         After giving back each others phones, My smile is the last thing he sees before I leave to get a taxi. When a cab pulls over I got in and once I am, My eyes stray back at the restaurant then the vehicle made its way to my college, NYU MFA. When I finally got to the campus I could see my frantic blonde roommate looking for me by the Barney building so I give the driver his pay and drops off. Jillian comes running straight to me with her long blonde hair dishevel and starts speaking so fast I could not understand.

"Wait. Wait. Wait." I caution her making her catch her breath.

"Mr. Sanders told me to tell you that your painting got into the finals!!" Jillian shrieks with the most widest grin I've seen her make.
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