Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1828503-Second-Chance---120-words
Rated: E · Other · Other · #1828503
Writers Cramp Entry
The earlier inhabitants had moved to greener pastures. Well, technically redder ones, considering the planet they moved to. We were permitted to relocate here and establish whatever society we could, until we proved to the alliance we had the ability to sustain independently.

Earth had been destroyed with the final great war. Mind you, we had already done our fair share of damage by the time it began, but the loss of life was significant – and we had to go somewhere. This second moon was it.

As I watched what was left of earths brightest perform the final test on the hydraulics of the new power station, I couldn’t help but wonder if with this chance, we’d get it right.

Word Count – 120
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1828503-Second-Chance---120-words