Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1829131-An-Encounter
Rated: 13+ · Poetry · Death · #1829131
This is my first entry on this website I thought it turned out pretty good feedback please
I woke up "again" this morning and all I could think was why
Why did I bother waking up why did I even try
I had no motivation,didn't care to see the light of day
So I stared blankly at the static t.v channel flashing gray
An hour or so later I threw something on that was straight black
Had no hair to even comb so I left it at just that
Walking past the kitchen,past the living room to the door
Outside it was briskly cold so I buttoned my coat up some more
At 4:00 in the morning the world was quiet, eerie,and dark
It's like the time of day was a painting reflecting the status of her heart
Aggravated,suddenly motivated at the thoughts circulating in her mind
The pain and circumstances that led her to lead a bitter depressing life,
Agggravation that she let herself feel this way and become such a damn cliche'
Motivated at the thought of death and that she could end this today
Up ahead not far away was this recognized place
The place she had fantasized and thought of often as her final saving grace
It had gone on for some time now this fascination to that bridge
And the more she entertained the thoughts of going toward it the stronger she couldn't resist
It's like this force was in her drawing her forward promising some relief
And in the quiet of the 4:00 morning she could swear she heard a whisper saying"follow me"
It did not take much to convince oneself when despaired and desperate
To listen to the whispering voice and do whatever it said
The first few steps were loud like a pounding in her ears
Thought's of the past came at her like arrows replacing all doubt and fear
She felt this sort of romanticism this ecstasy building inside
Walking steadily towards the bridge now in a trance as though hypnotized
Smiling freaklishly she intently listened to her companion this whispering voice
That was urging her to jump It would be better it would fill her empty void
"come with me" echoed in her mind as she approached the tall fence
one foot then the other she climbed she was at the top when she saw him
It didn't matter he was too far away he couldnt do anything
She'd make it but she had to jump now without further hesitation
Before logic and reason could fully return the voice pulled at her insides
Frantically reminding her of "everything" as though running out of time
And in a rush of understanding her senses returned and tears pooled in her eyes
She realized then she prefered her previous feelings propelling her to suicide
Why on earth was she standing there contemplating what should have been so easy
But in her surroundings and present position towards death she started feeling queasy
With the distraction between periods of logic and insanity she suddenly realized
That the man she aknowledged not moments before was lifting her from behind
After being returned to her feet she shoved away from her "rescuer"
vexed at the fact that he came unwelcomly she pushed him away and swore
Tying to compose herself was hard her thoughts weren't exacly in their right
From trying to process all the overwhelming circumstances that had led her here this night
She paced and cried and held her head and as all of this went on
She looked up to find her rescuer staring at her still he had not gone
"your a fool,!your a goddamn fool,!what do you want with me"
"Here"she yelled throwing her coat at him "Take it,go,leave!!"
She was pissed,confused and overcome she rocked back and forth,back and forth
Waiting anxiously to hear retreating footsteps surely he had gotten what he came for?
No sound followed so she got up and sauntered quickly away
But he didn't hesitate to follow much to her dismay!
She shivered and mumbled angrily walked faster then stopped suddenly
As her companion skidded to a halt she screamed "GET AWAY FROM ME"
He just shook his head his eyes filled with some emotion was it understanding? oh who cared!
this strange man who did not get the hint had no right being there
As she opened her mouth to tell him so he draped her coat around her then
She shrugged it on because she was cold then she began again
"I suppose you think your a hero huh,and i should thank you for saving my life"
"But unlike cliches and movies I happened to want to die"
"This isn't going to be some big revelation or life altering event"
"Because I did not want to be saved I did not give you my consent"
"Listen",she sighed"Im sure your a great guy maybe you were trying to be nice"
"But please spare your chivalry and heroism for somebody worth your time"
Unsure of how to leave this awkward one sided conversation
She grabbed his hand shook it and hurried away without further contemplation
At least she tried to but was being pulled back before she had gotten two steps away
He looked desperate a little uncertain as he begged her to let him explain
"When i saw you back there it's like something hit me something I cannot understand"
"This desire this urge to protect you so without thinking I just ran"
"I was close when I stopped and I watched you,you didn't notice I was there"
"I was yelling, pleading for you to come down but you didn't seem to hear"
"It was like you were controlled by some demonic motive you had a faraway look in you eyes"
"I wanted to act but did not want to scare you so I moved cautiously closer behind"
"You were hesitating like you were gonna climb down but didn't know what to do"
"Torn between a logic state of mind and the force beckoning to you'
"It was the very next moment I decided I would be the one to choose"
"You had no right"she started to say but he clamped one hand over her mouth
"I wasn't done yet let me finish,dont you ever quiet down"
He removed his hand from her mouth she stared at him coldly but did not speak
Instead she crossed over to a bench and rested her head down on her knees
whether or not she wanted to listen he was going to say his peice
"After i lifted you and set you on the ground I watched you writhe with torment and fear"
"Holding your head and shaking all i could do was stare"
"I was silently contemplating what to do when you started screaming at me"
"Then you threw your coat and waited probably thinking It would be that easy"
"And when I saw you start to walk way there was no contemplation necessary"...,
"I do not believe in love at first sight or the cliches you were talking about"
"Like that if I saved you you'd be so releived or even thank me for my help"
"However i believe in destiny ,chance encounters and now I believe in you"
"That with or without me somehow you are going to make it through"
"The reason that I know this is that in your eyes the second I pulled you down"
"Before they flashed to anger and fear was this relief that you were on solid ground"
"You may not admit it or perhaps not yet feel it but I know for a fact"
"That when someone is redy to die they dont stand and cry in their position towards death"
He knelt down beside her and raised her chin to meet her gaze
Her cheeks were soaked with tears her eyes a reflection of her pain
This woman had been through something and though it wasn't his place to know
Still he wasn't going to leave her so he simply told her it was time to go
she didn't question or fight just followed as he pulled her along
Their footprints echoed on the bridge like the final chords of a song
In the distance the sun was setting and life relenlessly went on.

© Copyright 2011 Ronster Monster (elizabeth1123 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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