Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1833160-spirale
Rated: 18+ · Other · Other · #1833160
exploration of the univers and humans
if i dig a hole in the dirt. the pile of dirt will correspond to the exact depth of the hole and so mirror above earth what is created below it...the univers is the same way, there was an explosion that caused matter to be expelled into the universe but for all the mass an equal amount of empty space was created to counterweight it. so the univers is always in expansion, the mass is expanding and at the same time the empty space is expanding. what happens if you kick the dirt back into the hole? when will the univers stop expanding?,, will it eventualy reach its source and slinchshot back into itsself again and caus another bang?.. is that what it is just endless cycles of explosions causing mass and space and then eventualy through milenia spiraling backwards to its infinite infitesimal source only to be projected back into the space it has just drawn back and will reinvent once again...on which stage are we now?, there must have been infinite numbers of universes befor this one. why rack our brains with conflicts and hate and war when i one micro ssecond we can be slingshoted into oblivion...we are stardust after all, we will all, like the univers return to our sources.why should any of this matter at all?, why cant i just hop a place for free and go see australia for free and live in the wilde and hob a ship to see the gallapogoes and come back with great ease..why are thing so difficulte. we have created thee restrictive systems and now we have deified them to the point where they are holy and must be protected at all cost even human freedom and happiness...why cant i just go down to nasa and say hey i feel like floating around in zero gravity for a while...i want to build a log cabin in the middle of the wood near a nice clear stream, why do i have to pay for land then pay lot fee's and pay for my water...WATER...why must i pay for life. this world takes from us...it takes our spirits.it takes our love and deformes are loved ones, it deficates in our clear sreams rivers and lakes. as a child i use to swim in the gatineau river in wakefield...now i would catch something if i went swimming in it..im only 23 years it did not take them long to destroy my childhood swimin hole...where will all this lead to, everytime waves are raised they roll gently back into the sea, no feathers a ruffled...why so serious. why cant we just love one another... when i pass someone on my late night walks and say good evening and get nothing in return...where have all the humans gone? they stuch in factories and office biuldings, on private jets, they are dead, they lost whatever it was that made them human..they chased the dream but they ahve been chasing the wrong dream. i can'nt even bury my dog when he dies in my backyard becaus its againts the law....what is this?, this is not the dream this is a fucking nightmare that everyone seems content to keep on reliving....we find love on the computer now... we don't even try to find someone to love now people find them for us...that is the ultimate laziness...thats robotic behavior its not human its so cold here now....we have lost
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1833160-spirale