Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1839291-Dear-Me
Rated: E · Letter/Memo · Contest Entry · #1839291
Get your butt in gear...
Dear Me,

         It is high time you kicked your butt into gear. You need to stick with the novel you're working on and finish it by March fifteenth. Don't write five chapters then decide to trash the whole thing because you don't know if it's good enough. Finish the book then decide what you think. Listen to other people's opinions on the book; if someone else thinks you have winner on  your hands, trust them. What you write is just as much for the readers as it is for you.

         By the way, that extra twenty pounds you've been carrying around since the last baby? Yeah, you need to give it up, sweetie. I don't care how many times you tell it to yourself, they, by no means, make you look 'healthier'. On a side note, the next time your husband tries to flaunt the fact that he resembles a beanpole, remind yourself that you actually have a butt. Deep down, he's just envious of the copious amount of junk in your trunk. Listen to that great rap artist when he says, 'do side bends or sit ups, but please don't lose that butt'. I want to see you in a swimsuit, without a cover-up, by your birthday.

         Please, for the love of all things sane, take a grammar and style course. Make sure to study hard on sentence structure. You don't have to let the fact that you come from a little bumpkin town in Alabama bring you down. Whether you believe it or not, you have the same capacity to learn as anyone else.

         Above all else, you should remember to be thankful, everyday, for the blessings you've been given. You have two healthy, beautiful girls that love you to the moon and back. Your husband, although often misguided, loves and adores you. He provides you a comfortable life and the ability to follow your dreams of becoming a published author. Don't give up on this dream. Your kids are watching you and it will instill confidence in them to see their mother succeed. Don't let yourself down.

         Have a great year! Remember, you're only held back by your own fears.


Word Count: 367
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