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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Sci-fi · #1841872
Chapter One
Chapter One

Powers don't usually manifest until the specimen reaches their 18th year, give or take a few months, although specific abilities do tend to show patterns. Enhanced physical attributes, such as strength or speed or heightened senses, are generally late bloomers. The more psychic capabilities, such as mental empathy or telekinesis, can be seen in children as young as 6 or 7. A majority of powers in the database can usually be plotted in this way, although in the unique case of Jamie's shapeshifting, that wouldn't be possible. He was the only one.

The circumstances of his first manifestation were unexpected and, to some extent, quite traumatizing. At the time, Jamie was an entirely average 17-year old — brown hair, average build, slightly above-average academics and slightly below-average social life. To him, the thought of being a shapeshifter never crossed his mind. And he never thought the first time he'd witness a transformation would be at the same instance as his first kiss.

The girl, Mandy, was far less average than the boy she had a crush on. She was a year older, and even at 18 had a remarkably mature body. Brunette, thin, perky. Hot. The two of them were sitting in his room, discussing plans for their upcoming collegiate lives, when she first made a move. It started awkward, as first kisses are known to do, but before long the encounter became heated. Mandy pinned Jamie down and climbed on top, slowly grinding her body against his and unleashing her full tongue into his mouth. Her approach worked, and it turned Jamie on in ways he did not know possible. In more ways than one.

Jamie felt the tingling sensation all over his body, but it wouldn't be until much later that he would learn to associate this feeling with his shapeshifting. At the time, he just attributed it to the unexpected encounter with the gorgeous girl next-door. From the perspective of the two bodies engaged in the kiss, nothing changed. With both their eyes closed tightly shut, neither had the wherewithal to watch each other's appearance. But to an outside observer, the steamy make out session soon became quite an abnormal sight.

It started with his extremities — the hands became more slender and feminine, and his worn Nike sneakers slowly morphed into the pink Sketchers Mandy was wearing at the time. (The complexities of how Jamie's ability morphed clothing, as opposed to merely just the physical body, would later be investigated in full by scientists.) His legs then proceeded to thin, forming into Mandy's tight jean-clad thighs. His torso and face were last, presenting the most drastic changes. Over the course of about 15 seconds, his stomach flattened into Mandy's thin, soft abs. His chest ballooned outward, eventually matching the size of Mandy's breasts, and soon his clothing itself was matching her form-fitting T-shirt as well. Lastly his hair and face molded to match hers in every minute detail, and yet during the entire process the lips and tongue of the two lovers wouldn't cease their contact. Mandy felt the boys lips becoming gradually softer and fuller, and his tongue becoming more supple, but little did she ever suspect that they were becoming identical to her own.

After his first shifting experience, lasting only 30 seconds, Jamie had morphed into an exact copy of his girlfriend. The beautiful bombshell Mandy was now grinding her hips against an identical twin, locked in a passionate french kiss with her own face.

Were Mandy a very perceptive girl, she would have noticed the change. Reaching her hand behind Jamie's head, she should have noticed the long strands of hair she now had to brush aside. As her hands trailed down to grope his thighs and ass, she neglected to realize that the perky body she was feeling was hardly that of an adolescent boy. It wasn't until her palms crept northward up Jamie's stomach and chest that she finally came to the realization. Underneath the shirt, as her fingers traced the underside of Jamie's breasts and lacy bra, that was when she slowed their kiss to a halt. Mandy inched her hands out from his shirt as she broke their lip-lock and slowly pulled away. Jamie followed suit, and soon the identical girls were staring into each other's eyes. Jamie was entirely unaware of the drama that was about to unfold, but to Mandy, her reaction was fairly predictable. Some screams, some profanity, and soon she was fleeing the house as fast has her body could run. Jamie was left alone in his room, laying on his bed and still incredibly turned on, and it wasn't until he gazed over at the mirror and saw the image of Mandy staring back at him that he began to piece it together.

After he was left alone, it would take Jamie only 3 minutes before his body involuntarily morphed back into his own. Mandy and Jamie would never speak again, and after such a mind-boggling experience, who could blame them. Jamie never told anyone about the encounter, since he feared being shunned by his peers or imprisoned by government scientists. Mandy never mentioned it either, since few of her friends would ever let her live down the embarrassment of hooking up with... herself. She also feared that if she recounted the experience to anyone, she would be tempted to admit that for that brief moment that she laid there writing on top of her own body, face to face with her own gorgeous image, she actually enjoyed it.

And Jamie wouldn't morph again for another two years. Until his second kiss.

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