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Rated: 13+ · Script/Play · Emotional · #1842563
A ten minute play about a girl running away from a wedding.

SHELIA- (big) Female. Mid-twenties. Plainclothes.
STRANGER- (big) Male or female. Fourties. Plainclothes.
LEILAH- (medium) Female. Mid-twenties. Dressed up as though for a wedding.
ANDREW- (small) Male. Mid-twenties. Dressed up as though for a wedding.
KYLIE- (small) Female. Mid-twenties. Plainclothes.

         On a New York subway train. It is nearing two in the morning. It is the day after Thanksgiving and the car is relatively empty. The subway car is diagonal along the stage, extending from upstage left to downstage right. The confines of the car are made by the subway benches and the tight lighting. There are poles in the middle of the car to hold          onto.
         SHELIA sits slightly downstage right on a bench facing downstage. She is in her mid-twenties, and slight in figure. On the second little finger of her right hand is a beautiful engagement ring. This should catch the light as much as possible. Her hair and makeup suggest a formal event, but she wears everyday clothes. She looks as though she dressed          in a rush. Perhaps she still wears white heels that obviously don't go with her ensemble. She wears a fall coat over her clothing. At her feet is an overnight bag. SHELIA holds in her hands a wedding bouquet. She is playing “She loves me, she loves me not.” We can not hear her speaking, we can however tell how the game is going based on her emotional reactions.
         Across the car and upstage of her is a STRANGER. The STRANGER seems to be close           to dozing off. A member of the working class, the STRANGER is dressed as though just getting off work. The clothing suggests a minimum wage job. Again, the ensemble is          completed by a coat. The STRANGER is obviously quite a few years older than SHELIA          and has been around the block a few times.
         SHELIA finishes plucking the flowers. The result surprises her. She cries out a bit, trying to remain quiet but not being able to. The STRANGER is disturbed from near sleep and looks over at SHELIA. SHELIA notices the glance.

I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you up.

That's all right, honey. What seems to be the problem?

         The STRANGER glances down at the petals at SHELIA's feet. Laughs.

He “love you not?”

Umm... I'm sorry. I... This is stupid! God, it must be late if I'm reading into some stupid childish flower petals!

         SHELIA laughs dismissively.

Hey! Sweetheart! Affairs of the heart are never stupid.

         SHELIA huffs, upset but hiding it behind a strong exterior.

What seems to be the problem, dear?

Oh, it's.... it's nothing.

If it were nothing you wouldn't look so upset. Now why don't you tell me what's on your mind?

No, really. I'm fine. I've just had a rough night. But thank you.

Well. If you decide you want someone to just listen, my stop isn't for another hour, I'm all the way in Brooklyn.


         The subway car falls silent for an extended moment.

(Suddenly.)I... I know that I'm awful for doing it, but I had to. I know that. I do. So... umm... I was just trying to see if I did the right thing.

What do you mean?

I mean... with the flowers.... you know....

Oh. I see.

         Silence returns. SHELIA pushes the fallen petals around with her white heels. The          STRANGER watches.

Sweetheart... Are you okay?

I'm fine. That's the problem. I'm gonna be fine... But Andrew... God, I'm such a bitch! How could I have done this to him? I know it was the right thing to do, but.... Jesus...

… What did you do? If you don't mind me asking...


         SHELIA laughs nervously.

I fell in love. It's that simple. I fell in love and I shouldn't have. I tried not to, but...

Oh, sweetheart. It's never wrong to fall in love. Love is a beautiful thing. And you can't help it.

But what do I do? What about Andrew?

… Have you talked with him, sweetheart?

… I tried. He wouldn't answer the phone. He's really upset with me. Like he should be. I'm such a bitch...

Why is Andrew upset with you?

I ran out of the fucking wedding!! Jesus! I just... I never thought I would be one of those people, ya know? I fucked up my entire life...

         SHELIA is breaking down. She crumples into herself. The STRANGER  moves to sit next to her in order to comfort her.

-Hey! Just because things didn't work like you planned with... Andrew?

         SHELIA nods without making eye contact. The STRANGER begins to rub her back comfortingly.

That doesn't mean that your entire life is fucked up. You don't have to be with him to be happy.

I know that. I just...

         SHELIA takes a deep breath and gathers herself. She looks the STRANGER straight in the eyes.

Would it be entirely awful if I left him because I fell in love with someone else? Would I be a horrible person if I left my own wedding for someone else? 

It was your wedding?

… God. Yes! I'm an awful person! I'm such a slut! I hate this!!

Well, do you still love him?

I will always love Andrew. He's too big a part of my life to not love him. He saved me from myself... But...

...But what?

... I just don't know how it happened. We just really connected quickly. And then we had to go to a business conference, and things got carried away. And... I never meant for it to happen. But I don't regret it. I just regret what I did to Andrew... He didn't deserve this...

Well... I can't tell you what to do, sweetheart. But don't rush into anything. Give it time. If I were you I would take my space from both of them and then see how I feel.

         SHELIA laughs derisively.

I wish it were that easy... but we work together!  …I just  need to be with someone who cares for me tonight... I can't stay in my apartment. Andrew will be there... No one knows where I'm going yet. But I couldn't think of any other place....


         SHELIA's cellphone rings. She looks at the caller id.


         STRANGER looks at SHELIA inquiringly.

It's my maid of honor... Jesus, I don't want to deal with this.

You have to deal with it sometime...

         SHELIA takes a moment to muster up the courage. She answers the phone.
         Lights come up on downstage left on the interior of an apartment living room. There is a couch angled perpendicular to the subway car.
         On the couch sits LEILAH with a cellphone in her hand. She is still dressed in wedding attire. Unlike SHELIA, LEILAH seems rather calm and collected.
         Pacing around the couch is ANDREW, still dressed in his tuxedo. He is an emotional wreck. His emotions through the following scene are animalistic, there is a suggestion of danger.

Hey, baby.

Hey. Why haven't you been answering my texts?

Leigh, I'm not really doing the greatest right now-

-Neither is Andrew. What happened earlier?

Leigh- I...


         SHELIA begins crying softly.

I never meant to hurt him! I didn't! I just got caught up and-

Exactly, Shelia! You got caught up! I know you- this isn't you! Snap out of it! You love Andrew! You guys have been together forever! Just... stop!

Leilah! This is what I've been trying to tell you! I can't just keep ignoring my feelings! … I've really fallen hard...

So that's it? You're done with Andrew? You hate him too much to be around him now?

         ANDREW stops in his tracks and spins toward LEILAH. He is broken up and angry.

That's not how I meant it, Leilah! I will always love him! He's my best friend in the world- but I can't marry him if I think I might be in love with someone else... Tell him that I'm sorry I couldn't have found a different way to tell him... I just tried so hard to push down my feelings... I couldn't do it anymore. They're real, Leilah.

You're disgusting, Shelia.


Look. I called because Andrew wanted me to tell you that he is still in love with you. I don't understand why, but he is. So if you need to take some time to cool off, he's willing to wait. He still wants to marry you.

         SHELIA is aghast. ANDREW and SHELIA come face to face, both in their own worlds.
         It is a moment of confrontation. SHELIA speaks directly her next line directly to him.

I can't do that.

God! I wish you would realize how good you have it with him, Shelia! He loves you!

Leilah. Why can't you just be there for me? My life is falling apart and I-

And you can't just run out on your wedding, Shelia. Come to your fucking senses.


Look. Your relationship with Andrew has been like a roller coaster, and I get that. You've had your ups, you've had your downs, but you stay in because of the seat-belt. And that seat-belt is your love. It's what holds you there. You've already been through the tunnel of puppy love, and now you're approaching the wedding chapel.

Well, stop the wedding! I need to get off! My seat-belt is broken!... I can't do this, Leigh...

Yes, you can-

-No! I have to go, Leilah! I'll call you later. I can't do this right now.

         SHELIA  hangs up the phone. LEILAH stays on the line. SHELIA is so upset and worked up, she takes the engagement ring off her finger and throws it across the subway car. It lands in the living room at ANDREW's feet. ANDREW and LEILAH both see the ring. LEILAH hangs up the phone. The apartment living room goes black.

We only have so much time to make life work, right?

Right. Of course we do.

So I have to do what makes me happy. And Andrew is not what  makes me happy. I'm in love with someone else and I'm gonna do what I want!

Well, alright!

So, when I get to the apartment, I'm going to say it. I'm just going to say it!

         Pause. SHELIA's face falls.

But, I can't... I can't fuck up someone else's life.

Go and do it! Otherwise I'll have to do it myself!

         SHELIA is unmoved.

Don't make me do it.

No.... I've gotta do it.

         SHELIA looks out the train car windows.

Oh my god, it's the next stop!

… Keep following your heart, sweetheart. Sometimes it will hurt, but I promise it will be worth it.

Thank you for talking with me about all this. I'm usually not this open with total strangers.

         SHELIA laughs nervously.

But really. Thanks.

Well, you certainly made my night more interesting.

         The STRANGER and LEILAH laugh.

We'll see you later?

         SHELIA laughs.

I don't think me being on this subway again would be a good sign.... Here goes!

         SHELIA stands and grabs hold of the pole, grabbing her overnight bag. She stands          looking out the windows. We see the movement in her body as the car comes to a stop. With the jerk of the car, the pole comes loose. SHELIA stumbles a bit but remains standing and holding the pole in her hand. After recovering from the tumble, she notices that the bottom of the pole is a diamond. SHELIA gasps in surprise.
         A spot comes on upstage right. KYLIE is standing there with a look of pure love and care on her face.


         SHELIA turns back to the STRANGER.

She loves me!

         SHELIA turns back to KYLIE. They lock eyes. Blackout.
© Copyright 2012 Basil Shae (76trombones at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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