Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1842948-A-Story-of-Shifting
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Sci-fi · #1842948
Chapter Four
Chapter 4

Months passed. Jamie loved his new life.

He was introduced into the Federal Paranormal Department through their Developing Powers division: a place for young abnormal humans to tailor their abilities, learn how to control them, and eventually become masters of their amazing talents. Powers were sensitive things, and Jamie knew this from firsthand experience.

Agent Chase was assigned to work closely with Jamie to hone his unique skills. Jamie could never quite shake the first impression he had of his new mentor, when she exploited his ability and passionately kissed herself, but her generally cold demeanor prevented him from sexualizing her too often.

After months of training, Jamie slowly learned to control aspects of his ability. He first discovered that, if he kept a calm demeanor, he was able to touch subjects and maintain his own form, not compulsively transforming out of control. More significantly though, Jamie found that he was able to transform without physical contact, just as Agent Chase had predicted, although he still required a very detailed image of the subject to be held in his mind. At first, Jamie could only focus on a few images: Deb, Agent Chase. Mandy. But before long, he was able to broaden his scope. Famous models and actresses became some of his favorite subjects to imitate, and for a while it wouldn't be uncommon to see Adriana Lima or Jessica Alba wandering around the floors of the FPD. Jamie even expanded into male subjects for a few attempts, which mostly consisted of sports stars, but he found these figures much more challenging to hold in focus. He favored the ladies.

Within the year, Jamie had mastered his ability to the fullest. At Agent Chase's behest, he began the pastime of mimicking girls he'd pass casually on the street, or see from afar down the hall at the FPD. According to Agent Chase, this would be advantageous if he were to ever work in the field and could only steal a quick glance at his targets. To Jamie, this became one of his favorite pastimes. He loved spotting cuties in the office, or on his walk into work in the morning, and then shifting into them once he was out of view. The Department insisted that he never let the girls witness him transformed, since seeing their exact doubles wandering around might spark suspicion or, in the least, some uncomfortable interactions, but Jamie didn't mind. He was having fun with his ability, even if his days of copying narcissistic hotties so they could feel up their exact doubles were over. Or so he thought.

It all started on an average Monday morning, when Jamie walked through his usual security checkpoint and scanned his ID badge, just as he always did. As he continued down the corridors to find Agent Chase's department, that's when he saw her. Jamie had become intimate with dozens of amazingly beautiful women over the years, from Mandy to Deb to Nikki, but this girl put them all to shame. The face of an angel, the body of a goddess, his jaw almost dropped straight to the floor. She was about 5'8" with long wavy black hair, wearing a tight pink sweater and short skirt to show off her fantastic figure. Jamie studied her intensely, he knew he would be mimicking her the second he was alone in his office with Agent Chase. Her body was far too amazing to pass up.

After he made it into his wing of the building and the girl was completely out of sight, he quickly dropped his bags off at his desk and headed straight to the bathroom. There, after making sure the door locked behind him, he stared into the mirror and, in a flash, the face gazing back at him was not his own. He had fully morphed into the mysterious girl he saw just a few moments before, and now in the solitude of the bathroom, he could fully examine her figure. He ran his hands up the breasts of his new figure, concluding that they were indeed as perfect as they had looked from a far. His touch then drifted down, underneath the miniskirt, feeling the girls shapely ass. For a solid five minutes, Jamie just stared at his reflection, feeling up the gorgeous body he wore. He would definitely enjoy wearing this image for the rest of the day, if not the rest of the week. Hell, it might have become his all-time favorite. But he still had training to do, and couldn't stay in the bathroom all day. Fixing up his clothes so he looked more presentable in his new perky body, he opened the door and walked back to his desk.

But upon entering his office once again, Jamie was shocked at the scene before him. There stood Agent Chase, chatting with none other than the gorgeous girl Jamie had spotted earlier. "Oh Jamie, there you are," she said, waving him over, "I want you to meet Tara, our new teammate."

Jamie stood frozen from across the room, not sure how to respond. The girl of his dreams was there, looking at him, smiling, and he was caught red-handed stealing her image. Tara didn't seem fazed at all, however, despite there being two of her standing only feet apart. "Nice to meet you," she said, walking over and extending a hand out to her petrified doppelganger. Jamie, slowly, extended his own mirrored hand to shake it's original. He hadn't interacted with a girl has her double in so long, he had almost forgotten how. And he had never been in the presence of a girl this unbearably beautiful. The two identical women stood their, awkwardly shaking hands — one of them smiling, the other one in complete shock.

"I look really cute in that top, don't I?" Tara asked, giggling, obviously trying to break the tension. And it worked, this shocked Jamie out of his daze, and he jolted his hand away from the grip. Instantly, his image reverted back to his own, and he was finally able to assess the situation.

"Um, yes, you do," he said jokingly. "Sorry about that."

"Oh, no worries," Tara replied nonchalantly, "I think it's kind of cool."

Over the next few days, Tara slowly began getting introduced to Agent Chase's department, and Jamie saw this as the biggest mixed-blessing of his entire life. He was thrilled to see her at work, to witness her beauty day-by-day, but he couldn't help being awkward whenever she was around. Not only did their relationship start on such a bizarre note, but he ached with all his might to morph into her form, to experience that body again, and yet that was hardly an option. Agent Chase had made it explicitly clear after his incident that first day: he was not to copy Tara's image while she was present in the office. Jamie still had his alone-time at home to relish in her form, but watching her at work while restraining himself became quite a chore.

Tara herself remained a mystery. She opted to never reveal her ability, and Agent Chase kept the power a secret as well. Jamie tried to warm up to Tara on occasion, making small talk or joking around. It was flirting, obviously, and Jamie couldn't help but blush whenever the two made eye contact. Tara would just laugh and shrug it off. At times she seemed fascinated with Jamie, but she never returned the googly-eyes that he shot in her direction.

One afternoon, for the first time during their weeks working together, the two finally found themselves working alone in their science lab analyzing some paranormal tissue samples. Agent Chase, as well as their other trainees, were nowhere to be seen. Tara had apparently been waiting for this opportunity for a while, since after only a few minutes alone, she broke their silence.

"You know, I don't mind you looking like me. I really do think it's cool."

"Really?" Jamie asked. He had assumed after their first encounter that Tara was just being polite about his ability, but maybe he was mistaken. "Yeah, but even if you don't mind it, it's strictly forbidden. The reasons are... kind of complicated."

Tara slowly walked over to where Jamie was working. Today she was wearing her miniskirt again, this time with a pink tank-top and her hair back in a perfect pony-tail. "I know that, but it's so cool! Seeing another me wandering around, I kind of like it." She slinked closer to Jamie, "You've got such an awesome talent. And how wild is it for me to see my body like other people do. It's just... so much fun!"

Jamie finally looked up from his work and focused on Tara. She looked absolutely gorgeous, and he really wanted her to like him. But he knew the Agency would get furious if he was caught mimicking a girl in her presence.

"Please?" Tara whispered. She bit her lip and gave Jamie her sexiest look. He was helpless. With a big sigh, he put down his work and turned to face her, gradually shrinking in size to match her height. His clothes, his face, his form, they all changed to copy Tara's image. Soon, just like all those before her, Tara was standing before an her exact double. "That's so cool," she said, reaching up to brush a strand of hair out of her clone's face.

"You can't tell anyone," Jamie said sternly, matching Tara's adorable voice, "I'm fine doing this for you, but we can't get caught."

"We won't get caught," Tara said softly. Then she did something that took Jamie completely by surprise. She leaned in for a kiss.

"What are you doing?" Jamie said, shying away from Tara's advance. Not only was he worried about copying her form, but inter-office relationships were also strictly forbidden, and Jamie wasn't one for breaking the rules. "We can't..."

"It's nothing serious," she said back, "Like I said, it'll just be so much fun for me. A little experimentation never hurt anybody. And you know how cute I look right now."

For a while, Jamie fought back, but barely. Over the next few minutes the two identical girls flirted with the idea of secretly hooking up. "Just a kiss," Tara argued, "...for now." Jamie knew he wouldn't be able to withstand her advances, and slowly Tara realized that her double would cave in. As their argument wound down into a series of adorably identical retorts, Tara leaned in again, softly kissing her mirror image. For Jamie, this scene was all too familiar, but never like this. Never so innocent, or forbidden, or sweet. The two pairs of identical lips matched each other fully, delicately interlocking. Slowly two perfect tongues crept towards each other, as both identical girls sighed into their perfectly cloned kiss.

And it ended all too soon. Suddenly, the door swung open and Agent Chase could be heard clamoring into the room. Were she paying strict attention to the scene, she may have recognized the two identical Taras quietly making out, but she had trained Jamie too well. Some of his earliest training was learning how to quickly revert back to his own form, and in the split second that Agent Chase entered the room, Jamie flashed back to his own body and resumed at his work, leaving Tara hovering next to him, lips still puckered out, longing for her own body.

She wouldn't give up. She wanted more.

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