Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1847282-Tempting-a-Fox
Rated: 18+ · Other · Romance/Love · #1847282
A time when desire overrode commonsense...
I stretch painfully my skin pulled tight, muscles sore with the imprints of his fingers and hands pressing into the softness of my flesh. A smile graces my lips, a mischievous knowing lifting my brows and bringing a ridiculous twinkle to my eye. I move purposefully to feel the soreness, relishing in the fact that he had done it to me.
         He hadn’t been gentle, hadn’t pressed soft kisses to my lips or naked flesh but bruised me with urgency, body responding to mine in prolonged carnal desire that could only be fulfilled by tearing into one another.
         A large hand gripped my throat as he placed a rugged kiss to the soft flesh where my heart pulsed rapidly against it. “Please,” I begged, running my fingers down his chest and nipping his ear, his moan of pleasure clutching my abdomen as I redoubled my assaults.
         “That’s it,” he growled and I gasped in shock and pleasure as he pulled off my shirt, finding my nipple with his teeth, mouth and tongue sucking and teasing, bringing quiet mewls of satisfaction pouring from my lips.
         “Only one problem,” he said and I captured his mouth again, wishing he wouldn’t speak of any problems.
         “What’s that?”
         “Do you have a condom?”
         I laughed but shook my head no, praying he would be prepared at least. “I’ll have to go find one.”
         He lifted me with ease off of him and I found myself laying flat on my back grinning like a fool and missing him already. “Bring those pillows in here…please?”
         I nodded though he couldn’t see it, he was getting better at asking nicely, saving his more demanding requests for more… special occasions.
         “Here you go,” I tossed them at his face and he laughed, eyes darkening, worrying me. “Oh, no!”
         He lunged, grabbing me, crushing me to his chest with startling force as he rolled on top of me. “That wasn’t very nice,” he reprimanded.
         I reached up and kissed him, “I’m so very sorry.”
         He smiled and my heart melted as he assaulted my lips, hands pressing and probing until he reached my jeans. “How do you get them off?” He demanded nearly five minutes later.
         “Silly, they’re skinny jeans. You have to pull them off.”
         He yanked the blanket over our heads and I laughed as he attempted to take off my pants, finally succeeding- he swore at the removed piece of clothing and kissed his way up my leg, stomach, and breasts. I cradled his face in my hands, showing him just how much I’d been waiting for his lips to touch mine when he urged his hips against mine with such force I cried out with pleasure, us rocking with my underwear and his shorts on in an agonizing anticipation of the real thing.
         My hand trailed down his chest, touching the rather large bulge straining his shorts, he hand them off in an instant and I wrapped my hand around it, feeling it pulse and strain as I stroked it until he crushed me to him, pulling me atop him as he pulled on the condom. I angled him. Sliding down, gasping at how large he was.
         “Will it fit?”
“Of course it will,” I said hoarsely, sheathing myself to the hilt, feeling him buried so deeply I inside of me making me languid with ecstasy.
“Built Ford- Oh my God!” He gasped and I grinned pleased as I set the pace.
         “I think you’ve said that at least three dozen times,” I kissed him, his hands toying with my displayed breasts.
         “I feel like God,” he said through clenched teeth and pressed me to him, working his hips so each stroke hit my womb until we both cried out.
         “Oh, God!”
“I never said I was God,” he chuckled and I kissed him harshly, laughing against his smiling lips.

         Laying together afterward I toyed idly with his chest hairs, smiling as he tightened his hold on me, eyes drooping. “I need a cigarette,” he said.
         “Me too, grab my purse when you get yours.”
         He yawned but got up, “why do you need your purse?”
         “My cigarettes are in there,” I said plainly sitting up, wrapping the blanket around my chest.
         “Here you go,” he set my purse down, grabbing a shot glass to put the ashes.
         “Don’t blow that out,” I pressed the tip to the match and inhale, “thanks.”
         “Of course.”
         We talked of tattoos then, the room still a bit dark as he had curtains up. He finished and I put mine out to lie back in the crook of his arm. “Hey,” I whispered and he opened one eye.
         I kissed him playfully, “nothing.”
         His hand rumpled my hair and suddenly I was on my back with him over me, “God, you are so sexy. I can’t keep my hands off of you.”
         “I know.”
         He chuckled kissing down my throat, “are you up for another round?”
         I felt my ribs strain with the effort but smiled, “If you are.”
© Copyright 2012 Bloodied Requiem (amanda9100 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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