Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1850302-Moondance
Rated: E · Poetry · Biographical · #1850302
Moondance-written at a difficult time, my thoughts about how humankind would be viewed.


tonight there was a moon so bright

Into my soul it did bring,

the wonderful light of insight.

Bright and sparkling from earth

it lifted my spirits so high

that all around me was mirth.

The soft glow,

like a giant firefly

lit up the whole of the sky.

Illuminating all life's mysteries

leaving me pondering several queries.

What is up there?

How do we know there are others who can see us? Or hear us?

Are there others like us?

Wondering as we do, what we on earth are like?

Have they discovered we are flawed,

left in a dearth?

To them are we primitive beings

who do not understand life. Others or our own planet?

Indeed, are we considered to even be worthy as part of a universe so vast?

Many in today's society would say for an answer look to our past-



fear of difference

lack of respect for others

no acceptance of differences in thought, religion or ideals

economic greed at the expense of humanity

governments afraid to act or help due to policy makers who are really working on their own agendas

racism growing not just for other cultures but for economic differences


lack of morals and ethics when it comes to decision making

if these are the criteria that represents who we are now, then “NO”. We cannot expect any reasonably intelligent life form to deem us worthy of contact.

Are we in this sense alone in the universe?

There is only one thing that can in my view save us-

the moon dance- A unique way of looking at ourselves in the moons reflection.

How does it work you ask?

Bask in it's glow

Enjoy it's show

And appreciate what we can learn and know!

Accept our flaws and faults as they flow.

Try to moon dance

towards tolerance, peace, love, friendship, acceptance and unity, as on this journey we go.

If this can be done

Then we can rejoice

that in the moon dance we made the correct choice.

Once again hope remains

that self awareness we will gain!

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