Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1850307-Tantalizing-Temptation
by Lana
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Adult · #1850307
Amanda can't help her uncontrollable desire for her single and incredibly sexy neighbor.
“Thanks, keep the change.” I grab my purse and slide out of the cab and into the thick cloak of humidity. Chicago summers are not only unbearable; they are also unpredictable. Sweat immediately forms on my brow and I use the back of my hand to wipe off the unwelcome moisture. Not only are my work clothes big heat attractors, they do nothing for my figure. Unbuttoning the top two buttons of my silk shirt, I head down the block towards my little house. Its dark out tonight, the streetlights must be out again. It’s not like I’m expecting anything to happen. I’m not. It’s my neighbor, the hot construction worker, who I am desperately trying to avoid.

Every night, he’s sitting on his porch waiting for me to come home from work, and he always finds a way to engage in conversation with me. Long conversations might I add, and I always have to take a cold shower afterwards. I purposely left work early tonight to avoid having to look into his gorgeous dark eyes. His perfect full lips, and delicious buff body keep my eyes occupied for the most part, and it doesn’t help that he always wears a tight tank top and butt hugging jeans. It is so distracting. Last night, I caught myself before running my fingers across his face. His tan skin, dark eyes, and perfect lips, are too tempting.

Ok, breathe. Someone that hot wouldn’t want me. He’s just a nice guy that all. Who am I kidding? He’s a great guy who happens to be incredibly sexy, smart and a hard worker. Can you say, perfect? I lucked out when he moved next door. 

Focusing on my goal, I rush past his house, zero in on my doorknob, and rush up my stairs, key in hand. Success, I slip the key in and give it a good twist one way and then the other, cursing under my breath for not getting the doorknob fixed over the weekend like I planned. I rotate and pull the key but have no luck removing it or unlocking my door.

“Darn it, you stupid key you never work when I want you to. I really need to get inside. Come on, please?”

With all the strength I could muster up to pull a key out of a jammed keyhole, I pull, and I succeed. I also lose my balance. Tripping backwards, I hit something rock hard. Warm arms wrap around my waist and hold me steady. I recognize the large, tan, muscular arms complete with one long zigzag scar. My heart flip-flops in my chest, and I freeze. Panic coalescing with sexual tension maintains a firm grip on my motor skills, not allowing muscle movement of any kind. I feel the blood rushing up and into my cheeks coloring them a deep shade of pink. 

“Whoa, I got you.” he said, his deep voice sending shivers through me, “Are you alright?”

His arms tighten around my waist, and his body presses up against me. His scent is intoxicating. Hot, sweaty man and cologne mingles with the humid air stirring up a distinct, intense emotion within me. My knees are failing me, and I am struggling not to faint right now. I am a total idiot. How is it possible to have uncontrollable emotions for someone I hardly know?  He moved in next-door seven months ago, and, sure, we talk every night, but I’m too busy blushing and stuttering to ask personal questions. Yet, here I am trembling in his arms, ready to strip down and do the nasty on my porch. That is, if he wanted to, which I’m sure is not the case. Why is he here anyway? Most importantly, why is he still holding me? Not that I am complaining. I’m not.

“Yes, I’m fine. My key got stuck and I had to get it out,” I point to the door.

What a dumb thing to do, as if he doesn’t know where my door is. “I got it, see.” I hold up the key. His chest bounces against my back, his low chuckle vibrates through me. I feel so stupid right now. I have a hot guy all up on me and all I can think to say is that? If I were him, I would turn around, walk away, and never return. Embarrassed, I sneak the key into my pocket.

“I see.” his mouth is by my ear and I stifle a gasp. “What are you doing home early? I planned to fix it before you got home.” He rests his chin on my shoulder and breathes me in. “Mmm … you smell good. You’re wearing the perfume I bought you.” I feel him smile against my cheek while he takes another whiff. I can’t help it; I am shaking with desire. I want to know what his lips feel like against mine.

I manage to speak, but it comes out soft, low, and husky. “I didn’t get to thank you. How about you come over Friday night? I’ll cook your favorite dish and you bring the wine?” Silence. 

Unwrapping his arms from around my waist, his strong hands grip my shoulders and turn me around to face him. Leaning in close, he locks eyes with me.

“Friday is too far away.” his voice a soft, throaty whisper. His lips brush against mine, “I don’t want to wait that long. You can thank me right now.”

Before I can say anything, his lips softly kiss mine. Frozen stiff, the reality of his kiss sinks in seconds later. My hands tug and pull at the smooth fabric of my pants struggling to not do something rash like rip his shirt off. When his tongue slips in, I lose all composure. My uncontrollable hands wrap themselves around his slim waist and inch their way over his tight butt. I squeeze and pull him in against me. He responds, and guides me to the door sandwiching me in between him and the dark cherry wood. Our breathing now as heavy as the humid air smothering the city. Pulling back, he looks into my eyes. His intense, wanting stare sets off a feral flame in between my legs. Grabbing the back of his head, I pull him back onto my lips. This time my tongue does the exploring while his hands fumble with the door knob.

“Key.” he says.

With an urgency I never imagined I could possess, I fumble around in my pants pocket, clumsy fingers searching for the one thing that will get us into the house and onto the bed or floor or table. I really don’t care at this point.

He grunts, “Let me do it.”

Yanking my hand out, his large hand replaces mine. His deft fingers locating the desired object. Covering my neck with fevered kisses, he slides his hand out and pushes the key inside the keyhole. Pressing into me, his need prominent and rock hard, I moan and wrap my leg around him. Our lips lock again, I rock against him, and my fingers tangle through his thick black hair.

“Hurry, Blaze.”

Pulling back, I soak in his sexy features. I want to kiss him again, but I’m afraid I’ll distract him. The faster he gets the door unlocked the better.

I feel his arm jerk to the right then left, and then I hear a snap.

“Crap, it broke.” he holds up half of the key.

Of course it would break. I can’t be this lucky.

A high pitched nasally voice interrupts.

“Your home early Amanda. And ya brought home a hot little numba there. He’s got a nice tooshie too. The view from here is wonderful. Ya gotta tell me what it feels like when ya yank his pants off.”

My leg slides off of him. The loud thump of my heel on the wood a declaration that our fun is officially over.

Why did I wear heels today? Crap, Mrs. Lopez. I know she saw the whole thing. Nosy old bat. If she says one more word …

Blaze straightens up and turns to greet her. She is practically hanging off the side of her porch. Her poofed up red perm bounced with her nodding head. A nasty smile pasted on her maroon stained lips while she licks her lips at Blaze.

“Hi, Joan. I was fixing Amanda’s lock.” he turns towards me. “I’ll be right back. I have some tools at home.” I watch him hurry down my stairs and into the dark towards his house.

“Hola, Amanda. My nosey wife bothering you?”  A deep accented voice disrupts my squinty eyed observation.

“No, Jose, she was just checking out the neighbors butt while he was trying to fix my door. No harm done.”

“Ah, it must have been a nice one, huh my sexy mamasita?” He meets her at the edge of the porch overlooking my front door, and slaps her ass. She giggles and shakes it for him while his hands grope and rub. They exchange hushed words. Please don’t have sex on the porch again. Averting my eyes, I search the dark for my handsome neighbors return.

Joan and Jose Lopez are the oldest couple on this block. The oddest couple too. Jose being a fifty six year old Hispanic, and Joan a fifty two year old Jew. Having been married thirty two years, they are not shy about expressing their undying attraction for each other. They are also proud of their active sex life, and if given the chance, will tell anyone about the new swingers club they recently joined. I have been invited numerous times by the promiscuous couple. The way Jose is looking at me now, I have a feeling another invitation is on it’s way. 

I follow his bulging eyes to my cleavage, and quickly button up the two buttons I had undone earlier. For an older man, Jose is attractive. He’s not shy about his solid upper chest stripping off his shirt at every opportunity, and a Chicago summer offers plenty of them. Running his fingers over his slick back hair, he shakes his head, disapproving.

“You don’t have to hide your beautiful body Mija. You should be proud of your curves, showing them off.” His hands make an hour glass gesture. “You know, we are having a swingy meeting at my house tomorrow. Joan and I would love to have you.” He means that in the most literal way possible.

“It’s swingers, and no thank you Jose.”

What could be taking him so long? Should I check on him, make sure he didn’t forget about me?

Joan’s loud, raspy voice bellows from the backyard. “The hot tubs reaaady. Come and get it stud muffin.” Jose’s eyes slowly shift from my chest towards his house. Looking back at me with a wide inviting smile, he jerks his head twice to the side silently inviting me over. I shake my head no, polite smile on my face. Shrugging, he walks back to his front door, giving me a prolonged once over before pulling off his shirt and enters his home. Another night of nude swimming and loud sex. How nice. I’ll never get to sleep tonight. Even with the windows shut and air condition blasting, it is not enough to drown out the noises they make.

The windows, how could I have not thought of it earlier? I rushed out this morning. Maybe I forgot to lock them. Knowing that I double check them every morning, I try one again just in case. A loud moan, followed by foreign exclamations jerk me out of my futile attempt. Really? A hot tub in this weather? Sweating from pointless exertion, I shuffle to the edge of the porch and sit down taking my heels off before I settle into the top step. Lifting one pant leg, I peel the thigh high stocking off and then do the same to the other. Shoving the stocking into my heels, I put them off to the side and slump against the railing.

“Hey Amanda.” Blaze walks up the steps and settles next to me ensuring his thigh touches mine. “This might take awhile. I got the air on in my place. Why don’t you wait for me in there until I finish. I have some beer in the fridge. Ice tea and water too. Help yourself to whatever you want.”

‘It’s ok. I’ll stay here and help. What can I do?”

He holds up an awl, needle nose pliers, and a can of WD40.

“I can handle this. Go inside and relax until I’m done, OK. I won’t take no for an answer.”

“I’m glad your back. I thought you forgot about me.”

“That is impossible.”

“Right, I’m your neighbor, I walk past your house everyday. Constant reminder.” A nervous laugh escapes me. Suddenly I am unsure about our intense encounter. Thinking back to the way I behaved, I am a little embarrassed. What if all he wanted was a kiss? I threw myself at him, I lost control. I let my fantasies get the best of me, and I have plenty of fantasies about him.

He did come back which is a good sign. Blaze is a good man. He wouldn’t leave me out here with a broken key. Even if he couldn’t fix my door, he would do everything he could to help. Another moan, female this time.

“Oh no, they are in the hot tub again?” Shaking his head, he stands up. “Come on.”

Grabbing hold of my hand, he leads me down the stairs, across the lawn and into his house. I’ve seen his house before. Not while he lived in it. The Gonzalez family lived here five years prior to Blaze moving in, and I spent most of my nights hanging out with Manuela and her kids while her husband Arturo worked the night shift. I’ve had my share of home made tortillas in this kitchen. I was sad when they moved but with five kids in a single family home, their move to the suburbs was a good choice. City homes are small and too close together. I’ve seen some so close, the neighbors would pass objects to each other from their windows. On Brandon street, our homes are not that tight, but they are close enough to hear the horny couple next door. The Lopez’s are famous on our block.

Pulling out the kitchen chair for me, Blaze walks to and opens his fridge. Bending down to reach far into the back for something, I get a great view of his butt. Pulling out two beers, he twists them open and sets one in front of me then tosses the bottle caps into the trash next to the mini island in front of me. The central air unit kicks on and the cold air from the floor vent blast my bare feet offering instant relief from the hot sticky air outside.

“I’ll be right back. Don’t go anywhere.” Winking at me, he walks out of his door closing it behind him.

Not knowing what to do now that he is gone, I stare at the cold beer in front of me for a few minutes. Left with my thoughts and the gentle sound of air rushing out of the vents, I wonder what will happen when he comes back. I have confidence that he will get my key out. He’s good with his hands. He fixes lots of things for the Lopez’s and never charges them a dime. He’s a good guy. He won’t take money from me, I know that for sure, but I’ll have to thank him somehow. Maybe I’ll pick up a gift card from the Home Depot or Sears tomorrow. He’s always getting new tools. Maybe a tool belt? I’ll have to ask him if he has one.

Lifting the beer to my lips, I feel the cold sting of alcohol fizz surge down my throat, and the shock of it sets off a coughing fit causing me to spill some beer on my white blouse. Crap, I paid full price for this at New York and Co. I don’t even know if beer stains. I drink wine. I should wash it quick before I start to smell like Mr. Dale. He’s the alcoholic across the street. Hit rock bottom when his wife left him for John Burnham, the local grocery store owner. Getting up, I head to the bathroom, unbutton my shirt and slip it off when I get in. Wetting the edge of a brown hand towel I find on the sink, I dab at the stains then press the dry side onto the shirt to soak up any moisture. This is the best I can do at the moment. Holding it up against the light, I check for signs of yellow and am satisfied when I find nothing. Slipping my shirt back on, I walk back to the cool kitchen buttoning up at the same time.

“Wow!” Blazes voice booms from the kitchen.

“Shit, Blaze what are you doing here?” I whirl around and fumble with my buttons.

He laughs, “I live here remember. Looks like you took my advice and made yourself at home.”

“I spilled some beer on my blouse. I had to clean it before it stained. Do you know if beer stains?” I finish the last button and turn around. Blaze is a few inches away from me. A sexy smile spreads across his lips. His smoldering eyes looking at me in that way that drives me crazy. His smile is contagious.

“Beer can stain, but it’s not hard to get out. I don’t see any stains.” He takes a step towards me, eyes studying my blouse. “Your blouse is buttoned wrong. Here, let me fix it.” His fingers quickly undo the top two buttons then the next two. I stop him before he gets to the last two.

“You don’t have to do that. I can fix it.” Struggling to breath, I turn around and begin righting my button blunder. His arms ease around me, then his lips gently kiss the soft spot below my ear. My fingers freeze up, a warm blush starts where his lips were and spreads throughout my body.

“A few minutes ago you were all over me. Now that I have you alone, you are shy?” His hands move up along my stomach stopping just below my heaving breasts. Tugging at my shirt, the last two buttons pop loose exposing my black lace bra.

“You should never hide your body. You are beautiful.”

His kisses start, revving up my simmering longing for him. Slowly inching his hand over my breast, he gently pinches my hard nipple. The feel of lace on skin is sexy, but what his fingers are doing is incomparable. A pulsing wave of pleasure whizzes up to my brain and plummets down between my legs. A low whimper escapes my lips. All thoughts cease and are replaced with reckless desire. My hand shoots up behind me and grab his hair pulling with a gentle urgency, guiding his lips down to the nape of my neck. My sensitive spot. His lips and tongue go to work, both his hands fully occupied with my breasts. Trying for his bulge with my other hand, I find it and stroke. His moaning indicates I am doing the right thing. My lips meet his but only for a short time. His fingers find their way into my pants and I break away to look. I didn’t notice him unbuttoning them. Inching his arm downward, his fingers reach their destination, a part of his scar hidden under the fabric. Parting my sensitive flesh he glides his fingers down and around applying pressure to all the right spots. His hot, heavy breath on my neck and hard cock in my hand fuels the excitement, the raw passion passing between us. My hand moves up and down in sync with his fingers, twisting and stroking at a steady pace. He is shaking, or is that me? 

“Oh, do that again. Fast … faster.” He slows down, almost stopping. I protest and grind his fingers.

“Not yet baby. Not here.” His husky voice whispers to me.

Blaze pulls his hand out, flips me around, scoops me up and carries me to the kitchen sitting me down on the island. Slowly, he slides my shirt off my shoulders taking his sweet time while he teases my skin with the silk then stops at my wrists and ties them together. I have never been this turned on before. Going  for his lips, I bite his bottom lip then tease it with my tongue and nip it again before pulling back denying him a kiss. The silence between us, the unspoken words of passion fill the tiny space between us. His hands locate my hips and make their way up to my waist. Kissing his way down my neck, my pants follow suit and are on the floor, my panties making the quick journey to join them. A sharp nip to my nipple and flick of his tongue send me to new heights of desire. My gasp and moan break the silence. I don’t know how much longer I can take this. I need him inside of me. I want him now.

“So soft, so delicate. I want to break you in Amanda.” His deep, masculine voice releases a flood of moisture between my legs. I struggle to free my hands while he works on the other breast, pulling my bra out of the way and sucks in my hard nipple. Falling back onto my elbows, he leans into me kissing my heaving chest, groping my waist, and licks his way down between my parted legs. I scream out when his tongue fills me. Holding my legs open he moves around my folds with slow deliberate movements. I give up my escape attempt and surrender to the sensual movements of his tongue. Helpless, all I can do is watch his dark hair sway back and forth and enjoy his tender licks and kisses. Noticing my eyes on him, he slides his tongue deep in me twisting and pulsing back and forth. Waves and swells of pleasure overcome me and my hips slow grind his tongue until the last sweet ripple comes to an end. 

Standing up in a rush Blaze unzips his pants. Pulling down his jeans with one hand, he wrestles them off with his feet while he unties me. His fevered lips begin their new journey above my bellybutton and with a slow deliberate pace moves up stopping only to plant light kisses on my skin and continue their journey upward. Pulling the other bra strap down with his teeth, he draws in my breast kneading with his lips while he flicks my nipple over and over before biting and pulling delicately. The mix of pleasure and pain get me going again and I take hold of his hair and pull him closer. Pulling at his top, he reluctantly stops his erotic nipple play and stands up to let me pull it up and over his head. Leaning into him, I nip at his shoulder gently grazing my teeth on his hot skin causing him to shudder and whisper something inaudible. Scooting to the edge of the island I wrap my legs around him and pull him closer planting hurried kisses all over his chest. Reaching down, I grab hold of him and stroke his hard cock. I want to drive him crazy. I want to hear him groan. I want Blaze to fuck me until I pass out. I never wanted anything as much as I want this. I never wanted anyone as much as I wanted him. My fingers rotate around his tip applying gentle pressure and then stroking downward. Watching his eyes roll back and his body jerk with pleasure gets me hot and excited all over again. I spread my legs apart and scoot closer guiding his cock closer to my opening. So close, so exciting. I stop, slowly lifting my half lidded gaze up to his face. True desire, raw and pure exchanged in a glance.

Pulling my hips off of the wood, Blaze is stopped when I grab onto the edge with a steel grip. I won’t let him take me away from here. I want him here and now.

“Right here Blaze,” my words come out in uneven pants. “I need you.” I tighten my grip and attempt to pull myself back onto the flat surface.

A wild cry escapes me as he slams his cock into me. Firm grip on my hips, he pulls me up and slams me down onto him. Another uncontrolled cry, this time packed with excitement as he fills me to the hilt. His intense eyes focus on mine capturing me, holding me hostage while he fucks me. Fighting the urge to close my eyes, I maintain my grip on the wooden island top and push into him matching his speed, eyes still focused on him. This time Blaze cries out and picks up speed. Pushing me back onto my elbows, he pulls me closer, his arm wraps around my waist and pull me up. Draping my arms around his neck, my fingers tangle in his hair, and legs straddle him. I bury my face in his muscular shoulder blade. Blaze slows down but doesn’t break the rhythm or pressure. Blaze Lifts me up and pulls me down, filling me with his cock, fucking me, pleasuring me. When he whispers something to me it sends me over the edge. Picking up speed, he joins me seconds later tightening his grip on me as he staggers backwards onto a wall. When the last orgasmic spasm subsides, he walks into the bedroom still holding me. Laying me down on his bed, he slides under the covers and pulls me onto his chest kissing my hair.
© Copyright 2012 Lana (lana18 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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